Welcome back everyone to our final term of this academic year! After a rainy start to the week, we were all glad to see the sun making an appearance on Friday!
Nursery class welcomed some new friends this week, all our Nursery class have been extremely kind and helpful with settling everyone in- such a lovely group of children all keen to be kind 😊 Nursery have been participating in lots of play based activities, they spent the week talking about friendships and being caring to others, it has been lovely to see so much turn taking and new friendships developing in class.
Nursery shared what they had been up to during the Easter Holidays in their journals, drawing pictures and talking about what they had drawn. In P.E., they carried on learning about throwing and catching as well as rolling the ball to their partners.
Reception started their topic by going on a bug hunt around the school grounds when they were minibeast explorers. They came in dressed up for their new role and even the rain couldn't stop them finding different creepy crawlies all over the place!
Reception have also been busy making salt dough minibeasts, minibeast headbands and painting minibeasts on pebbles. They used Just2easy on Hwb to draw minibeasts and listened to facts about minibeasts on Encyclopedia Britannica.