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Leslie Calel

Selected Works

Black and White Photography

The fox looks to the west, only then realizing the horizon has begun to curve towards them. Perhaps they should not have jumped so soon.

Street Photography

The hem of the pool expands indefinitely, ringing the sleeping dog and now worried fox with concentric circles of glowing liquid. The pool has lost its reflection in the spread, imbued with an inner light that seems to have its own authority, though not lacking in warmth.

Personal Branding:

A once dull and listless pooch now shines with the brilliance of a recently cleaned pinball machine — unknowingly showcasing a rescued sense of neon.


Known for his sweetness, this dog shakes himself awake with a gentle groan and cranes his loaf-like head towards the fox with a quizzical bent.

Couples & Groups

As they lock eyes, what world they know is flipped completely towards the southern sky, and the pool ushers them swiftly over the edge of the horizon’s curve.


About Me

Hello, my name is Leslie Calel and I am 16 years old. My MBTI is INTP, though some people may feel that personality tests like these are inaccurate, I find this title defines my character well.Though the I may stand for introvert I owe it to my YMCA delegation and Eastyard for helping me find my voice . They've taught me the importance of using it especially when in uncomfortable situations. Having grown up in a quiet household raised by female characters I believe that it is because of their unwavering strength that I've taken the effort to act as bravely as I do. Using my free time to learn about the different ways in which people may perceive life using literature, music, and media to develop my knowledge. Striving to use my voice and knowledge for the improvement of my community.