Chimes March 2024

In this issue

  • Message from Rev. Lisa - An Invitation to Holy Week
  • Holy Week & Easter Schedule
  • Easter Flowers & Music - Deadline is Wednesday, March 20
  • Register for Vacation Bible School - Compassion Camp!
  • Mission Trip this Summer to Lawrence, MA
  • Join Us in Nurturing the Faith of Our Youth
  • Dreams Workshop
  • Coming Soon - Mark Your Calendars for these Coming Events
  • Recipe of the Month: St. John's Choir Frittata

An Invitation to Holy Week

We are preparing for Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem for what would be the last time. I pray that you say yes to the invitation to follow Him as he makes his way to the temple, the upper room, the garden, the cross, and the empty tomb. I promise you that if you actively engage in this journey you will deeply experience a God who both intimately understands deep, horrific suffering and death, and the God who promises to make all things new through the gift of the empty tomb and the resurrected Christ. I pray that making this journey empowers you to embrace God's promise of new life repeatedly, as we put one foot in front of the other, each and every day of our lives.

Peace and love,


Sunday, March 24 - Palm Sunday
  • 8:00 am - Holy Eucharist & Palm Procession
  • 9:00 am - Morning Prayer (outdoors)
  • 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist & Palm Procession
March 25-27 - Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
  • 7:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II
Thursday, March 28 - Maundy Thursday
  • 6:00 pm Agape Meal, followed by the Maundy Thursday Liturgy with Choir, Foot Washing, and Holy Eucharist
  • Click here for the Signup Genius for the Agape Dinner, then come and join us!
Friday, March 29 - Good Friday
  • 12:00 noon - Good Friday liturgy with Choir and reading of the Passion, followed by Living Stations of the Cross
  • 3:00 pm - Bells toll 33 times
Sunday, March 31 - Easter Sunday
  • 6:30 am - Larchmont Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service at Manor Park
  • 9:00 am - Holy Eucharist with Flowering of the Cross and Music for Choir, Organ and Trumpet
  • 10:00 am - Easter Egg Hunt
  • 11:00 am - Holy Eucharist with Music for Choir, Organ and Trumpet

Easter Egg Hunt

On Easter morning, please join us on the back lawn for an Easter Egg Hunt. Newborns - 3-year-olds will hunt for Easter Eggs in the playground area, while children 4 years old and older will use the entire back lawn!

All children are invited to come with their families and participate.

We need a couple of people to help set up the Easter Egg Hunt at 9:15am on Easter Sunday. Please click here to sign up to lend a hand to help continue this fun tradition!

Easter Flowers & Music

Deadline: Wednesday, March 20

The beautiful flowers which adorn St. John’s Church at Easter and the special celebratory music for trumpet, choir, and organ are offered to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ and to glorify God. We invite you to remember your family, friends, and other loved ones with a donation towards our Easter flowers and music. Dedications may be given in memory of or in thanksgiving for a family member, friend, or any blessing. The suggested donation is $50.

Flower dedications received by Wednesday, March 20 will be included in the Easter Sunday bulletin.

How to contribute to St. John’s Easter flowers:

  1. Go online and pay via PayPal. Click here to donate Easter Flowers online using PayPal, OR
  2. Click here to download the paper order form. Send the completed form and a check to the parish office. Please make your check payable to St. John’s Church and note “Easter Flowers & Music” on the memo line.

Thank you!

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Join us in nurturing the faith of our youth!

Think about the adults you remember who helped you learn your faith. How did their commitment to walking with you affect you? You can also make a difference in the faith life of our youth.

St. John’s seeks volunteers for our Sunday morning program and afternoon youth groups for the 2024-2025 formation year. We are committed to spreading the gospel message to the youth in our community, and we need your help to fulfill this mission. Our goal for the upcoming year is to work in teams for our programs.

Consistency is key in any formation program! Establishing consistent relationships between adults and youth fosters trust, openness, and exploration. Teaching teams allow for seamless transitions and encourage collaboration, cooperation, tag-teaming and community building.

Consider lending your time and talents to one of our programs. While anyone can volunteer, we especially encourage adults in our community without children in the program to consider this ministry. It's essential for our youth to see adults in our community as wise figures of faith alongside their parents.

What do you need?

  • Desire
  • Love for young people
  • Your own faith

What will you receive?

  • Curriculum
  • Training
  • Support

Here's how you can get involved:

  • TEACHER: We are building teaching teams to share the load! Make a full-year commitment and attend one training day. Our classes meet approximately three Sundays a month, excluding holidays. Our Sunday morning programs include Godly Play (ages 3 to 2nd grade) and Explorers (grades 3-5).
  • TEACHER AIDE: Assist with classes by being the second or third person in the room. No responsibility for teaching, but crucial for our programs to run smoothly.
  • YOUTH GROUP LEADER: Lead, develop, and support our youth ministry with older teens during Sunday evenings. This role offers a unique opportunity to create a program focused on inclusivity, justice, and providing a safe space for discussing lived faith.
  • YOUTH GROUP AIDE: Help during Youth Group sessions on Sunday afternoons or evenings.
  • SUBSTITUTE: Be ready to step in if one of our teachers or aides is unable to attend due to an emergency.

Pray about it and see if God is inviting you to use your time and talents with our young people, who are the future leaders of our planet. For questions or to sign up, please email Lori Wilson.

Reminder: Registration for Vacation Bible School - Compassion Camp! 🌟

Secure your spot today! Join us for an incredible summer adventure! For toddlers to kindergarteners, we're kicking off from June 17-21, 2024, 9:00 AM to Noon. And for 1st to 5th graders, mark your calendars for July 15-19, 2024, running from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Expect a week filled with prayer, play, dynamic activities, compassion in action, music, and exciting surprises your little ones won't want to miss! Fee is just $250, covering program costs, staff, and a T-shirt. Don't forget to pack your child's morning snack and lunch. Click here to register.

Calling all volunteers, high school and older – make this summer extraordinary with us! Reach out to Lori Wilson to get involved and be part of the fun. Don't miss out – it's going to be an unforgettable journey!

Reminder: Mission Trip this Summer!

🌟 Join us for what could be a life-changing Mission Trip to Lawrence, MA, from August 6-8, 2024. Let's tackle poverty head-on and spread compassion in a community where 1 in 5 faces hardship. 🤲

🎒 Dive into meaningful work at a shelter, food pantry, and soup kitchen, opening our hearts to new perspectives. Together, let's be part of a movement showing love and importance to those in need. 💖

🚀 Don't miss out! If you will be in 9th grade by August 2024 or older, click here to register. Let's be #ChangeMaker #MissionTrip2024 #SpreadLove #SummerAdventure

Dreams: God's Forgotten Language

Let's explore in Eastertide

Eastertide is a time to discover a new way God may speak to you. John Sanford once said, “Dreams are God’s forgotten language.” God called Samuel in a dream and spoke to Joseph in a dream. The significance of dreams can be a gateway to understanding the deeper dimensions of our lives and faith.

While exploring your dreams, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into the rich symbolism and hidden messages within your dreams. This group will be led by Lori Wilson. Lori is an experienced Spiritual Director who is well-educated and practiced in dream exploration and honors the sacred nature of this process. Together, we will uncover the wisdom and guidance that God may be offering through dreams, enriching the spiritual journey and deepening our connection to God.

Whether you’re a seasoned dreamer or new to dream exploration, everyone is welcome to participate in our inclusive and supportive community. Join us at St. John’s and discover the transformative power of God’s forgotten language!

Dream Exploration Sessions: Sundays, April 7, 14, 21, and May 5 from 11 AM - 12 PM in the Living Room

Email Lori Wilson to sign up. Open to 6 participants.

Mark Your Calendars

Saturday, March 23 at 9:30am- Making Palm Crosses

Join the Altar Guild in the Parish Hall at 9:30am, as we make Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday services. All are welcome - find out more about the Altar Guild while you're there. We always welcome new members!

Saturday, April 1 - ECW Outreach Grant Application Deadline

ECW Outreach Grants Program: Accepting Applications, Deadline April 1, 2023

Each year the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) Outreach Grants Program gives support to organizations that help women and children in need. All applications are due April 1, 2024. We would like grant applicants to propose small, specific programs or projects that support our mission helping under-served women and children in our local region. If you are familiar with a local charity that you would like to recommend for a grant application, please let us know. Applications require a current IRS Form 990, the accounting year closing statement, a list of voting and non-voting board members, and the organization's certificate of incorporation as a 501(c)(3). Click here for a list of current grant recipients. 

If you would like additional information, please get in touch with Trisha Patterson or Lila Bankston.

Saturday, April 6 - Welcome Gathering at the Rental Rectory

Rev. Lisa & Kirk Mason are hosting a welcome gathering for new or "newish" members of the St. John's community. Come get connected -- or reconnected -- with others in the parish. Everyone is welcome!

Sunday, April 28 - Bishop's Visit to St. John's

Confirmation, Receptions, and Reaffirmations

The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool is coming to St. John’s on Sunday, April 28th. If you are interested in being confirmed, reaffirmed, or received, please contact me. The descriptions of these three important sacramental milestones can be found on pages 418-419 of the Book of Common Prayer. Please do not hesitate to reach to me for more information or with questions, at 210-854-4811. I will also want to set up a time to meet for a conversation before the visit.


Fun times with the staff!

This month's recipes come to us from Robin Ingram, as published in What's Cooking at Fountain Square Past & Present: St. John's Church 1891 - 2007.

St. John's Choir Frittata


  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 12 oz. red-skinned potatoes, cut into 1/2" cubes
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1-11 to 12 oz. jar medium hot salsa
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
  • 1/4 C. shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (1 oz.)
  • 12 cherry tomatoes

"Preheat oven to 425°. In 10" cast iron frypan heat olive oil, add potatoes and cook, covered, until potatoes are tender and golden brown, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. In medium bowl with wire whisk or fork, beat eggs with 1/4 cup salsa, salt and pepper. Stir in the cheese, set aside. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, push the potatoes to the sides of the fry pan and place the tomatoes, cut side down, in the center of the frypan. Gently cover the tomatoes with the potatoes. Gently pour the egg mixture into the skillet and cook over medium heat, covered, 3 minutes or so until the egg mixture begins to set around the edge. Remove the lid and place the pan in the oven, baking 4 to 6 more minutes until the frittata is set. To serve, flip the frittata onto a serving platter. Serves 4 to 6.

The original recipe came from Good Housekeeping magazine several years ago. The choir loves to eat this frittata on Christmas Eve and Easter morning between services."

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Have a recipe to share? Join the fun and send it to Yours just might be the next Recipe of the Month!

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Likewise, your photos and news from your ministries are always welcome. Please forward your submissions to Let your ministry's light shine through Chimes!