Welcome to Magnolia room "perhaps a great future leader or a great genius is with us and his power will come from the power of the child he is today. this is the vision that we must have." Dr. Maria montrssori.

Hello Magnolia Families this is your biweekly scribbles. Hope you will enjoy reading it.

Practical Life

Watering a plant

Materials : Watering can, a plant. This Practical life work helps a child to develop his or her OCCI. (Order, concentration, coordination, Independent). Also the child learns to water a plant and take care of the environment.

Spooning (Easter activities)

Materials : Two bowls, plastic eggs, an appropriate sized spoon, tray. Direct aim of this work is OCCI. Also child learns to use a spoon.


Materials : One set of tongs, a container, Egg holder, plastic eggs, a tray. The aim of this work is OCCI. Also develops the fine muscle coordination while using tongs.


Pink Tower and Brown stair (Extensions)

Here the child combines the pink tower with the brown stair in meaningful patterns. Using this work the child develops the visual discrimination of size and width, develops the concentration and independence, develops the sensory motor control and develops the child's creativity.


Multiplication with the bank - static

Materials : Nine tray of Golden bead materials, one set of large numeral cards and three sets of small numeral cards. Here the child works with this math work to develop the concept of multiplication. To understand the visual representation of the meaning of multiplication. To learn the mathematical terms of times, multiplicand, multiplier and product.

Multiplication with the stamps - static

Materials : Stamp game, a prepared piece of paper and a pencil. The direct aims of this math work also the same as above work multiplication with the bank.

Hanging bead stair

Materials : A set of colored bead bars, nine ten bars, a hanging frame. Working with this math work the child develops a concrete impression of the teens and learns to associate quantity and symbol in making double or complex numbers. Also this helps to prepare the child to work with teen and ten boards.


Vowel contrasting

Materials : Red and yellow group sandpaper vowels (a and i). A variety of objects that have a and i in the middle. The aim of this work is to refine the auditory sense and to discriminate sounds in the middle position of a word. Also prepares for reading.

Matching picture to picture

Materials : Small individual cards containing the two same pictures. This pre language work helps the child to develop the visual discrimination and oral language.


Botany : The plant : Parts of the plant

Materials : Plant nomenclature cards. Here the child learns the names of the parts of the plant. Also this helps for development of an appreciation for plants.


The puzzle maps - South America

Materials : The puzzle map of South America. Learning with the puzzle map the child develops the visual recognition of the forms of the political divisions of the countries within the continent. Also learns the connection between globe and flat maps.


Here the child is creating spring flowers on a paper using paint and a fork.

The earth and the sun (celebration of life)

Lena celebrated her birthday on 5th of April. She walked around the sun for three times as she celebrated her third birthday. We wish her a beautiful year to come. Her parents and her sister Luna were presented and parents were telling the Lena's life story. We thank them for participating the celebration. Happy Birthday Lena.

Arzoyi celebrated her fourth birthday walking around the sun. Her parents were explaining her life and accomplishments. We thank them for making their child's celebration meaningful and memorable event. Happy Birthday Arzoyi.

Science presentation

The Cranbrook Institute of Science gave us a presentation with a focus on "matter and energy". All students and adults had an opportunity to participate in activities conducted by them. This gave the students insight into the world of science and experiments.

Best wishes. Mrs. Wasala.