VOYAGE CHURCH Voyage church of Palm coast • Florida

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Please contact by email, phone, or text.

Phone: 386-225-6657 • email:

Voyage Church was established in Palm Coast to promote the true teaching of God's Word, to restore and release the power of the Holy Spirit in the local church, to develop genuine Christian Fellowship, and lead people into True Discipleship. You are invited, come and join us on this Voyage!

For a taste of the teaching and preaching at Voyage Church visit the channel @simplyjesus1976 on YouTube or just scan or tap the QR code below.

If using phone tap on the QR then tap and hold on the image that appears, then choose "QR Code"

We believe that real thanksgiving and praise from the hearts of God's people on the earth releases the power of God from Heaven!

Call 386-225-6657 to Submit a Prayer Request


Pastor Don and Leia Schulze

Don and Leia have served in marriage and full time ministry for more than 30 years. They have planted new Churches in California, Rwanda -East Africa, and here in Palm Coast. They served as evangelists, pastors, and church planters in Germany, Thailand, and Uganda. Pastor Don has led salvation and miracle crusades in 14 countries. They live in Palm Coast and have a vision to see all of Flagler County touched with the message and the power of the Lord Jesus.


"A LIFE OF MIRACLES" • Published by Tyndale House • Amazing, encouraging, faith building true stories from the first 20 years of Pastor Don an Leia's adventures with Jesus!
Your free gift when you visit Voyage Church

Voyage Church is about People sharing Life!

Just a few Voyage people!

More Voyage info to Come