
29th November 2024

Save The Date

Every Thursday in term time – Tiny Tiddlers - 8.50am – 10.30am

Friday 13th December – Year 6 Cake Sale

Friday 20th December – Last day of term – 1.30pm collection – no after school provision

Monday 6th January 2025 – Academy open

Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January – Year 1 – 6 Parent Consultations

Wednesday 15th January – Tea & Talk: Maths in Reception – 8.50am

Tuesday 21st January – Tea & Talk: Yr 6 All about SATS – 8.50am

Monday 10th February – Tea & Talk: Safer Internet Day – 8.50am

Wednesday 5th March – Tea & Talk: Phonics in Nursery – 8.50am


Dear parents and carers,

This week we launched Christmas at Darlinghust with the most delightful nativities from our Early Years children.

The Nursery nativity was pure joy. The children not only looked very cute, but also performed with gusto. Family members and staff beamed with pride. The hall was full of smiles, clapping, laughter and song. What a way to start this festive time of year.

The Early Years children performed ‘Born in a Barn’ and were delightful barn animals, stars, angels and nativity characters. Mary and Joseph performed with character and confidence. Every child showcased their personalities and enjoyed being part of the show. They all had their special moments and truly were stars! Mrs Dennis supported children with their lines and actions throughout and performed her very own ‘Baaa’ at the end.

The rest of the academy have been rehearsing and preparing for their performances and as I walk around, I have heard snippets of songs and flashes of costumes. I look forward to seeing the future performances and celebrating this special time with you.

This week the Mayor and Mayoress came to Darlinghurst to judge some Christmas Card entries for their Christmas card this year. They found the decision extremely difficult as they were blown away by the wonderful designs. They chose two winners. Lucy in year 6 and Blue in year 5. We cannot wait to see their design in print! Well done both.

During assembly this week, we looked at our academy values and rainbow words with links to values within sports. We focused on the paralympic values and the determination of the Paralympians who compete. I shared some footage of long jumpers and gold medallists. William and Esther shared a message with UPKS2 about how they are raising awareness of the inequality of funding for paralympic events and how they met with the local MP alongside our active citizens. They were articulate and passionate.

We have also been hosting the book fayre after school this week. There is still time to purchase books during the PTA Christmas Fayre this afternoon. The PTA have been busy preparing for the event for all to enjoy.

Enjoy the fayre and as always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the spotlight

Writing in the spotlight

Writing is a subject that children love. They feel like writers, they enjoy being able to use their own ideas and most of all, they love to share and celebrate their work.

Across the academy, writing gives our children the opportunity to be mindful, social and creative. Writing is a way of expressing thoughts and feelings, giving an opinion and letting imaginations run wild. Our children are excellent at this and produce writing that is interesting, informative, funny and extremely creative.

Children use their writing for a purpose whether that be writing instructions to make fruit kebabs, diaries from WWI soldiers and even letters to MPs about inequality in disability funding. They understand that writing is a life skill and enjoy the challenge of using exciting vocabulary to develop their ideas.

Active Citizens

On Thursday, some of our Active Citizens met with our local MP for Southend West and Leigh, David Burton-Sampson. They included children from different groups: Eco Committee, Prefects, Junior Governors and Sports Committee. He talked about his role as MP and then the children had the opportunity to ask any questions about his job or issues that were important to them. These ranged from what he enjoys most about being an MP, what issues he is passionate about and what he thinks about plastics in the ocean. At the end, Esther and William read out their letter about equal pay and funding for para sports and athletes. Their letter will be sent to David Burton-Sampson and passed onto the Minister for Sport. You can read their well-articulated and persuasive letter below! Well done to Lucas C, Lucy S, Flossie, Zakhar, William K, Esther P, Jude R and Ruby M for showing such confidence in talking passionately about issues that are important to them – future politicians in the making!

Eco Committee

This term, the Eco Committee have been working really hard on their action plan. They have chosen to focus on the themes of litter, transport and water this year. They have already made posters about how we can reduce water waste to include in our classrooms and have carried out checks for any leaky taps around school. They have started making flyers to give out about how we can be make more sustainable journeys instead of using cars.

On Thursday, some of the Eco Committee met with other schools as part of our group, Essex Schools Young Eco Protectors. They talked about plans for a Green Week and joint beach clean to take place in March. They also made suggestions on how we could have a more sustainable Christmas. Watch this space for more ideas!

On Saturday, some of the Eco Committee attended a Science Exhibition at Brentwood School. The theme of their project was the UN Sustainable Development Goal, Sustainable Cities and Communities. For the last month, the children in Eco Committee and Eco Club have been creating their ideas for their own sustainable community which included solar panels, wind turbines, an upcycling centre and a new invention to reduce littering on our streets and encourage recycling. Although we did not win a prize, the children were absolutely amazing at presenting their ideas and showed real passion and commitment!

Play Squad

The Play Squad have been busy leading games on the playground this half term. Their enthusiasm and commitment to their roles is commendable as I can see them outside every lunchtime energetically supervising different games.

Junior Governors

Our Junior Governors have been working hard this half term to encourage everyone to collect miniature toiletries for Southend Hospital. They have made posters and met regularly to share their ideas and up date on their progress.

Reading Ambassadors

Reading Ambassadors have enjoyed helping in our new library including those who took part in the special launch event! They have been making sure everything is neat and tidy so that when children visit to choose books there is plenty of choice for everyone.

Prefects and Senior Leadership Team

They have been incredibly busy this half term, helping out in different community events from our Open day to our Harvest Trail! They have sold poppies for Remembrance Day and helped collect donations for Harvest Festival. Every day they help set up for assemblies, collect house points, carry out energy checks and support their younger peers. They have welcomed any visitors to our school and represented the values of belonging and confidence brilliantly!

Digital Leaders

Our wonderful Digital Leaders have been making sure all of our computing equipment works well.

Peer Mentors

They have been outstanding role models, helping others on the playground when they are feeling sad. They look forward to more training on how to help others this year.



Starfish 95.8%


Lobster 98.3%


Orca 99.1%

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207

