Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!
What a busy week in school with lots of extra curricular opportunities for our children! On Monday, we welcomed Barnsley Youth Choir into school to do some workshops with our children. I was so proud of all of the children, particular as our special visitors commented on what fantastic and well behaved children we had in school! On Thursday, our Year 3 children took part in a really important Fire Safety workshop while the whole school showed their support for World Mental Health Day by wearing yellow! What a fantastic week in school.
As part of our Harvest Festival celebrations we would like to invite families to make donations of any food items (tins, packets, jars, pasta, flour, sugar etc) towards the Salvation Army in Hoyland. These can be brought in on the day of the festival or before if you would prefer. Donations can be taken into class beforehand or on the day we will leave tables/boxes in the school reception. Many thanks for your support with this.
Sadly, our Chair of Governors, Lesley Kirk, has decided to resign from her post. We would like to thank her for the incredibly time and support she has provided to the school as a Governor and wish her the very best for the future. Thank you for all of your help and support!
This week we have emailed parents about parent vacancies we have on our local governing body. If you are interested in this role, supporting the school in its strategic direction, please contact Ellie Laight at ellie.laight@hcacademytrust.education to find out more information or come and have a chat with Miss Marsh.
We have a growing number of children wearing wellies to school and keeping them on all day. In snowy or very wet weather, children may need to wear wellies to school, however please ensure they have school schools to change into. Our school uniform policy is that black shoes or black trainers be worn. Black ankle boots which are flat are also ok to wear. Thank you for your support with this.
Please can we remind all parents that parking is not permitted in the school car park without permission or across the entrance to the school car park. The car park must be accessible to emergency vehicles at all times. Many of our children cross the road at the entrance of the school car park. This gets particularly busy at home time and we need to reduce the number of vehicles coming in and out at this time. Can we ask all parents who need to drive to please park sensibly on the roads near to school but keep the car park and entrance clear. Many thanks for your support with this.
A reminder that it is school photo day on Monday 21st October. Remember to bring your best smile!
Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.
Last Week's Attendance:
F1 AM (including 30 hrs) 96.7%
F2: 96.2%
Year 1: 88.9%
Year 2: 97.8%
Year 3: 96.8%
Year 4: 93.2%
Year 5: 98.1%
Year 6: 79.4%
Congratulations to this week's winners,
Year 5!
Thur 17th Oct - Year 4 Ramp It Up Scooter Session
Thur 17th Oct - Harvest Festival F2 – Y3 in school 9:15am (Parents invited)
Mon 21st Oct - School Photos Day
Tue 22nd Oct - Halloween Craft Session
Thur 24th Oct - Halloween fancy dress and disco
Fri 25th Oct - INSET DAY
Mon 4th Nov - Return to school
Wc Mon 11th Nov - Anti-bullying week