Forden School 17th may 2024

Seren yr Wythnos

Mae seren yr wythnos yn dosbarth Bedwen ydy Neive, yn Collen ydy Dylan ac yn dosbarth Ysgawen ydy Amelia M. Da iawn pawb.


Congratulations to Sancia and Dylan G for completing a level on Lexia.

Running Club

Congratulations to Dylan G for completing 30 miles.

Engineer Project Winners

Last term all pupils in Years 3-6 completed an engineering project and designed engineered solutions to an everyday problem'. These were submitted as part of a nationwide competition.

All the entries from across Wales went through two rounds of grading by engineers. I am delighted that nine of our pupils were graded Highly Commended or named as Winners. This is a fantastic achievement. All nine pupils have been invited to the awards ceremony in Cardiff on Monday June 24th - Tia-May, Dylan G, Reuben, Robert, Ffion, Aadhila, Ollie, Seth P and Bailey.


This week we welcomed Tristan into dosbarth Collen. We hope he will be very happy at Forden School.

Thank you

Dosbarth Collen would like to thank Nick Watts (Reuben's dad) for coming in to talk to the class about the bronze foundry where he works. Nick explained how the moulds were made and how they cast the bronze sculptures in the factory. He bought in lots of photographs and artefacts for us to handle. We had a wonderful afternoon and learnt a lot about how real sculptures are made.

Parent Forum

The next Parent Forum will be held on Monday 3rd June at 2:30pm in the Community Centre meeting room. Topics to discuss: school banner, school trips & visits, Open School sessions. All parents are welcome and can bring any questions or suggestions about any aspect of school. Please come along, your ideas and opinions are important.

Hats and Sunscreen

Please ensure your child has a hat in school, clearly marked with their name. If possible, please apply any sunscreen before school. If your child brings sunscreen to school, they will need to apply it themselves (younger children will be supervised).

School Website

Remember to visit the school website - The Year in Pictures - to find out what we have been learning about in school.

More pictures from this half term will be added soon.


Dates for your diary

Mon 20th - Fri 24th May

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every day. PE days may change depending on the weather.

  • Wednesday am Area Rounders tournament (pupils from Ysgawen)
  • Wednesday 3:13-3:30 Uniform swap in library
  • Thursday Class photos and leavers' photos
  • Friday am Outdoor Learning - Bedwen & Collen

Mon 27th-Fri 31st May - Half term holiday

Future dates:

Mon 3rd June Parent Forum 2:30pm in Community Centre

Tue 11th June Area cricket tournament - Welshpool

Thu 13th June Year 6 mini-medics training

Fri 14th June Archery

Wed 19th June Sports Day (new date)

Mon 24th June Non-pupil day (Welshpool cluster schools)

Mon 24th June Engineer awards ceremony in Cardiff

Wed 26th June Visit to Redridge Outdoor Activity Centre (Years 3-5)

Tue 2nd July Area Sports (pupils from years 3-6)

Mon 8th & Tue 9th July Year 6 transition days @ WHS

Fri 12th July Year 5&6 multi-sports day @ WHS (new date)

Tue 16th July Year 6 trip to Penycoed

Thu 18th July Leavers' Assembly 2pm

Fri 19th July Last day of term

Community Notices

Eat Smart Save Better

Free session session for parents: Wednesday 15th May from 2pm to 3pm in Welshpool CiW Primary School Community Room.

Free online Welsh course

Message from School Nurse team - Measles

Mums Matter Course - Spring/Summer 2024

School Police Officers

School Beat Cymru funds 68 school police officers across Wales' four forces to deliver lessons on substance misuse, safety, safeguarding and behaviour. This is an invaluable part of out PHSE programme in school. Unfortunately WG funding will cease at Easter. Please follow the link to an online petition to Welsh Government to continue funding this provision. Please share this link.

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our governing body for Community Governors. These can be any member of the community and do not need to have a connection to the school. If you know of someone in Forden who has the skills or experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school, and would like this opportunity to help direct the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Fowler.