Movement Is Knowledge How does engaging in new modalities of MOVEMENT EDUCATE students on their physical capacities and evolve their relationship with their bodies

We often take our relationship with our body for granted. We pursue knowledge in many academic and social areas, but we rarely do the same for our bodies and the way we move. This project will explore five different modalities of movement, including (but not limited to) CrossFit/Olympic Lifting, Acrobatics/Gymnastics, MMA, Climbing, and Yoga/Recovery Skills. Each day will tackle one of these modalities in depth through physical practice as well as theoretical discussion. We will most likely leave campus each day to learn from an expert in each type of activity. Each day will also conclude with a group debrief and a short reflection activity.

Day 1: CrossFit & Olympic Lifting

Monday we started off strong and headed to "Juggernaut Fitness" to learn about CrossFit and olympic lifting with Dr. Ferrer of Plymouth State. Dr. Ferrer started with a lecture about the foundation movements, methodology, and core principles of CrossFit. Then, the students practiced the different foundational movements, and completed a short workout before lunch. Then after lunch the real workout began with the students completing a 16 minute AMRAP workout involving the assault bike, the rower, some burpees, a kettlebell, and some rings. Upon completion of the workout, we had a short lesson about the gymnastics portion of CrossFit regarding muscle ups and kipping. The last part of the day was Olympic Lifting, where the students learned how to clean, jerk, and snatch. Dr. Ferrer ended with a Q&A session for any remaining questions. Students are looking forward to a recovery day in the pool tomorrow!

Day 2: Burdenko Method with Tony

To start off Day 2 we hopped into the pool with our floaties. Then Tony explained the Principles of The Burdenko movements, as the boys started off in the pool to practice sprinting, bicycles, core stability, and breast stroke, and the girls switched between the hot tub and the sauna room for some recovery. Mr. Brummett and Mrs P rewarded us with Dunkin' on the way back to campus for our focus and effort throughout our time at Waterville Valley. Next, we met in the Wellness Center and translated what we learned in the water onto land with Tony. After lunch we began with stretching and coordination to prep our body for the workout to come. In the session, we worked on a combination of balance, speed, and strength gradually building up from moving slowly, to medium, and finishing moving fast. We ended the day with a cool down by stretching our Hip Flexors and Hamstrings using a band as well as just using our bodyweight. Overall, today was a challenging, insightful, and productive day as we look ahead to our next challenge tomorrow in the MMA gym!

Day 3: MMA & BJJ

Today we headed to Tokyo Joe Studios in Hookset NH to learn MMA and everything that comes with it. Some of the things we practiced were the fundamentals of striking, self defense, as well as applying what we learned and practicing our takedowns with a partner. We started by working on the punching bags with different technique and combo's including punching, elbows, kicking, and kneeing. We ended with 1v1's as well as a student beating one of the pro's. We headed to Lunch at 99 and worked on socializing and building chemistry with each other through having no technology over our meals. Our last session was about 75 minutes where we were on the ground the whole time working on Brazilian Jujitsu self defense and pining our opponent in different ways. In Conclusion, today was a tiring yet exciting day as we learned skills we can take with is in life if needed (hopefully we won't), and most importantly we had fun doing it!

Day 4: Rock Climbing

Today we took a trip and went rock climbing in Concord at NH Climbing and Fitness. Mark taught us the mechanics and safety of belaying. We learned how to tie in using a figure 8 knot and how to properly use a carabiner. At first we started off on the smaller walls progressing our way up to doing the bigger walls for those who wanted to try. Then we went to grab lunch at a Barbecue place and fuel our tanks for another hour of climbing in the afternoon. When we arrived back we strapped up our harnesses to climb up the bouldering and freestyle walls at our own pace. Today was a challenging day as we were all sore, but we persevered through to another successful day of movement.

Day 5: Yoga, Hand Balancing, & Recovery Skills

On our last day of movement, we stayed on campus and headed to the Weight room and Yoga room for an action packed Friday. We started off learning about different recovery styles from Ms. P such as cupping and scraping, as well as using a wrap around roller on our lower body. Then we headed upstairs and did a light 30 minute yoga session. After yoga we broke off and went to get lunch to energize for the afternoon. We met up with the group again in the Yoga studio after lunch and learned the mechanics of progressing to a hand stand lead by Mr. Brummett. We finished off with a 30 minute full body pilates workout led virtually by coach Vigue. Overall, today was a relaxing day of cooling down from our intense week of movement!