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Catwg Primary School December 8 2023 - Newsletter

Dear All / Annwyl Bawb,

Mrs Uzzell

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Uzzell will return 'home' to Catwg Primary from Monday, 11th December!

The school would like to thank Mrs Lewis for covering the office wonderfully well over the past few weeks... however, she is delighted to be returning back to the wonderful girls and boys of Year 2 next week!


The school and our EWO (Education Welfare Officer), Mr Simon Jones actively monitor pupil attendance and lateness. Whilst we are delighted with our overall attendance rate, we are concerned about the lateness figures.

The first moments of the school day are extremely important - from locating their names for self-registration and learning about ordering when arriving at Nursery; to well-being activities and reading interventions in Year 2; to comprehension and number skills in Year 6 - the first ten minutes of the day are paramount to the development of pupil skills in all classrooms.

We are fully aware and respectful of individual circumstances, and support parents/carers reaching out where there are difficulties. Similarly, we are conscious of the traffic congestion at drop-off times on the roads surrounding school.

After Christmas, we will be sending letters home to pupils who regularly attend late to raise an awareness of the time missed. We will send these with the best of intentions to ensure all our pupils reach their full potential in school.

Christmas Show Order

Infants - Monday, 11th December - 9.30am, Monday, 11th - 4.30pm (pupils remain in school), Tuesday, 12th December - 1.30pm.

Juniors - Monday, 11th December - 1.30pm, Tuesday, 12th December - 9.30am, Tuesday, 12th December 4.30pm (pupils remain in school).

Christmas Jumpers

Pupils are welcome to wear their Christmas jumpers to school from Monday, 11th December.

If you have any unwanted Christmas jumpers, you are welcome to donate them to school, and we will 'Xmas-ify' our swap rail in time for 11th December!

PTA Supper with Santa


We are all booked in for 'Jack and the Beanstalk' at the Gwyn Hall on Thursday, 11th January. As noted above, any money raised by the PTA will help fund the trip. We will release booking info on ParentPay soon.

We are fully aware of the pressures on families at the moment. We will do all we can do keep costs at a minimum throughout the festive period and beyond!

Wonderful Wild Things!

Pre-School Outdoor Playgroup with Mrs Thomas - please spread the word of this incredible playgroup we are proud to offer!

Contact Mrs Thomas for more information!


Good attendance is vital for a good education!


Friday, 22nd December 2023;

Monday, 19th February 2024,

Friday, 22nd March 2024;

Friday 24th May 2024.

Diolch yn fawr iawn / Thank you,

Mr Gareth Phillips, Headteacher

Our 'Concept' this term is Bravery (Whole School)

Pupil Challenge - can you create a poster to celebrate our concept? The best ones will be shared on our Twitter page!

Twitter - Check out our Twitter page @CatwgPrimary ... it is an amazing page (if we do say so ourselves!!) where you will find loads of pictures and examples of the brilliant work that goes on in school!

Attendance - currently we are at 93.3% Let's work hard to make sure we attend every day! If you are unable to attend school due to illness, make sure the school office are informed at the earliest opportunity.

Safeguarding - If your child is worried or upset about anything - home-based or school-based, they are welcome and advised to speak to a trusted adult within school.

Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) - Mr G Phillips

Deputy DSP - Mr S Parvin

Deputy DSP - Mrs K Stephens

Dates for the diary...

11/12 December - Christmas Shows

14th December - Christmas Dinner

22nd December - INSET Day (3 of 6)

8th January - Pupils return to school

11th January - Panto @ Gwyn Hall, Neath

8th > 19th Jan - Year 6 Swimming

12th > 16th Feb - Half Term

19th February - INSET Day (4 of 6)

22nd March - INSET Day (5 of 6)

24th May - INSET Day (6 of 6)