Mentoring as Learning

In our research we were particularly interested in what actions mentors and colleagues took that new teachers found most helpful in supporting their growth. I’ve mapped our learning to the 3 Cs below.



  • Ongoing formal and informal support
  • Sharing resources


  • Fostering collaboration with beginning teachers, mentors, colleagues (building a mentoring web)


  • Classroom observation(s) and debriefing
  • Ongoing feedback


Professional Learning Resources for Mentors

Mentor Reflections – Learning from Mentoring

One of the most powerful potential outcomes of intentionally sharing knowledge and practice is the learning of mentors themselves. Here are the powerful insights that mentors have shared about the reciprocal learning they engage in with beginning teachers.

Increases Reflection on Current Practice

  • Mentoring has opened me up to the possibility of growth and to the potential of new ideas…. this has helped me become more reflective about my own practice.

Fosters Inspirational Connections with Colleagues

  • Mentoring has improved my relationships with other teachers (not just new teachers). I’ve become more aware of the value of colleagues, and more encouraged to share.

Impacts Teaching Practice and Learning of Students

  • Learning about the importance of listening and coaching didn’t just help me support beginning teachers, it helped me become a better mentor for my students!

More Reflections from and for Mentors

Associate Teaching as Learning