World TB Day March 24, 2024

March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day. Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the oldest, deadliest pandemics. It’s also the leading cause of death among people living with HIV (PLHIV) who are at 20 times higher risk for developing TB. HIV and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) are a particularly deadly combination. Even with early diagnosis and treatment, PLHIV with MDR-TB are more likely to die.

But we know how to end these pandemics.

To help increase awareness and resources this World TB Day, the Global AIDS Policy Partnership has prepared the following social media toolkit for use by members.


  • Read our two new World TB Day blogs and amplify them on social media
  • Use the other images and copy provided below to create a post on your preferred social media platform
  • We encourage you to post on the days leading up to, during, and immediately after World TB Day
  • Use relevant hashtags, including #WorldTBDay #EndTB
  • Please tag @GAPPDC so that we can track the conversation

Read our two new World TB Day Blogs

We are sharing two very personal stories on World TB Day. First is Maggy's:

  • Amplify using the image to the left
  • Suggested copy: As a survivor of #Tuberculosis, Maggy wants you to know that the push to #EndTB by 2030 isn't just a goal — it's a necessity. Read her #WorldTBDay interview :

For most of his life, GAPP co-chair, Suraj Madoori didn't even realize he had a personal connection to TB - his own father.

Amplify the story by:

  • Using the image to the right
  • Suggested copy: GAPP co-chair, @Srj_Madoori can easily imagine what his father's childhood TB experience in rural India was like. In many cases, it's the exact same today. That needs to change! Read Suraj's story: #WorldTBDay

Here are some additional tools for World TB Day outreach

Copy: #Tuberculosis is one of the oldest, deadliest pandemics. But we know how to end it. On #WorldTBDay we must commit to #EndTB.
Copy: U.S. leadership helps develop effective solutions, expand treatment access and increases attention & investment on #Tuberculosis from other countries. On #WorldTBDay, we call on the U.S. government to recommit to #EndTB
Copy: People living with HIV are at 20 times higher risk for developing tuberculosis. Even with early diagnosis & treatment, PLHIV who have multi-drug resistant TB are far more likely to die. It's time to #EndTB. #WorldTBDay
Copy: For too long, we've been fighting #TB with the same outdated tools: ineffective vaccines & long, toxic courses of treatment. Newer, safer regimens are either already available or on the horizon. But, we need the resources to roll them out & scale them up. #WorldTBDay #EndTB
COPY: DYK that the current TB vaccine is 100 years old?! Thankfully, 5 candidate vaccines are in late-stage clinical trials. But increased investment is required to get them developed & deployed this decade, which is essential to achieving the 2030 goal to #EndTB. #WorldTBDay