Conti Chatter Dr. Michael Conti School PS 5

Friday October 11, 2024

Authentic Project Based Learning


Class of 2024 Conti students -- now matriculated at high schools including McNair Academic, High Tech High, and St. Peter's Prep -- are currently featured on McGraw Hill's literacy portal, ACHIEVE 3000. Their project on the immigration crisis and how their awareness was raised via project-based-learning is the focus of an actual ACHIEVE 3000 article & lesson that students & teachers from around the world can engage with when using the online learning program! The student-led immigration project, facilitated by PS5 ELA teacher Nicole Spino, is just one of several examples where PBL at PS5 is authentic and culturally relevant.

BELOW are screenshots from Mcgraw Hill's ACHIEVE 3000 learning portal featuring the story of recently-graduated Conti 8th-graders discussing their immigration project, aimed at helping refugees settle into the local community. (To view the full lesson, including article & video, users must be signed into the proprietary program):


The PS5 library has acquired two new works authored by members of our school community. The first, Effects of Our Daily Choices: A Campaign to Save Our Planet, was created by the family of Conti 3rd-grade students in Ms. Ureta, Ms. Pilla, & Ms. Guzman's homerooms as part of their PBL exploring global warming. It features research, data, interviews with experts, & colorful illustrations, aimed to raise awareness about the climate crisis:

This project was likewise an authentic way for students to implement the Writing Process: discover/investigate, prewrite, draft, revise, edit, and finally, publish!

The second title is Artman's Elements of Art, an activity book created by PS5 Art Specialist Michael Markman, with the help of his former students, Daniela Coca and Malia Gray. The book is comprised of activities that Mr. Markman created for his students during the Covid quarantine and is designed to motivate budding artists:

This first volume, in what Mr. Markman says will be a full series, takes readers on a journey through history to discover how artists have used lines to create unique and inspiring works. It includes interdisciplinary activities and step-by step-guides for the readers to create their own designs. From simple doodles to intricate patterns, the power of lines is limitless!


In addition to our culturally-relevant literacy curriculum, morning announcements have been another way to amplify student voice and promote engagement during National Hispanic Heritage Month. During daily Hispanic Heritage Highlights over the school intercom, our students celebrate Hispanic culture and share bios of Hispanic role models, from Nobel Prize recipients to Academy Award winners, from astronauts to activists, from Supreme Court jurists to super-athletes, and more. Muy inspiradora!


During NJ's Week of Respect, Conti students had a choice board of activities to promote team-building and communication skills. As a TISE-certified (Trauma-Informed Skills for Educators) school, the importance of respect for self & others is underscored throughout the year in our classrooms and embedded in the curriculum. School counselor Emma Santiago-Hernandez and CIT Lou DeCarlo, along with TISE clinicians from Project Resilience, visit classrooms regularly to offer SEL lessons and support.

[*Click on any photo to enlarge*] Whether creating posters promoting respect, as students did in Rm. 113…or discussing what bullying is and participating in team-building activities in Rm. 210…read-a-louds of SEL books in Rm. 209…sending “shout-outs” & “high-fives” to classmates in Rm. 310…playing ice breaker games like Walk the Line and defining what Respect looks, sounds, & feels like in Rooms 202 & 203…or the Community Circles taking place consistently in classrooms throughout our school…at Conti, the Week of Respect is ongoing, and year-round!


Focus TRAIT for SEPTEMBER was COOPERATION: Working together for a common purpose or benefit.

GOING FOR THE GOLD: Students of the month with their medals. Congratulatons! [*Click on any photo to enlarge*]


Conti 2nd-graders Carter Jung & Lincoln Schneider, brought home the 2nd-place Team trophy at the Bryant Park Chess Competition held earlier this fall. While both excelled in the Beginner division last year, they are now competing in the Novice division, a higher playing field. "This was the first rated tournament for both Carter and Lincoln, which puts them against a much harder competition than before," explains PS5 Chess Club instructor Jon Huang. Rated competitions involve an algorithm that measures a player's probable performance against another opponent...In addition to the 2nd-Place Team win, Carter and Lincoln took 8th & 10th place, respectively, in the Individual category. Way to go!

This is the third year of the Conti Chess Club and according to club leader Jon Huang, "we've gone from two kids to easily hosting over thirty PS5 students each week!"




Top row L to R: Ms. Arita, Ms. Guzman, Ms. Lusskin. Bottom row: Ms. McDuffie & Ms. Weinberger. Welcome to the Conti team!

4th-grade Inclusion Teacher Nicole Arita recently attained a Masters degree in Special Education from The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), after receiving her BA in both Elementary Special Education and Spanish from the same institution. Both her parents are from Guatemala, so she grew up speaking Spanish at home, and her cultural heritage is something she proudly embraces. Throughout college, she was on the track & field and cross country teams, and believes the physical & mental discipline of running helps her in the classroom, providing her with the stamina to keep up with her energetic students. In her free time, Ms. Arita loves "to do arts and crafts, such as making jewelry, painting, and drawing."

3rd-grade Math teacher Melanie Guzman is a familiar face at PS5, having successfully subbed for the past two years in multiple Conti grades from Pre-K to 8th. This year, she is officially a full-time faculty member with her very own classroom! A graduate of Rutgers Business School, she served in the United States Army National Guard for six years. Before becoming a teacher, she worked as a tax accountant, and during the pandemic decided to leave her job to support her children with virtual learning. "That's when I truly fell in love with education," says Ms. Guzman, who is now enrolled in the alternative route program at Rutgers University...As a parent with children in the Jersey City Public Schools, she appreciates the "warm & close-knit community" at PS5. In her spare time, she enjoys running, crocheting, and treating herself to hot chocolate at Prato Bakery.

Nicole Lusskin, our new Pre-K instructor, began her teaching career as a music educator in New York City. During that time she discovered her passion for working with young learners and began the journey to becoming an early childhood educator. She has been teaching Pre-K for the past three years and is excited to join the PS #5 community. "I very much enjoy the creativity & curiosity my students bring to the classroom, and am delighted to help them learn and grow throughout the year," she says. Outside of teaching, Ms. Lusskin loves to cook, go on walks with her dogs, and hang out with family & friends.

Lenore McDuffie, who joins a Conti 4th-grade self-contained classroom, is an educator from the Tar Hill state of North Carolina, where she taught for the past 6 years. She describes herself as a resourceful advocate committed to helping kids gain emotional awareness & social competence, while developing their cognitive abilities: "My life's mission has been dedicated to helping students overcome various disabilities, challenges, and prepare them for life." In her free time, Ms. McDuffie enjoys sharing art & cooking techniques with her daughter, as well as "attending agricultural/environmental events that showcase the best life has to offer," she says.

Karen Weinberger, our new 2nd grade teacher, joins PS5 after having taught for almost 3 years as a substitute teacher in the public schools, as well as teaching Sunday school and leading summer recreation programs for kids -- all experiences that led her to want to pursue teaching as a full-time career. Originally from Albuquerque, NM, she earned double bachelor degrees, one from Stephens College in Missouri, and another from The University of Missouri. Ms. Weinberger resided in Hudson County for the past 18 years and is a big fan of life on the east coast: "I love the Hudson River with its great views of New York City and cool places like the Liberty Science Center" and exploring museums and learning about the tri-state area's rich history & art is a favorite pastime.



As part of the of the Hudson County TMA's "Walk to School" campaign to promote a cleaner environment & healthier habits, Conti students & staff took a morning walk with the TMA's mascot "Buster the Bus" this week. Our grades K to 3 then participated in an interactive presentation promoting the benefits of walking.


Middle school students applying the Scientific Method: forming a hypothesis, making a prediction, conducting an experiment, and analyzing the results...
Our 5th-grade classes gathered in the Conti School garden for a grade-level team building activity, learning to tie-dye. They had a blast, while enjoying the temperate weather & each other's company!
Studying animal adaptations in Rm. 310 and using paragraph puzzles to find the main idea & details on unique characteristics that help creatures survive.
Students in Rm. 212 using manipulatives to learn math...and exploring PS5's multi-sensory room.
In Rm. 209, lessons about our five senses and the changing seasons, along with a Fall Mystery Science Challenge: Where do scarecrows come from?
In Rm.208, learning about animals & their superpowers, such as the ability to camouflage! The students designed butterflies to blend into the classroom scenery. Can you spot them??
In Rm. 106, working to master the alphabet by modelling letters with clay...
...and creating seasonal artwork in Rm. 105.


And before you know it, HALLOWEEN will be upon us:

To get us further in the seasonal mood, the Conti Harvest Festival is in two weeks:

Families who have not yet done so, if you want to be a part of this wonderful organization dedicated to the best interests of our kids, here's the link to join. Want to volunteer/get even more involved? Here's that link!

The PTA's recent Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser raised nearly $2000 that will go towards initiatives benefitting our students:

Our PTA is also organizing another ColorFest, and here's important information on that upcoming event:

CLICK ON THIS LINK to register your child for Colorfest 2024 (Step 2 above) by OCTOBER 17



Finally, multiple sightings last night in New Jersey of aurora borealis. Conti science teacher Marc Papish captured this shot from Morris County. Stunning!

Thank you!

Conti Chatter @ 2024-25 Created by K. Sexton, PS5 LMS/Literacy Support

Principal John J. Rivero

Assistant Principal Albert Padilla