
Class 7 Learning Journey Autumn 1 2023/2024


Firstly, we worked towards writing a setting description based on the book 'The Flood'. We studied a variety of skills to do this:

  • Using different word types
  • Ambitious vocabulary
  • Determiners
  • Prepositional phrases
  • Expanded noun phrases

Next, our big write focused on a narrative of a part of The Flood's story. To do this, we first had to try and understand how the characters from the story would have felt as they watched their house flood. We studied a wide range of skills and tried to include them all in our independent writing:

  • Emotive language
  • Apostrophes to mark possession
  • Fronted adverbials
  • The difference between present and past tense
  • Speech, including inverted commas


Our first book this half term was 'The Flood' by Alvaro F. Villa. It's a picture book with no text so we had lots of opportunities to practice our inference skills to get to the bottom of what was happening in the story.

Our second book was 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine. We focused on practicing our fluency when reading new texts and completed a wide range of activities, focusing on understanding the different characters and their experiences.

Then, we explored the wide variety of genres that we can read. We explored what makes a book a certain genre, compared them and discussed which we prefer, justifying our answers.


In maths, we have been exploring place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and statistics. We have really focused on ensuring our arithmetic fluency is great and some of us moved onto more reasoning style questions to further our understanding.


Our topic this half term has been 'Rivers' with a focus on Geography. We learnt a variety of skills and knowledge, including:

  • Using aerial images
  • The location of different rivers in the UK
  • The water cycle
  • The different features of a river
  • The processes of erosion and deposition and how this can affect flooding risks
  • The River Thames, the River Ganges, and comparing their uses.

We combined our new knowledge to create a leaflet which will help inform people on the causes and effects of rivers flooding and the uses rivers have.


Our RSHE focus has been on Health & Wellbeing. We explored mental health and how we can support it, how we can express ourselves, and why feelings change. Before we completed any lessons, we looked at our ground rules that we will follow throughout the year in RSHE lessons. They ensure that we all show respect to each other and listen to other people.


In Science, we have explored living things and their habitats. We firstly looked at the processes needed to make something living (MRS NERG). Then we looked at how different animals are suitable to different environments and how they adapt to even better suit these environments. We also looked into environmental changes and how this can affect how animals adapt.

Things to Celebrate!

Celebration Certificates

Matt Lucas Author Event with Read Holmfirth


Mental Health Day

Next Half Term ...