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NC CPA Exam Candidate Bulletin

January 2024

The New Uniform CPA Exam

The new Uniform CPA Exam went live on January 10, 2024. The Exam is a Core + Discipline model. A candidate must pass each of the three Core sections: Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR), and Taxation & Regulation (REG), and one of three Discipline sections: Business Analysis & Reporting (BAR), Information Systems & Controls (ISC), or Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP). Regardless of your chosen discipline, the Core + Discipline model leads to a full CPA license, with the rights and privileges consistent with any other CPA license. The Discipline section selected for testing does not mean you are limited to that practice area.

We encourage you to review the 2024 Uniform CPA Exam Blueprints as part of your Exam preparation. Within the Blueprints, you will find the following information for each Exam section:

  • Content organized by Area, Group, and Topic, along with score weighting,
  • Sample task statements that represent what you may be asked to do when testing,
  • Skill levels at which tasks are tested,
  • Reference materials that support the sample task statements,
  • Number of item types you must complete (multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations), and
  • Score weighting of each item type.

Remember, technology knowledge and skills will be tested in all sections.

Exam Applications

The Board updated the CPA Exam applications in November 2023 to include the Discipline sections; the revised applications are available for download from the Board’s website. Make sure you use an application dated 11-2023 or later when applying for the Exam.

Exam Transition Policy

Reminder: If you carried over credit for AUD, FAR, or REG from the previous Exam, you do not need to take the corresponding new Core section of AUD, FAR, or REG on the 2024 Exam. If you carried over credit for BEC from the previous Exam, you do not need to take a Discipline section (BAR, ISC, or TCP).

If you did not have credit for AUD, FAR, or REG as of December 31, 2023, you must take the corresponding Core section of AUD, FAR, or REG on the 2024 CPA Exam. If you did not have credit for BEC as of December 31, 2023, you must take one of the three Discipline sections on the 2024 Exam.

Credit Relief Initiative

At its November 20, 2023, meeting, the Board approved the implementation of the Credit Relief Initiative (CRI). The CRI reinstates CPA Exam credits that expired between January 30, 2020, and May 11, 2023, the official pandemic period. The Executive Staff is reviewing impacted candidate files and notifying each candidate of their restored section credits. The Board encourages all affected candidates to use this opportunity to complete the CPA Exam.

Credit Extension for Exam Sections Passed as of January 1, 2024

If you are a current North Carolina candidate with unexpired section credits on January 1, 2024, the Board updated those credit expiration dates to June 30, 2025. This extension was automatic; you do not need to take any action. NASBA recently announced that its portal will reflect the new expiration date by the end of January.

Remember, the Board maintains the official records for each NC CPA Exam candidate, from initial CPA Exam application to CPA licensure and beyond. Communications from NASBA, such as score reports, may not reflect changes made at the Board level. Please direct your questions about section credits and score expiration dates to the Board.

30-Month Exam Credit Window

On November 20, 2023, the Board held a public rulemaking hearing to make the 30-month Exam credit window official. If the Office of Administrative Hearings approves the rule, credit awarded by the Board for passing an Exam section will be valid for 30 months from the date the AICPA and NASBA release the passing scores. The proposed rule is expected to be effective May 1, 2024.

Proposed 2024 Exam Testing and Score Release Dates

The new Exam has different testing windows and score release dates for the Discipline sections (BAR, ISC, TCP) and the Core sections (AUD, FAR, REG). Please keep this in mind when applying for the Exam and scheduling your testing appointments through Prometric.

Contact Us

Phyllis Elliott, Exam Specialist | (919) 733-4224

S. Lynne Sanders, CPA, Deputy Director | (919) 733-4222

David R. Nance, CPA, Executive Director | (919) 733-4222

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