At Georgetown assessment is an intrinsic part of teaching and learning to ensure we support individual learners on an ongoing day-to-day basis. We identify, capture and reflect on individual learner progress over time and understand group progress in order to reflect on practice.
The interrelationship between curriculum, assessment and pedagogy is key to supporting learners to make meaningful progress in their learning.
Entry Assessments: On entry assessments are an important first step in the ongoing assessment process. They are vital in helping to develop an understanding of individual learners, including identifying their strengths, areas for improvement and where more focus or support may be needed.
The information gained when assessing a learner on entry to a Georgetown will help practitioners gain an understanding of the capabilities, skills and knowledge in relation to the curriculum and will identify next steps in progression and support the teaching and learning needed to make that progress.
At Georgetown entry assessments take place within six weeks of a child receiving education and are suitable for children of differing ages, abilities, and aptitudes. These arrangements include consideration of: Numeracy and Literacy Skills and Physical, Social and Emotional Development.
The Whole Child
Learner Progress Meetings: Learner progress meetings are held half termly. These meetings are held between the Class Teacher and the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher. Teacher observations, Taith360, learners work, learners journal, reading and spelling assessments are used as a holistic approach to discuss what support, interventions and challenges may be needed in order to raise standards in learner attainment, wellbeing and attitude to learning.
Learner Progress Reviews: At the beginning of each academic term learners set targets for their learning with their class teacher. Targets are made available to learners in their learner journal (digital Google Site) so that targets can be reviewed regularly. If targets are met then new targets will be set accordingly. Targets will be focused upon literacy, numeracy, digital competency and wellbeing.
Parent Reviews: Parent Reviews take place termly via face to face meetings/virtual meetings/telephone calls/written reports. These reviews will focus upon a learners journey, the learners wellbeing and the learners attitude to learning.
Link to reporting to parents/carers. https://express.adobe.com/page/5eENZRnSa7hcL/
The Snapshot
Reading: NGRT tests are used termly to track progress and inform teaching and learning. Learners achieve a reading age and comprehension age and are placed into a red/amber/green category to assist with teaching and learning and help to raise standards in learner attainment.
Spelling: NGST is used termly to track progress and inform teaching and learning. Learners achieve a spelling age and are placed into a red/amber/green category to assist with teaching and learning and help to raise standards in learner attainment.
Mathletics Assessments: These are carried out termly in Years 2-6 to inform teaching and learning for individuals, groups and whole class teaching and intervention.
Personalised Assessments: Literacy and Numeracy Personalised Assessments are completed twice yearly. Numeracy (Procedural), Numeracy (Reasoning) and Reading personalised assessments are available throughout the year for schools to use to support learners to make progress. After learners have completed these assessments, our school has access to feedback on learners’ skills, progress and age-standardised scores to help plan teaching and learning.
PASS Survey: PASS Surveys are completed annually. The PASS survey is a tool that supports learners’ wellbeing in learning and offers practical next steps. PASS focuses on three broad areas – how a pupil feels about themselves, their engagement with the curriculum, and their feelings about school.