Message from the Executive Principal, Alastair O'Connor
We have now had 12 days of exams for the Year 11's and I am so proud of the way our students are embracing the wonderful support staff are providing for them with early morning and afternoon booster sessions. They have also enjoyed a breakfast on the morning of an exam. The exam season will continue after the half term break until Friday 21st June.
We have some trips scheduled in for next term and also our end of year celebrations.
On behalf of the Senior Leadership Team I would like to wish you all a relaxing half term break.
DRET Spring Cup
April saw Barnes Wallis Academy compete in the Dret Spring Cup with the most talented hockey and rugby players in each school competing for the title.
Barnes Wallis showed great skill and team work in the hockey, with the U13 girls coming away with 4th place and the U15's coming 10th.
The Rugby boys had a fantastic day and we saw some brilliant rugby played. The U13 boys came 4th and the U15 boys came away with a well deserved 2nd place.
With these brilliant results this meant that Barnes Wallis came away in 3rd place overall in the cup.
We would like to thank Parents/Carers for their support in ensuring their child is well equipped for the start of each and every day. Tutors are checking every morning making sure students are ready to learn
We are delighted that students are becoming more and more independent in their studies at home, and this term has seen students at Barnes Wallis with the highest homework engagement figures across the Trust.
If you need support in accessing homework via Bromcom, please contact the Academy and book an appointment.
Small school, Big heart, Strong community
We are immensely proud that every fortnight Barnes Wallis Interact students visit Coningsby Village Hall and help serve the local OAP's their lunch and every Wednesday during Enrichment we visit the local care homes of Bramhall and Toray. Our students socialise with the residents, playing board games and at times have a good old sing along led by Mr Popple.
UK Maths Challenge
It is an absolute pleasure to be sharing with you the results of the U.K. Junior Maths Challenge with 66 students taking part in the challenge. This competition is immensely challenging, and it is so amazing that our students have the ambition and the desire to attempt this competition. We punch above our weight metaphorically every year, and this year we certainly did this, receiving our best ever results!
Year 7, 25 students took part- 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 8 Bronze.
Year 8, 41 students- 1 Gold, 4 Silver, 8 Bronze
Best-in-year 7 Gold to Miles Lane
Best-in-year 8 Gold to Jayden-John Batey
Ellie is one of our talented Netballers in Year 9. In May Ellie attended a netball tournament in Stanford. Not only did she play in her own age group she also played for the U16's helping them come 2nd.
Isla plays for Boston and has just finished her 3rd and final season for the team. She has finished her season for the Under 13’s with the teams trophy for the most improved player of the season.
Skye is an exceptional Athlete who competes for her Air Cadets Squadron winning the 100m and qualifying for the regional finals
This term BWA were invited to take part in the 'let girls play cricket' program. The program was set up by Lincolnshire cricket with the aim of getting more girls playing this wonderful sport.
The tournament was for U13 girls and included schools from all over the county. Our team was made up of six year 8's and four year 7's. Only one member of the team has ever played. Millie was a fantastic captain for the day using her knowledge and experience to help coach and teach her fellow team mates.
With some brilliant batting and some fantastic bowling the girls came away with a second place.
Mental Health Awareness Week takes place each May to increase people’s understanding of mental health. This year’s theme is Movement: Moving more for our mental health.
Research has shown that regular physical activity can make us happier and healthier. Our bodies release feel-good hormones when we're active that can reduce anxiety and stress and help us sleep better. By building movement into our working day, we can have a positive impact on productivity and focus.
You may have already picked up the national news story on the crime of ‘Sextortion’.
This type of crime involves an adult offender (often from an organised crime group based overseas) threatening to release nude or semi-nude images and/or videos of a child or young person, unless they pay money, or meet another financial demand, such as purchasing a pre-paid gift card.
Victims of any age and gender can be targets, however a large proportion of cases have involved male victims aged 14-18.
I would therefore like to share with you a letter and poster from the National Crime Agency and poster which provides useful strategies of support and reporting. We will of course be covering this topic in future personal development lessons.
Our school catering provider, Caterlink, offer a wide variety of foods and cater for a number of dietary requirements, ranging from vegetarian, gluten free alternatives, halal meals, etc.
After Easter there will be new Spring menus
If your child has any specific dietary requests, or any questions about the food on offered in our canteen, they can speak with Mr Kemp (Academy Operations Manager).
Are you having a wardrobe spring clean or have previously worn prom clothes that you no longer need? Then we’d love them for our pre-loved prom shop.
Currently we have just a few dresses but we’d love more:
- Dresses
- Bags
- Girls Shoes/sandals
- Costume jewellery/accessories
- Suits or jackets and trousers
- Boys shoes
- Ties
We would be very grateful for any donations. Please drop any suitable items into reception.
This year's Year 11 prom will be on Thursday 27th June at Dower House, Woodhall.
End of Year Assessments
From Monday 3rd June for a 3-week period, students in years 7 – 9 will be undertaking their KPI assessments in all curriculum areas. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator and the results your child achieves will be communicated home to you. This will help you to understand how your child has performed academically so far during this school year. These assessments will enable your child’s teachers to receive important information about what your child does and does not understand. This information is important to teachers as it will enable them to plan how to support each pupil to move their learning forward and maximise their progress in each subject.
Year 10 will be starting their end of year assessments when we return from the half term break commencing 3 June and will last for 4 weeks, depending on the subjects studied. During this time, students will be sitting at least one assessment for the majority of the subject that they take, and in some cases, may be sitting 2 or 3 separate papers. For Btec subjects (Travel & Tourism, Health & Social Care, Child Development and Sport), students have recently submitted their Component One assignment and will not sit a further assessment.
Dates for the diary
- Monday 3rd June - Start of end year Assessments
- Wednesday 5th June- Year 7 Parents Evening
- Thursday 27th June - DRET inspiration awards
- Tuesday 25th June- Sports Day
- Thursday 27th June- Year 11 Prom
- Friday 5th July - DRET Music Festival
- Friday 5th July - PGL Caythorpe
- Tuesday 9th July - Summer Cup
- Friday 19th July - Rewards Assembly
Follow us on @Barnes_Wallis_
Safeguarding over the May Bank Holiday Break
When the Academy is closed there is always someone who can help you.
If you are concerned that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm, you should contact your local authority safeguarding partnership directly.
Please go to our website for the relevant contact information if you have any welfare concerns.
In an emergency, call 999.
For any other queries, please contact us via
If you have a general enquiry during half term please contact the office on