Issue No. 4

The Tsukimori Tea Party Takes a Wild Turn!

Article By: Monami

In a plot twist nobody saw coming, the ever-warring village of Tsukimori just took a detour from their usual hostilities for a surprising—albeit brief—moment of peace! The unexpected catalyst? None other than AK47, now hilariously dubbed AKage47, who decided to abandon the icy comforts of Glacier and swoop in to seize the Kage seat in Tsukimori. His grand mission? To wave the olive branch and declare peace with every other village! But, oh boy, did things go sideways.

It all started when Apoc and AKage47 got bored of the mundane life of a one-village war. Let's face it, even in the ninja world, fighting the same opponent every day can get a bit, well, monotonous. So, these two began to stir the pot in Glacier, hoping to spice things up.

A few inside sources within Glacier have come forward regarding the events caused by Apoc,

“Dude was warned at least twice and decided to come back in and start acting like he was something. Obviously action had to be taken when the warning was disregarded.”

Another source declared the following:

“He has been an issue for so long. We have so many pages of documented issues he needed his own filing cabinet.”

"According to multiple interviews, this seems to be extremely radical views from an ANBU leader, even going as far as saying that Tsukimori’s previous leadership was good."

While Apoc was causing a ruckus, AK47 took it a step further—he packed his bags, waved Glacier goodbye, and strolled right into Tsukimori. Did they welcome him with open arms? Maybe at first, but let’s just say it was more of a "Here's your keys, don’t touch anything" kind of greeting.

But AKage47 didn't waste any time. As soon as he plopped down on the Kage throne, he gave the current elders the boot and handpicked his own council. Surprise, surprise, the new lineup featured Quiet from Glacier—another peacenik who decided Tsuki needed some tranquility. But, alas, it turns out not everyone in Tsukimori was keen on a sudden leadership overhaul by a couple of peace enthusiasts from the outside. After years of shouting "End the war!" from the rooftops, the Tsuki leadership found themselves grumbling, "Not like this!"

Tsuki had been facing Civil unrest for some time. Villagers began fleeing Tsuki like ninjas from a bad training montage, many claiming they weren’t running from the war, but from a few pesky power players pulling the strings. Meanwhile, those staying behind in Tsuki are more united than ever, their "Will of Fire" burning brighter with each day they remain at war. Talk about irony, right?

So what's really going on here? Is AKage47 orchestrating this chaos for his own secret plans? Is he in cahoots with Tsuki, or is there some shadowy figure behind the scenes pulling all the strings? One thing's for sure, the world of Seichi is about to get a whole lot more interesting. And don't you dare change the channel—err, I mean, scroll away—because we’ll be diving deeper into this mess as it unfolds.

Oh, and by the way, Tsuki isn't the only village on the verge of a meltdown. Rumor has it that Shine and Current are next in line for some good old-fashioned WAR. Grab your popcorn, folks—this ninja drama is just getting started! Stay tuned for more.

And Now, the Plot Thickens!

While Quiet and AKage47's reign was met with a less-than-enthusiastic response from Tsukimori, it seems the rest of the Seichi world and other villages are warming up to this whole peace thing. For the first time, many are actually considering ending the war and have started sending in their demands for negotiating a peace treaty. So, what's on their wish list? Just one thing: Remove Kakashi from the village or at least from the leadership council!

That’s right, folks! It all boils down to just one guy. Apparently, the reason Tsuki has been at war isn't the village itself but allegedly the actions of this one man. Did this famous Tsuki hero decide to fall on his sword and become a martyr for the cause? Absolutely not! In fact, Kakashi flat-out refused to give up his power over the village and insisted on keeping Tsuki at war. But here's the kicker—it wasn’t his choice alone. Many villagers within Tsuki stand by Kakashi, refusing to exile one of their own honored shinobi simply to bow to the demands of others.

Instead of dividing them, these events seem to have brought the Tsukians closer together. Their bonds are stronger, their resolve unshaken. While outsiders may view Kakashi as a tyrant, the villagers see him as a hero. Who's right? Well, that's a debate for another day. But one thing's for sure—Kakashi has earned himself the dubious honor of being the most loved and the most hated shinobi in all of Seichi.

So, is peace on the horizon, or is this just the calm before the storm? Stay tuned, because this tale of ninja drama, power struggles, and village loyalty is far from over!

An Exclusive statement from Xious was provided to Seichi News

"As an elder of Tsukimori village, I am compelled to address the recent and unjust war waged against us by the villages of Current, Shine, Shroud, and Glacier. The reason for this conflict is disturbingly superficial: their disdain for certain individuals, particularly Kakashi. This animosity is a reflection of a deeper, childish failure in leadership, as the call for Tsukimori to expel Kakashi for the sake of peace is both impractical and irresponsible.

The demand for Kakashi's removal as a condition for peace highlights a gross misjudgment of leadership and a disregard for the well-being of our entire village. Peace cannot be brokered by sacrificing individuals or bending to whims; it must be built on mutual respect and understanding. The notion that removing one person could resolve such a profound conflict is both naïve and reductive.

Moreover, Tsukimori has become the subject of ridicule in global discussions. The derision extends to our own attempts at governance, including the suggestion that AK47 might be our Kage and that he alone could bring about peace. Such mockery undermines our efforts and demeans our position on the world stage.

This treatment has led us to a somber realization: the broader community views Tsukimori as a mere joke. The collective disdain and the constant memes about our struggles have eroded our faith in the possibility of genuine peace. As a result, we have reluctantly given up on the idea of peace, as it seems increasingly futile against a backdrop of derision and unjust aggression.

We are not merely a village to be dismissed or ridiculed; we are a community with our own values and aspirations. The injustice we face is not only a matter of conflict but a matter of respect and recognition. Our resolve may have hardened in response to these trials, but our dignity remains intact. We call for a recognition of our plight and a reconsideration of the way we are treated in the broader context."



Elder, Tsukimori Village

Glacier Declares War!

It seems the frostbitten warriors of Glacier have decided that the peaceful, serene life of an ice-capped mountain just wasn’t cutting it anymore. That’s right, folks! Tsuki isn’t the only village in the thick of things anymore. The frosty warriors of Glacier have broken the mold and declared war on not one, but two villages: Shine and Current. Talk about doubling down!

So, what sparked this sudden flurry of action? Was it the subtle influence of the ever-mischievous Apoc finally getting under their skin, or did these icy shinobi simply wake up one morning, look around, and decide, "You know what? Let's have some fun!"? Whatever the reason, the Glacier folks are strapping on their snow boots and marching to war.

The first target in their chilly crosshairs? Shine. But don’t think Shine’s brave sun warriors were caught off guard for a second. Ever ready to melt the snow, they stood tall, ready to fend off Glacier’s frosty ambitions. And like a torrential wind, Current swooped in to aid their long-term ally.

As for Shroud, they’re playing it cool for now, sitting back and watching this icy drama unfold from the sidelines. But let’s be real here, folks—how long do you think they can stay neutral when their closest ally, Glacier, is out there throwing snowballs at Shine and Current? It wasn't a matter of time before Shroud got off the fence and joined their frosty friends in this winter-stormy wonderland of warfare.

So, buckle up, Seichi! Will Shine and Current manage to weather the storm, or will Glacier’s and Shroud's assault be too much to handle? One thing's for sure—things are heating up (ironically) in this stormy showdown, and we’re here to bring you every snowflake of this unfolding saga.


"We have a winner!"

Article By: Monami

In a dazzling display of charm, grace, and amazing fashion choices, Seichi held its first-ever beauty pageant, and we have a winner! Please give a round of applause (and a lot of confused looks) to our new Seichi’s Sweetheart... Madcrep!

The competition was fierce, with shinobi from every corner of Seichi showing off their finest attire and a surprising number of glitter bombs. It was a nail-biting vote, but after much deliberation (and possibly some bribery with cookies), we finally have our top contenders!

In second place, we have the ever-elegant Lady Katsumi, whose grace and poise made quite the impression, even when her dress nearly took out a judge. And in third place, our beloved Moth Queen, who fluttered her way into the hearts of many—possibly with the help of some strategically placed lanterns.

Our subcategories brought in even more excitement! Sakuna snagged the Best Outfit award, proving that a ninja can rock an outfit covered in sequins. Paschar charmed everyone to win Best Personality, despite being caught bribing the judges with cat toys (allegedly). The Cutest Shinobi award went to AtinyFerret, who stole all our hearts. And last but certainly not least, Stackatk took home the Most Marriageable Shinobi title—applications for his hand are already piling up at the village gate.

Congratulations to all our winners, and to everyone who participated. Remember, it's not just about looks—it's about how you fight in those heels!

Finally lets thank KAZ for sponsoring the first ever beauty pageant!!

Now For Some Exclusive Interviews From Our Winners!

Seichi's Sweetheart Winner: Admiral Madcrep

1. If you were a legendary kunoichi, how would you use your beauty and charm to diffuse a heated ninja battle?

"I would use my charm to get close to the leaders of both sides, and convince them to have peace talks."

2. Imagine you are the queen of a ninja village, what would be your first decree to make your people both fierce and fabulous?

"Mandatory service in the navy. Nothing like a bit of raiding and pillaging followed by some port stops to get the young ninjas some experience."

3. Which chakra element would best represent your inner beauty and why?

"Lightning. Fast, violent, bright and short lived."

4. What is the most important thing our society needs?


5. If you had the power to rewrite one historical event in Seichi to promote peace instead of war, which event would it be and what changes would you make?

"I would like to avoid a ban. NEXT question please."

6. If you had the power to rewrite one historical event in Seichi to promote peace instead of war, which event would it be and what changes would you make?

"Always book bone polishing sessions in every port."

2nd Runner-Up: Lady Katsumi

1. As the 2nd Runner-up of Seichi Sweetheart, you've shown incredible poise and grace. How do you plan to use your platform to inspire confidence and self-love in others, especially those who might not always feel like they fit the mold?

"Thank you for your kind words Monami. As the 2nd runner up of Seichi Sweetheart, I see my role as a chance to help others find their inner strength. I hope to empower people, showing that true grace comes from accepting and loving oneself, even when one feels out of place. By offering guidance, support, or just a listening ear, I want to help others realize their own unique worth and inspire them to embrace their individuality."

3rd Runner-Up: Queen BloodFox

2. As the 3rd Runner-up, you've demonstrated remarkable resilience and charm throughout the competition. How would you encourage others to embrace their unique qualities and shine in their own way, both on and off the stage?

"Be unapologetically yourself, you will never be everyone's cup of tea because some people just want coffee instead. Your flavor is something no one else could capture and some people might not like the taste, but it's yours and it's special."

The amazing contestants from Shine even stayed back after event to provide this great group photo!! Shine Kage Rill dressed up for the event as well and we can tell he is beaming with pride!


By: Monami

Chaos in Current: Xious's Spy Spectacle Shocks Seichi!

Article by: Monami

Last week, the usually serene village of Current was rocked by an eruption of chaos so unexpected that not even the village fortune-tellers could have predicted it—well, except for Tsukimori and Dr. Amedot, apparently. The man of the hour? None other than Xious, the beloved shinobi hailed as the "Man of the People." An advocate for equal rights and lower prices, he had us all fooled. Turns out, our champion of justice was actually a Tsukimori spy!

Yes, you read that right. Xious, the guy who had us all convinced he was just a friendly neighborhood shinobi, seized the Kage seat of Current and went undefeated. No sooner had he warmed up the Kage chair than he declared war on all the villages! Current, caught completely off guard, was left reeling. The great "Man of the People" revealed himself to be a master of espionage, hiding in plain sight until the perfect moment to strike.

But before you could even process this mind-boggling twist, Xious was unceremoniously sent back to Tsuki. And what did he have to say for himself? He boldly claimed he had "embraced the darkness within," hinting at a conspiracy with none other than Kakashi. Whether this is true or just the ramblings of a rogue ninja, one thing is for sure: Xious marches to the beat of his own drum, and no one's pulling his strings.

Then, in true Xious fashion, he went right back to his usual good-natured self as if nothing ever happened. So, was this all an elaborate ruse? Is he now plotting to overthrow Tsuki? Does he have some hidden agenda, or was this just the result of waking up on the wrong side of the bed?

No one knows, but one thing's certain—Xious never fails to keep Seichi on its toes! Stay tuned, because with this unpredictable ninja around, there's never a dull moment.

Seichi Speaks: The Battle of the Bigmouths - Poll Reveals Top Yappers!

By: Glacier

Hold onto your hats, folks! Glacier just wrapped up their 2nd annual Seichi-wide poll to crown the biggest yappers of the game. That's right, the results are in, and it's time to reveal who takes the cake for the most chatter in Seichi.

Glacier's Chatterbox Championship: The Top 10 Yappers of Seichi!

Hold onto your hats, folks! Glacier just wrapped up their 2nd annual Seichi-wide poll to crown the biggest yappers of the game. That's right, the results are in, and it's time to reveal who takes the cake for the most chatter in Seichi. Drumroll, please! Here are your top 10 yappers, the masters of banter, the champions of chat, the virtuosos of verbosity!

Prepare to be entertained (or maybe just mildly annoyed) by the chatter kings and queens of the year. Stay tuned for the grand reveal of the mouths that roared!

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9

No. 10

Glacier Hosts Seichi-Wide Tournament, Here Are Your Winners!

By: Caranore

Chunin Level 20 - 29

1st Place - Purged

2nd Place - Igayashi

Chunin Level 30-39

Jessegrahm - First

Shaziir - Second

Chunin Level 40-49

Twentysum - First

Sasukeuchiha - Second

Taijutsu - Third


Rill - First

VoidAbyss - Second

Oishi - Third

Secrets of the Sea

Lost Father and Son Reunited

Article By: Aven

After snatching the crown and being named Seichi’s Sweetheart, Madcrep returned to his Navy Fleet in Current to share his victory. Boarding his own ship, Andreea, and set sail on the seas of Seichi to see what else it had to offer, keeping Admiral at the top of his list of titles!

He landed near the shores of Shroud, a place that he knows well enough he could even call it a home away from home. He dazzled everyone with his magnificent ship and the treasures it holds, stories from his time at sea, and his amazing sense of style!

Little did he know that he was about to bump into someone who had some major news to share with him!

Paschar from Shroud had been trying to uncover the truth about his parents and lineage, slowly gathering bits of information here and there. Like uncovering pieces of a puzzle and putting them together to discover more about his past. And he had discovered that our dear Admiral could be his “illegitimate” father!

“Confused and amused. Yet proud.” - Admiral Madcrep

The two started to chat, and the longer they chatted the more they both realized that they had a LOT in common and everything clicked into place.The two are now working together to try and fill in the blanks.

“Paschar is a great son to have.” - Admiral Madcrep

Madcrep immediately accepted Paschar as his son but that just leaves one question..

Who is the mother?!

Will the two of them be able to uncover the answer or will it remain a secret of the sea?!

Finally A message from the Seichi News team

Seichi News Issue 4 has been delayed due to the recent war attacks from Glacier and Shroud. Earlier this week Glacier bombed Seichi News Headquarters (allegedly) by mistake. Shroud's war activities flooded the building, destroying all work. We at Seichi News apologize for the delay.

"We are hiring freelance journalists & reporters."

DM Event Team for more information

Editor-in-Chief: Monami

Field Reporter and Journalist: Genki