The Eagle Weekly 2.25.24

February 25, 2024

The Week Ahead

Around East Lately

Students in Spanish 1 quiz each other with flash cards they made.
Spirit Week Fun
We held a dance and pep assembly the day before Mid-Winter Break last week
MSE Artists have been hard at work!!
Girls basketball season is underway!!

Eagle of the Week!

We have two Eagle of the Weeks this week (with the short week last week and no Eagle Weekly)

Congrats to Mason H who was nominated as an Eagle of the Week by Mr. Dropps who said "Mason ALWAYS puts forth 100% effort in all class activities. Mason is prepared for class each day and each day in class he works to his maximum potential. Simple daily tasks like doing stretches and exercises that often times students put little effort towards, Mason takes seriously and works hard at. Mason earned Gold Level status in our fitness testing this fall and I expect he will do the same this spring. Whether it is on the court, on the field or on the mat, Mason will give you his all and that is why I know that Mason will be a success in whatever he sets his mind to. Congratulations Mason and keep working hard!!" 

Khloe F. was nominated as an Eagle of the Week by Mr. Kosi who said "Khloe is an amazing musician who works relentlessly to maximize her potential. She has an incredible work ethic and demonstrates responsibility by learning her parts independently so that she can be a leader in the classroom. Khloe participates in every outside opportunity and represents East with pride and skill. She earned a scholarship and went to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp over the summer, she participated in DSO Honors Band last year and was selected this year as well and she recently earned two first division medals at solo ensemble festival for superior performance. Khloe is not just talented and hard-working; she is kind and respectful to everyone at MSE. She is valued and respected by her peers and is always willing to help out. Khloe inspires me to be the best teacher that I can be and I am honored to have her in my classroom!"

Be the Change: Positive Referral Student

Congratulations to our "Be the Change" winners of the week, Jeremiah M. and Anthony J! Your dedication to making a positive impact in our community is truly inspiring. Keep being the change you wish to see in the world!

Save the Date! Conferences!

Our Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Thursday March 14. Kindly save the date and more information and appointment sign ups will be coming through School Messenger!

Introducing: New MSE Parent Community Connection!

We are introducing an exciting new opportunity to get parents involved here at MSE. On February 29 we will host our first brand new Parent Community Connection (PCC) meeting! Consider attending to learn more!

Yearbook Order Forms

MSE Literacy Night

Please save the date for our MSE Literacy Night that will be held on Monday March 18. Please see the information below!

Save the Date: MSE Trinkets and Treasures Sale

Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night

Girl's Basketball

Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools