Dear parents/guardians,
It has been one of those weeks in school where you finish on real-high reflecting on all of the excellent work that has been happening around the school. Despite the fact that we have entered May, the weather isn't yet playing ball but it hasn't stopped us having some fun!
School Visit
A big part of our improvement journey has been our willingness to share teaching and learning, reflect upon feedback and improve our provision. On Wednesday, we welcomed three teachers from Cleddau Reach School to observe learning outdoors. Pupils in year six impressed our visitors sharing their learning about the Simpson Index of biodiversity. Needless to say they were blow away by our amazing outdoor learning provision!
Llangrannog Visit!
It has been a special time of year for year five who have been on their residential to the Llangrannog URDD Centre. They have had a wonderful time and represented the school impeccably in all areas.
Sports Day Update!
We are planning something new for sports day this year. We are going to begin our morning with a carousel of activities so that all pupils are involved in a non-competitive event at the beginning of the morning. During the carousel of activities, pupils will be organised in their houses and into mixed age, mixed sporting ability teams and they will be competing to win points for their houses. So that we have enough space for all activities, we are going to have two tracks marked on the school field. There will be an area marked in the middle of the school field for parents to follow pupils.
After the carousel, pupils will transition to sit on the tarmac and we will begin some of our more traditional races. As this is going to be a new arrangement, we have made a best estimate of timings. The years three, four, five and six sports day is going culminate with a 'marathon race' and the final of the tug of war.
Lunches: After discussions with the catering team it has been suggested that on this day only, we offer all pupils a school packed lunch instead of the standard chips and pizza. We are going to do this so that if our timings don't work out, there is not a problem with keeping food warm from a food hygiene point of view. As well as this, we thought that it might be nicer for pupils to eat a cold lunch if they are hot after competing in events all morning.
- Early years, year one, year two and LRC1 will begin at 9:20
- Years three, four, five and six will begin at 10:30
Refreshments: Our Friends of the School are going to be selling hot drinks and bacon baps on the tarmac strip near the entrance gate. Please note that these are for adults only and we will not allow hot drinks in the area where pupils are sitting.
Best wishes,
Mr. Williams.
Summer Term - More Dates will be added to this list!
- Tuesday 9th April - First day of the summer term.
- Wednesday 1st May - Friday 3rd May. Year Five Llangrannog trip.
- Sunday 12th May - Rugby Team Finals in Aberystwyth.
- Friday 17th May - Sports Day. We are planning to hold sports day in May this year for a number of reasons. The weather is often settled in May and we often have a backlog of events towards the end of the term.
- Friday 24th May - Summer Fate! All classes will have been completing an enterprise topic for the summer term.
- HALF-TERM - Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May.
- Tuesday 4th June - Friday 7th June. Year Six Glan Llyn residential.
- Week beginning -8th July - End of year performances. These will be held after school to support working families.
- Week beginning 15th July - Reports out.
- Week beginning 15th July - Year Six Leavers ceremony and party.
- Thursday 18th July- Last Day of School.
Attendance Reminder
Well done to Year Five who achieved 98.5% attendance this week. You are our best class this week.
Don't forget the really useful guidance provided by the NHS: Is my child too ill for school?
This will help you make a decision about whether to keep a child off school or send them in. Please remember that minor coughs and colds should not prevent a child from coming into school.
This time of year is really exciting and busy. If children miss school they are not only missing learning, but often will miss lots of our special events and activities, which makes them feel left out.