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BLACK ENOUGH BY Sascha Plum camacho

My project titled "Black Enough," is a representation of me beginning to find and claim my space as a Black Mexican queer woman. When one checks off too many boxes, people try hard to minimize your being for their own comfort but instead I am reclaiming my space in a world that continues to impose limiting labels. In shooting this series of photographs, I saw myself create black spaces, as small as my bathroom, instead of seeking out someone else's. Being born into a mix of cultures as beautiful as mine I feel as though my creativity was inevitable. I can always wonder what it would have been like to grow up around other black kids or speak Spanish but what I am coming to realize is how beautiful it is that despite those things I am connected to my culture through the influence my people have had on shaping our world.



ABOUT ME: Sascha Camacho is a 16-year-old creative from Los Angeles, California. While handling a camera is not new to her, it continues to play a crucial role as the foundation of her artistic intrigue. With an innate ability to absorb the world around her and mirror it in her creative process, she feels a magnetic pull toward capturing human emotion unaltered by conformity, whether it be through a lens or with a paintbrush. In this way, she becomes her art, offering others a glimpse into her perspective as a Black & Mexican queer teen navigating the complexities of life in this transitional state, both internally and in her surroundings. When everything else in her life is out of focus, Sascha finds clarity and solace in art.

Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Jackson, Ghee, and Papa
