Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum
The Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our pupils, who come from diverse backgrounds in a in Cardiff East, the capital city of Wales. The Four Purposes are at the heart of the Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum. Although these are long term purposes, they require daily attention in order to be realized.
The Welsh language and its historical development are central to our vision, as we guide pupils who are proud of our civic heritage in our capital city. Purposeful integration of our curriculum areas ensures that Bro Edern Cluster pupils benefit from the breadth of the curriculum while focusing on What Matters.
The people studied in the Bro Edern Cluster Curriculum are a diverse cross section and include role models who are inspirational to the whole range of pupils in the cluster. Growing up in a multicultural city where cohabitation and harmony are a key part of daily life, fostering tolerance and respect in our pupils is essential.
Encouraging ambition in our pupils means developing strong skills and strategies to enable them to face success and failure. Perseverance and resilience are key as part of the growth mind-set fostered in our pupils. Sound knowledge that provides the foundation for cluster pupils to benefit from skills and experiences that can be transferred to a variety of contexts today, and in the future.
Cluster schools have the ability to transform the lives of our pupils. This is where they gain the knowledge, skills and experiences that will enrich the rest of their lives. The roots and wings in the Cluster logo encapsulate this.
Unit 1
Our School!
Coming to school is an important event in a child's life. The aim of this unit is to familiarize the pupils with the school. They will need to learn the routine of the day at school, get to know the school staff and understand who can help them. The pupils will learn about the school rules and develop positive relationships with new friends.
What is special about our school?
Unit Content:
Understand the routine of the day at school and familiarize yourself with the areas of the school.
Discuss who helps them at school and learn the names of school staff who are relevant to them.
Learning the rules of the class and the golden rules of the school.
Learning and responding to familiar greetings.
Respond to their name when calling the register.
Develop positive relationships with new friends and learn how to be a good friend.
Class Safety.
Unit 2
Our pupils live in a wide variety of homes e.g. flats, terraced houses and detached houses etc.
The aim of this unit is to learn about their homes. The pupils will learn about different rooms in their homes and learn relevant vocabulary. At the end of this unit they will have experience of designing, creating and evaluating their model of their home.
What makes a home?
Unit Content:
Learn about various homes.
Describe their home.
Identify and name various rooms in the home.
Learning relevant vocabulary through role play experiences.
Listen to and discuss the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'.
Design and create a model of the The Three Little Pigs home.
Discuss traditions in homes at Christmas time.
Unit 3
I grow and change!
Growing is an integral part of our lives. The aim of this unit is for the pupils to learn about their bodies and the changes that happen to their bodies as they grow. The pupils will learn relevant words, life milestones and know how to keep their bodies physically healthy.
How do I grow?
Unit Content:
Compare how they are now to them as a baby. Invite a parent with a baby in to class.
Understand that they grow and that changes happen to the body as they grow. Measure their bodies and compare with their peers.
Identify and name parts of the face/body in Welsh.
Keeping the body healthy: exercise, mindfulness
What are the milestones of development in life? For example - crawling, walking, riding a bike, running.
Discuss their birthdays and ages. Learn what month their birthday is in and how we celebrate.
What careers would the children like to do when they grow up?
People who we will be studying during this half term:
Siani Rhys-James
Unit 4
Come Celebrate!
The Welsh Government has a target of one million Welsh speakers by the year 2050. As we celebrate our national patron saint's day during this period, this is a golden opportunity to raise their awareness of Welshness and promote their pride in the Welsh language. In addition to this, this will be an opportunity for the pupils to learn about various celebrations in other religions in our community.
What is celebrating?
Unit Content:
Discuss the different types of things we celebrate for example successes and special days.
Celebrate their Welshness by learning about St David's Day and the characters Seren and Sbarc. What is special about being Welsh?
Learn about other celebrations that take place during half term in other religions that are celebrated locally - Holi/Pesach/Ramadan and EID/Easter.
Create and organise a party by writing invitations and organising food, costumes, dances and party games.
Unit 5
The Amazing Garden!
The world around us is full of living things. In this unit we will learn about those living things in the garden and how they depend on each other to survive. There will be an opportunity to learn about the cycle of life. Pupils' curiosity should be nurtured to discover the natural world and learn the names of the creatures, flowers and foods in the garden.
What lives around us?
How can we attract nature?
Unit Content:
Learn the names of wildflowers and plants.
Research into the school's current natural world or a particular area, for example through a bug hunt or foraging.
Learn about the various habitats of the insects.
Learning about planting through the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Learning about the life cycle of the butterfly and the frog.
Flower pollination - the importance of bees, and the bee hive.
A project to attract nature, for example building an insect hotel or grow a flower garden.
Unit 6
To infinity and beyond !
The aim of this unit is to spark the pupils' curiosity to go on an adventure. You can learn about other countries, travel back in time or arrange a trip. It is important to inquire, explore and investigate the world, its past, present and future.
Where will we go on an adventure?
What does it take to become a successful adventurer?
Unit Content:
Learn about various adventures.
Plan an adventure, select things to take with them, create lists, pack a bag.
Go on an adventure and find information about the chosen place.
Learn about web safety.