CNPS Bulletin 2024 | FEBRUARY

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Wominjeka everyone,

Welcome to the 2024 school year. This year has a positive vibe. There's a genuine feeling of returning to normalcy, evident in the seamless reintegration of students into school. It's heartening to see all the student’s (and parents) happy faces as they walk through the school gates every morning.

A warm welcome is extended to our newest members, the Foundation students and their parents. The remarkable ease with which our new students have embraced school life has left our staff deeply impressed. We are looking forward to getting to know them through the year.

Foundations playing in their Playground on their First Day of School


As we embark on this exciting year, we're thrilled to introduce new initiatives building on the groundwork of the past two years. Aligned with the Department of Education’s FISO 2.0 model, our focus remains on Learning and Wellbeing, with dedicated projects planned for our staff.


Data: Following a successful trial last year, we are officially implementing the DIBELS assessment system school-wide. The positive outcomes observed during the trial confirm its effectiveness in measuring early literacy skills. This strategic rollout aims to enhance our educational approach by providing insights into individual student progress. This, in turn, allows for tailored interventions, fostering a data-driven culture supporting academic growth for all students.

Coaching: This year kicks off with our teaching staff participating in our whole-school coaching program using the professional learning platform, STEPLAB. This innovative tool, designed to elevate teaching practices, features interactive elements facilitating effective coaching observations and feedback. This sets the stage for a positive culture of professional development within our school. STEPLAB equips our team with the resources needed to systematically enhance teaching, ensuring a continuous commitment to excellence in education.


Berry Street Education Model: Wellbeing and inclusion have been pivotal over the past four years. By year-end, all our staff will be trained in the Berry Street Education Model, emphasising trauma-informed care and resilience. This ensures our team is well-prepared to address the diverse needs of our community.

The Resilience Project: In addition to Berry Street, our school will be fully immersed in ‘The Resilience Project.’ This training empowers our team with practical strategies to promote mental well-being, gratitude, and mindfulness. Ultimately, it strengthens our collective ability to navigate challenges with resilience and positivity.


I’d like to introduce you to our new staff for 2024! We have been fortunate to secure teachers for all of our classes, a positive that not all schools in Victoria have the luxury to have.

Please see below our new staff. Be sure to say hi to them to make them feel welcome.

Annie Wilson - Year 3
Emmily Stenton - Year Four Teacher
Rocco Cascio - Year Four Teacher
Berenice Ruiz - Year Two
Feeona Stenton - Year Three Teacher
Ridah Hassan - Year Five Teacher
Jasmine Tsiatsias - Year Six Teacher
Annemie Hansen - Foundation Teacher
Pat Lynch - Assistant Principal Wellbeing and Inclusion

Welcome to our New School Captains

2024 School Captains

Clea Sutton-Heath

Hi, I am Clea Sutton-Heath and I am excited to be your School Captain in 2024!

Already the school is amazing. In the past few years, we have added the COLA, the Coburg Crop, playgrounds, many more seating areas and lots of greenery around the school. I love to see the cream brick building with classes in it! Some of my ideas for the year are adding more lunchtime activities like watering, planting and making sure the grounds are tidy. I would also like to see more student led clubs and I would love to hear your ideas about what you think they should be! I think this year will be great and I know that the other Captains and I will have an amazing impact on the school.

Louise Hickson

Hi I’m Louise and I am super excited to be your school captain in 2024. I will lead you through Friday assemblies and work with students, teachers and Monika to help make this school a better place. I am very approachable and so is the whole grade 6 cohort so please come by anytime. Let’s make this year a fun year for everybody.

Willa Cath

Hello, my name is Willa and I am one of the school captains for 2024. As a school captain, I would like to focus on improving the oval playground, which would include getting certain equipment repainted. This is because in multiple areas one the playground the paint chips off on your hands. Overall I’m looking forward to another great year at CNPS.

Ashling Ryan

Hi CNPS students, staff and parents. I am a school captain for 2024! My name is Ashling and I want 2024 to be the best year of primary school for you!

As you may know, this summer will be hot! So I want to do zooper doopers every 2nd week to cool down from the heat. I am very excited to hear your ideas and being able to make them possible. I want to bring back the Farmer’s Market, so people from the CNPS community can show what they can do. You are very welcome to come and introduce yourself to me. We are going to make this year one to remember!

Curriculum Captains

Be sure to keep an eye on our upcoming newsletters, where we'll be introducing the rest of our Year 6 captains


Meet the Teacher is different to a parent/teacher conference as the discussion will centre around the exchanging of information about your child as a learner, effective strategies to assist their learning and any other pertinent information regarding their social, emotional or medical needs. It is also an opportunity for you to get to know your child(ren)’s teachers better.

In light of the ongoing Teacher Shortage across Victoria, we are implementing changes to our traditional parent-teacher meetings. After consulting with neighbouring schools, we have decided to adjust our approach to better accommodate the current circumstances.

On Thursday, February 15, 2024, our school will be dismissing students at 12 pm to facilitate face-to-face meetings between teachers and parents. This dedicated time allows for personalised discussions and foster a stronger connection between you and your child's teacher.

Key Details:

  • Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024
  • Time: 12 pm - 7 pm
  • Duration: 10-minute time slots
  • Bookings made via Compass

For parents who are unable to secure care for their child during the early dismissal, our before and after school care provider, TheirCare, will be available. Please contact TheirCare directly for enrolment details or visit their website.

If you have not filled in the student information survey yet, please click on the button below.


If you haven’t done so already, please be sure to contribute to our school’s funding by paying for our school fees. We understand that the financial pinch is growing so we made an effort to keep the fees similar to last year. Currently we only have 53% of our families contributing. If you have forgotten, you can contribute to our school fees through Compass or at the Office. We rely on this funding to provide students with the essential items they need for school. Every contribution helps.

For more information on our Parent Payment Policy, click on the button below.

School Uniform and Hats

A friendly reminder to all parents and carers about our school's uniform policy. All hats and uniforms that are torn, frayed or damaged will need to be replaced. If you require support in obtaining a new hat or uniform, please contact the office on 9354 1660.

REMINDER - Sun Safety

Although we haven’t had much of a summer this year (except for today and tomorrow), it is important to know that the sun’s unltraviolet (UV) rays are still out. UV radiation is the major cause of skin cancer. The good news is that we can prevent this by being Sun Smart.

Please ensure that your child has applied sunscreen before they come to school each morning. If you haven’t done so yet, pack labelled sunscreen as this will be added to the classroom’s Sun Smart Station in their rooms where they will reapply sunscreen before lunch. Also remember to pack your child’s hat (no rips or bends).

You can see our Sun Smart policy on our school’s website for more information.

Supervision and Yard Duty

A reminder that our school gates open at 8:45am and close at 9:05am in the morning. Please do not send your child/ren to school earlier than this as we do not have supervision before this time. For more information be sure to check out our Supervision policy on our school’s website.

Annual Privacy Reminder

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our Website. For more information about privacy, follow the link below.

Parent Information Handbook

Everything you need to know about CNPS, is listed in our CNPS Parent Information handbook. You can find this in Compass in the Documentation tab in the folder ‘Documents for Parents’

Approved Curriculum and Student Free Days for 2024

  • Monday 26 February
  • Friday 15 March
  • Tuesday 16 April
  • Friday 10 May

Meet the Teacher/Parent Teacher Interviews/Student Led Conference

  • 15 February 12pm - Meet the Teacher (students finish at 12pm. Interviews starting from 12:30pm)
  • 25 June Parent Teacher Interview (students finish at 12pm. Interviews starting from 12:30pm)
  • 17 September 3:45pm - 5:45pm Student Led Conference

Upcoming Events - Dates to remember

  • 12 February - Closing Date for School Council Nomination
  • 12 February - Year 3 Incursion (3A, 3B) Team Building
  • 12 February - Term Overviews sent to families
  • 13 February - 23 Feb - Year 1 Testing commences
  • 14 February Year 5 Crack It Incursion
  • 15 February - Meet the Teacher - students dismissed at 12pm
  • 16 February 11:20pm - Welcome to Country Assembly
  • 19 -22 February - School Photos
  • 19 February - Year 3 Team Building Incursion (3C; 3D)
  • 21 February - Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series Maths Year 5
  • 23 February - Year 6 Interschool Sports (Home Game)
  • 23 February - Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series Maths Year 6
  • 26 February - Curriculum Day (Berry Street Training Day 1) - No students attend school)
  • 27 February - Foundation Home Reading Information Evening
  • 28 February - School Council Meeting 7pm
  • 1 March - Newsletter Published
  • 1 March - Assembly (2:30pm)
  • 1 March - Interschool Sport (Away Game)
  • 6 March - Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series - Writing Year 5/6
  • 8 March - Year 6 Interschool Sports (Home Game)
  • 11 March - Labor Day Holiday
  • 12 -14 March - NAPLAN
  • 12-14 March - Year 6 Mt Evelyn Camp
  • 15 March - Curriculum Day - Berry Street Training Day 2 (no students attend school)
  • 18-25 March - NAPLAN Continues (catch ups)
  • 25 -26March - Year 5 Paddle Power Excursion
  • 27 March - Community Event - Harmony Evening 5:30-7pm
  • 27 March - School Council 7pm
  • 28 March - Whole School Event - Carnival28 March Assembly 2pm
  • 28 March Newsletter Published
  • 28 March - Last Day of Term 1, Early Dismissal (2:30pm)
At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.