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Noadswood Bulletin Week commencing 24th February 2025

Events Coming Up

6th World Book Day

6th Year 10 Mock Interview Evening

7th Year 9 Options Deadline (submitted on Frog)


10-17th Year 11 Mock GCSE

10-13th Year 10 Iceland Trip

14th ATA Programme trip to Southampton

Thursday 27th March 6-8pm – Rwanda evening of Entertainment and Food

Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Noadswood families,

We hope that you all enjoyed a restful half term – we have enjoyed welcoming everyone back, and the more springlike weather the past couple of days; that makes a remarkable difference.

We have recently carried out a student survey – our thanks to Miss Skinner for leading on this. We are in the process of working through our usual, ‘You said, we did...’ exercise so the children know their views impact on our thinking and then our policy. The first piece of work we are doing is to endeavour to help with the worry some have about corridor overcrowding. Miss Skinner has launched a trial with staff today that will roll out to students on Monday via their House Time in the morning. Meantime, if your child(ren) mention something to you about this, or have done before, don’t hesitate to write to Miss Skinner on Class Charts or to and we will direct your thoughts the right way.

Before we move on into this half term, I want just to thank people for their efforts to make the last week prior to the break a positive one. A huge thanks to everyone who joined us for the Years 7 and 8 PSA disco; we all had a wonderful time with your children. I did comment that the volume of the music reminded me I cannot pretend to have disco ears anymore! But it was such a lovely atmosphere and that is because of your children and everyone in our PSA.

Earlier in the day we had enjoyed our CPR and defibrillator training. We would like to say a huge thank you to the volunteers from Air Ambulance who helped train over 80 people here in the course of the day, as well as Mrs Wyse, Business Manager who organises such great events like this. The day was a very busy one, with the morning sessions completely full of Noadswood families, as well as some from our local feeder schools. All left the session happy to now know what to do, but as the majority said, they didn’t know giving CPR was quite such hard work and they were glad that they learnt to work in pairs! We aim to run this session again next year. Everyone’s kind generosity meant that we raised over £500 on the day in donations and selling cakes in our Y7/8 bake sale, all for Air Ambulance: thank you all so much.

As you’ll read, we have another exciting term ahead. The Year 10 Mock Interview evening will take place on Thursday 6th March. Students must ask their tutor if they do not know their interview time slots. Students need to arrive on time, in full school uniform and enter through the foyer to sign in first. I am so proud of the students every year on this evening – they transform into employees of the future before our eyes.

We also know Year 11 are working hard to prepare for their March mocks, and they have demonstrated a great commitment to their revision programme. Here is the link to see what’s on offer after school to support your child:

Here is the link to our ‘Prepare to Perform’ evening resources, so that you can look at some key tips on how to support your child.

As the students get ever nearer to the summer exam series, they may need additional support, or you may have questions or concerns you would like to discuss with us. We always welcome these communications, please contact their class teacher on class charts, or the Year Leader team: Mrs Way- or Miss Fitzgerald – .

Another event I am looking forward to is our Rwanda evening of food and entertainment on March 27th in the evening. My choir are busy preparing, as is the group going on the trip to Rwanda in June.

Tickets are now on sale through Arbor in the Shop area for Noadswood families to purchase. Any queries regarding this evening should be emailed to:

We aim to raise as much as we can for the school out in Rwanda, so they can purchase new sports equipment and nursery equipment, helping the youngest children to learn to read and write. A full list of what is needed can be obtained by emailing in to .

The planned trip links with a longstanding St Andrews Church partnership with Maranyundo parish in Rwanda. Our Noadswood community links have enabled us to put together a 10-day cultural visit to experience Rwanda’s rich heritage, natural environment and local communities. The young people will step out of their comfort zone, learn teambuilding and leadership skills, experience a totally different culture and learn more about the history, geography and environmental diversity of this fascinating country.

Please remember that next week is a four-day week for students, as Friday 7th March is our annual Waterside INSET day. Noadswood, alongside Orchard Infant School, Orchard Junior School, the Wildground Federation, Hythe Primary School, and Marchwood Junior School will be coming together for a day of professional development, along with lots of colleagues from other local schools keen to come along. We consider ourselves very fortunate to be working alongside our brilliant colleagues in the Waterside.

As we return to school after a break and the seasons are beginning to change, Mr Rowling sent a communication to all families this week regarding uniform. If you have any questions, please do reach out to Mr Rowling directly-

As we always mention, we have a large number of Skool Kit and Tesco/Asda vouchers designed to help out as needed. There are no forms to complete; reach out to your child's year team and we’d be happy to help.

Next week also includes World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. It’s one of our favourite days of the year. There will be all sorts for students to be involved in, including the annual character hunt as colleagues come in costume or with a lanyard representing a book they enjoy.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed towards our ‘Build our Library’ Christmas initiative. The wish list will be open for two more weeks should anyone want to contribute in ‘Love your Library’ month:

Finally, we would genuinely like to thank the families who reach out to us every week about something brilliant, share a question they may have, or, equally, something which is concerning them. If you want to get in touch or are worried about anything at all, we really welcome direct communication with the school. It helps us to work together to resolve things, where other types of comms don’t, keeping everyone’s wellbeing in mind, including all our colleagues here.

Please do drop a mail to and we can point things to the right people or make use of the Class Chart messaging service, or the contact page on the website:

Best wishes, and I hope the sun is out for you all across the weekend,

Kathryn Marshall and the Noadswood Leadership Team

Winners of the Wear Something Different Day

Here are the winners from each year group from Friday 14th February. All vouchers were distributed by tutors.

Student Voice

We held out student voice meeting on Wednesday 12th February. Here’s what we discussed This will be shared during tutor time over the next week, so that the views from each year group can be shared

Prizes for Wear Something Different Day

Currently, we offer the following prizes for each year group if they pay their £1.00 contribution for coming into school in non-uniform. Do we need to change the following prizes?

• 1 x cookie a day for 5 days

• 1 x lunch queue skip for 5 days

• 1 x £3.20 meal deal voucher

• 10 friends play on the Astro (half the Astro to themselves)

• 10 friends watch a film with hot dogs

This was discussed in groups and felt that some of them needed changing or updating. Over the next two weeks, could you think of prize ideas you would like to receive, if your name was randomly picked to win something by contributing your £1.00 to wear non-uniform? Please tell your student voice rep who will bring it to our next meeting on Wednesday 12th March

Outside covered spaces

• Where would we like them?

• How many?

• What else could we do to fundraise around school to raise the funds to install these?

We are still talking about the best place to have an additional covered space, but hoping it will be close to the library. As soon as we know more and the total cost, we can set up some additional fundraising days. So far, from the December and February Wear Something Different Days, we have raised over £960.00. This will fund this project.

Any other business/suggestions?

We are going to team up with Orchard Infants and Junior school for a Clean Air project. In May, we will do a walk to school for a week or walk and stride event. If you need to come to school by car or bus, then in June, we will be doing a cycle or scoot to school for a week. More information on these events will follow in the coming months. We have a group of Active Travel Ambassadors in school, who will be talking to you and sharing more information. The Student Voice group worked with some of these students to talk about prizes for the students taking part in either of these events

Kinda Week

‘Kinda Week’ is here again and we’re asking students to think about the question ‘what does kindness mean to you? Students across all year groups will be thinking about this in tutor time over the next week.

Some of our fabulous prefects are working with our Year 7 and 8 students to create Kindness Promises, which we will then be gathered and published as our Noadswood Kindness Pledges.

Awesome Alumni

Rachel Nicholson who attended Noadswood 2012-2017

What have you done since leaving Noadswood?

“I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do when I finished at Noadswood, so I decided to go to college and do English Literature, Photography and Health and Social Care, as these were all things I was interested in.”

“Unfortunately, due to a personal loss at the end of my first year, I dropped out of college and was really at a loss with what to do. I worked in various retail jobs for a couple of years, but lost my job during the pandemic. I was inspired by the healthcare staff and their determination in such turbulent times and, as a result, I completed an access to higher education course with the goal of going to university to study Nursing.”

“I am now in my final year of a masters degree in Child and Mental Health Nursing at the University of Southampton. I have done many things in my course, a highlight was a self-arranged placement; I went to Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA and worked at the number one children’s hospital in the country! I plan on working in a different country once I have consolidated my skills in the UK. “

“I have applied for a child health rotation role, with a view to settling on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, as this is where I have really found my passion during clinical placements! I then hope to travel and do nursing around the world!”

How has Noadswood helped you?

“Noadswood prepared me for the hard work required for college and later university. I was pushed academically, whilst given amazing pastoral support and empowerment to be independent. My teachers at Noadswood really shaped me and I wouldn’t be who I am without their guidance. I feel very fortunate for the support I received, especially in difficult times. I made friends for life at Noadswood, many who I am still in contact with now. “

Current Year 8 & 9 Trip for 2026

Karyn Hindson