calendar updates
September 2: Labor Day - Schools Closed!
September 10: School Bus Evacuations (9:00 am) FYI to parents - if your students ride the bus, we will practice evacuating in the Hebbville bus loops during arrival! 🚌
September 26: PTA Meeting (5:00) & Hispanic Heritage Celebration (6:00)
September 17 & 24: Magnet School Application Office Hours (9:00-10:00) Do you need help applying for magnet schools for the NEXT school year or have questions about the process? Mr. McGee will be available to help!
Notes from Nurse Cannon
Wondering if your student should come to school? Email at 8:00AM for a consult!
BCPS students must be fully immunized by September 16, 2024, to remain in school.
All Students to Receive FREE T-Shirt
Have you heard of BCPS' Parent University?
Talking Points App
Transportation Update
In Baltimore County Public Schools, elementary school students who live 1 mile or further from their zoned school are provided transportation to and from school. Students who live within 1 mile of the school are in the non-transported zone. For these students, or any families who are opting out of BCPS transportation, parents should complete the...
If your student rides a bus, parents should locate the stop most convenient to their home to identify the bus stop for their children. Official bus assignments can be found by accessing the Parent FOCUS Portal. Please also be aware of the 24-25 Student Bus Rider Contract!
Did you know Hebbville is part of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant Program? 🥕
Interested in potential New BCPS Curricula?
Volunteer Training
Any parents/guardians coming into classrooms to volunteer or to chaperone field trips are required to complete BCPS volunteer training.
FYI: Early Dismissal Ends @ 3:30PM!
Contact hebbville:
Student Devices 💻
This school year, students and their parents/caregivers will be financially responsible for intentional damage to or loss of any Chromebook or other devices assigned to the student. As an instructional tool, there is no initial cost for BCPS students to receive a Chromebook or other devices, but students/families will be financially responsible when there is avoidable damage to the device.
FOCUS Platform
The FOCUS Platform informs parents about bus transportation, student schedules, attendance records, behavioral records, and report cards!
Get your parent FOCUS account set up now!
Is your student having an issue with their device?
Call the Help Desk @ 443-809-4672