
Cowbridge Lower School newsletter 22.09.23

Welcome to our 2nd Lower School newsletter, sadly the weather hasn't been as good as our first week in school but we have still managed to have fun both inside and out regardless! Take a peek at our learning from this week...

Reception have been very busy bees this week! There has been a lot of mark making, name writing and fine motor control activities to get us all ready to write! They have been reading the book 'My huge bag of worries' and thinking about what to do if they feel different feelings.

Reception have started to use numicon to support their mathematical understanding. They are using Big Maths to help their learn core numeracy skills as well. When making playdough, they were able to use their measuring skills to make sure it was just right!

Nursery have been learning and talking about their family. They have been reading 'Once there were giants' by Martin Waddell, learning how they start as babies and then grow up into big 'giants' themselves. Their art gallery is nearly completed, they have used lots of glitter and sparkle to make their frames and they have used a mirror to look closely at their features to make their faces. Nursery love zooming around on all the bikes and scooters, it is great fun... even in the rain!

Nursery enjoyed their first full P.E. lesson this week, they practised different movements, balancing and pretending to be cars driving around the hall!

Llongyfarchiadau/Congratulations to our Seren yr wythnos!

This week they have been chosen because of their kindness, helpfulness and enthusiasm about their learning!

Da iawn, rhagoral!