Hamstel Infant School & Nursery Weekly News week ending 28th MARCH 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

And so we reach the end of the Spring term but we certainly ended it in style!

Year 1 did everybody proud this week as they performed their spring show ‘Rise and Shine’ to two packed audiences full of family and friends. The children did an amazing job to learn all the words, actions and songs and the hall was full of claps, cheers and whoops as they delighted their audiences.

A huge well done to all our Year 1 children and a big thank you to the Year 1 team, who have worked so hard to get the children to such a high standard. Year 1 got the chance to celebrate their achievements and let off some steam at their Bunny Hop disco on Wednesday evening.

Nursery have been very busy making some great Easter crafts this week with their parents/carers coming into Nursery to help make easter eggs, baskets and bonnets. Thank you to everybody who came along to work with the children, they were very impressive creations.

To round the week off, Year 2 looked absolutely fantastic as they came into school dressed as kings, queens, princesses, dragons and knights ready to take part in their banquet afternoon. The children were buzzing when they returned to their classes and all seemed to have a great time!

This morning we had a huge end of term celebration assembly where we celebrated the best attendance and gave out Going for Gold awards, achievement certificates and the most WOW moments we have celebrated to date.

This week our great attendance certificates have also come home with those children reaching either 100% or 95% attendance across the term.

We also celebrated the winners of our PTA easter egg design competition, with each winner receiving a delicious egg for their brilliant designs.

Well done to everybody!

When we return after the Easter holidays, we have lots to look forward to in our summer term.

During the first week, Year 1 are off to The Hive for their summer visit and we also have phonics meetings for Nursery and Year 1 parents. The Year 1 meeting is around the Phonics Screening Check so it is very important that you try to attend. This will take place on Wednesday 17th April at 9:00am and 2:45pm. The Nursery phonics meeting takes place on Thursday 18th April at 8:40am and 2:30pm.

As another term ends, all that remains to say is that I hope you have a relaxing and fun Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 15th April.

Scott Roche


Water bottles

After the Easter holidays please send your child into school with a named transparent water bottle. To avoid damage to books and work, please try not to store these in book bags.

Bottles should only be filled with water, no juice, fruit juice or fizzy drinks please. Bottles can be refilled in school at any time.

Please try to avoid screw cap bottles as there is a risk of spillages. Some suitable examples are shown below.

We will still have cups in school for children to use should bottles ever be forgotten, so children will always be hydrated.

Thank you for your support

Diary Dates


  • Friday 29th - GOOD FRIDAY


  • Monday 1st - EASTER MONDAY
  • Tuesday 2nd - Friday 12th - Easter Holidays
  • Monday 15th - Thursday 18th - Year 1 Outdoor Learning at The Hive
  • Wednesday 17th - 9am & 2.45pm - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check workshop
  • Thursday 18th - 8.40am & 2.30pm - Nursery Phonics Meeting
  • Monday 22nd - Peacock & Woodpecker visit Southchurch Library
  • Tuesday 23rd - Owl & Kingfisher visit Southchurch Library
  • Friday 26th - 9am Kingfisher & Owl Reading Rocks
  • 2.30pm - Woodpecker & Peacock Reading Rocks
  • Monday 29th - Tuesday 30th - Gemma's Farm visit


  • Monday 6th - BANK HOLIDAY
  • Wednesday 8th - Class photos
  • Friday 10th - Share a Book Open Door
  • Monday 13th - Jascqson Diego Story Box Assembly
  • Tuesday 14th - Fox Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Wednesday 15th - Squirrel Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Thursday 16th - Hedgehog Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Friday 17th - Otter Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Nursery Library visit
  • Monday 20th - Reception & KS1 Jacqson Diego Assembly
  • Nursery Library visit
  • Wednesday 22nd - Parent Council Meeting
  • Dragonfly & Duck Church Visit
  • Thursday 23rd - Newt & heron Church visit
  • Reception Sewing workshop
  • Friday 24th - Nursery Library visit
  • Monday 27th - BANK HOLIDAY
  • Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st - May Half Term


  • Monday 3rd - Newt Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Tuesday 4th - Reception & Nursery Police visit
  • KS1 Police Assembly
  • Duck Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Wednesday 5th - Dragonfly Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Thursday 6th - Heron Class - Come and Join Outdoor Learning
  • Monday 10th - Thursday 14th - Phonics Screening Week
  • Tuesday 11th - Otter & Hedgehog Beach visit
  • Wednesday 12th - Fox & Squirrel Beach visit
  • Friday 14th - INSET DAY
  • Monday 17th - Owl & Kingfisher Church visit
  • Wednesday 19th - SPORTS DAY
  • Thursday 20th - Friday 21st - Year 2 Mini First Aid Session
  • Friday 21st - Woodpecker & Peacock Church visit
  • Tuesday 25th - Newt & Dragonfly Beach visit
  • Wednesday 26th - Heron & Duck Beach visit


  • Tuesday 2nd - Woodpecker & Peacock Beach visit
  • Wednesday 3rd - Parent Council Meeting
  • Thursday 4th - Year 2 Speak Out, Stay Safe Workshop
  • Tuesday 9th - Water Safety Assembly
  • Wednesday 10th - Year 2 Disco
  • 9am & 2.24pm Year 1 Curriculum meeting for current Reception parents
  • Thursday 11th - 9am & 2.45pm - Year 2 Curriculum meeting for current Year 1 parents
  • Friday 12th - Woodpecker & Peacock Beach visit
  • Reception Superhero Dress Up Day
  • Monday 15th - 3.30pm - 4.30pm - Open Evening
  • Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic
  • Tuesday 16th - Year 2 End of Year show (Otter & Hedgehog parents)
  • Wednesday 17th - Year 2 End of Year show (Squirrel & Fox parents)
  • Friday 19th - Last Day of Term
  • Monday 22nd - INSET DAY

Sports Day

As we shared a while back our whole school sports day is planned for Wednesday 19th June. A letter will come out to you early in the Summer term giving full details of this event but to allow you to save the date and make any arrangements, we envisage that the timings of the day will be as follows;

• 9:00am to 10:00am – Reception Sports Day

• 10:15am to 11:15am – Year 1 Sports Day

• 1:15pm to 1:45pm – Nursery Sports Day

• 2:00pm to 3:00pm – Year 2 Sports Day

Please note that these may be subject to slight amendments in time but we do not anticipate any major changes. We obviously hope that the weather will be kind to us but should we need to postpone, Thursday 27th June is our proposed back up day.

We hope to see you there!


This week the children have enjoyed listening to the story No-Bot the robot with no bottom. The children have answered questions about what happened in the story. They have enjoyed making shape robots, designing a new bottom for No-Bot.

In Maths we have learning to compare amounts of objects and saying if there are more and fewer in a group.

We have been learning about why we celebrate Easter.

A big thank you to the parents/ carers who took part in our Easter craft sessions, We hope that you enjoyed taking part as much as the children and we did.

Have a lovely Easter break.

How to help at home:

Watch the RWI Virtual Classroom Video’s

REMINDER: Please do not allow your child to bring toys or wear jewellery into Nursery as they might get lost or broken.

Letters sent home this week

Rainbow & Starlight


This week Rainbow has been looking at feelings and emotions, and how they feel. It has been a busy week with children making faces of different emotions, looking at how their friends may feel. We watched some short, animated films about feelings, which the children really enjoyed.

The children have continued with fine motor skills, and name writing. The children have had lots of fun with the interactive TV, playing hide-n-seek, where they need to find numbers in different places and structures. The children have really enjoyed their group work with pen pal gym, and Thursday was fantastic we played lots of different games with the children, and they enjoyed it very much. We learned about all the different shapes and sizes and went on an Easter egg hunt!


This week we have been reading the story ‘Romping Monsters, Stomping Monsters.’ We have written labels to match the pictures and even designed our own monsters lollies!

In maths, we have been learning about doubles and odd and even numbers. The children used multilink to show odd and even numbers.

We have continued with our Attention Autism sessions and the children have engaged well, taking turns and accepting when their turn had ended.

We hope you have an enjoyable Easter break.

Reception Year

This week we have been learning about aliens and reading the book ‘Life on Mars.’

In Maths we have been learning to sort objects and compare their attributes and sort odd and even number blocks.

In Science we have been learning to identify similarities and differences between plants.

In PSHE we have been learning about money and work, the different strengths needed for different job and the different jobs in our community.

In PE we have finished our unit on Dance by extending our ideas and working in pairs to create movements together.

In Handwriting we have been practising all the curly caterpillar letters and the zig zag monster letters.

How to help at home


Continue to watch the RWI Virtual Classroom Videos and listen to your child read their RWI storybook and RWI Book Bag Book at least 5 times a week.


Continue to practise all the zig zag monster letters, remember to start and finish in the correct place.


  • Sort objects into different jobs.
  • Explain why the objects belong in one group.

Letters sent home this week

Year One

We finished off this term with our Spring performance of ‘Rise and Shine’. The children were fantastic and we really hope you enjoyed coming along to watch. We are very proud of how hard the children have rehearsed and learned all the songs and their lines.

In Literacy this week we have designed, drawn and coloured our own ‘Extraordinary Garden’. We then wrote some descriptive sentences using noun phrases to describe our creation.

In Maths we have started learning about Multiplication in the form of equal groups. We have been learning how to share out equal amounts and using STEM sentences to support us e.g. There are ______equal groups. There are ______ in each group. We will be continuing our work on this after the holidays.

We have finished off our Art topic on Eric Carle by creating our own hungry caterpillar. We printed the circular shapes for the head and body using different materials and then added some eyes and legs. We used plastic lids, bubble wrap, pieces of polystyrene and pieces of cork. We completed the unit by evaluating our final piece.

How to help at home

Continue to watch the RWI Virtual Classroom videos:

REMINDER: HIVE trip will be taking place the first week back after the holidays.

Letters sent home this week

Year Two

What a lovely end to our half term the Year 2 children had with the Banquet in the hall. The children all looked fabulous in their costumes and had a wonderful time in the hall, eating delicious food and playing games! Thank you to all the adults at home who helped sort out costumes for the children to wear.

In Literacy this week we have been using all the interesting and creative vocabulary we have thought of to describe dragons over the last couple of weeks and magpied from inspirational texts. One of the books we have really enjoyed sharing in class is in the form of a poem and called Tell Me a Dragon by Jackie Morris. This book is full of beautiful illustrations and descriptions of a variety of dragons. Using their vocabulary ideas and plans the children wrote their own dragon poems. The children have really worked hard and came up with some great ideas.

This week we have started a new unit on Fractions. The children have started exploring that fractions are equal parts that make up a whole and then have moved on to finding out about halves and quarters of some common 2d shapes. The children have been exploring this concept practically and explaining how they know a shape has halves or quarters using their STEM sentences e.g. When I find a_______ I make _________ equal parts.

Letters sent home this week

Celebration Assembly - Working Together

This weeks value has been 'Working Together', below are highlights from around the classes.

Online Safety

While scrolling online, you’ll almost inevitably have come across posts or links with headlines like “You Won’t Believe These 10 Crazy Facts about …”. Such lurid language – and the often-dubious nature of the content it promotes – has become something of a running joke on the internet. Yet while these articles are often laughed at by communities online, they can have an insidious side.

Clickbait, as it’s known, can frequently function as part of a trap: intended to draw users in for the sake of advertising revenue or, in worse cases, masking an attempting to collect their personal information. This guide explores the various risks of clickbait and offers some top tips for evading the pitfalls of this controversial marketing technique.

Dinner menu

Week 1

Monday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Baked Jackets with Grated Cheese - Chicken Mayonnaise Baguette - Cheese Salad Wrap - Pea & Broccoli - Maryland Cookie

Tuesday - Ham & Cheese Pizza with Bakes Wedges - Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Ham Sandwich - Cheese & Tomato Bloomer - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Crumble with Custard

Wednesday - Roast Chicken with roast Potatoes & Gravy - Squash & Lentil Lasagna- Baked Jackets with Baked Beans - Tuna Sweetcorn Baguettes - Cheese Sandwich - Seasonal Greens & Cauliflower - Cherry Cornflake Cake

Thursday - Chilli Con Carne with Steamed Rice - Vegan Bean Chilli with Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Tuna Mayo Sandwich - Cheese Salad Wrap - Broccoli & Carrots - Chocolate & Pear Sponge

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & ketchup - Vegan Goujons with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jackets with grated Cheese - Ham Sandwich - Egg Mayo Baguette - Peas & Baked Beans - Banana Flapjack

Freshly Baked Bread - Carrot & Beetroot or Wholemeal Bread.

Rise & Shine

Science Workshop

On Friday 22nd March, Hamstel Infant School welcomed Einstein Entertainers for a series of Science workshops. The crazy professor entertained and educated the children with a variety of exciting hands-on shows. The children were given opportunities to learn about a wide selection of topics including what gravity is and how rockets work. The children were very much involved, with regular participation from the audience, including tasting and blowing dry ice and being covered in bubbles! The highlight of the show by far was the finale where the crazy professor set his hand on fire and everyone was blown away with shock and surprise! A fantastic event and a great way to participate in Science week.

Year 2 Banquet

Messages from the Office


We are pleased to announce that we have a new uniform supplier Brand Identity Schoolwear. Our uniform is now live on their website and available to make purchases online or you are welcome to pop into their shop to purchase your child’s uniform. The opening times are Monday - Friday 9am-5.30pm and during the Summer months they are open on Saturdays.

Their shop is Brand Identity, Unit 2, 555 Sutton Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 5FB There is onsite parking available.

The website link is below.


Our other supplier for school uniform is Crawlers, 361 Hamstel Road, SS2 4LE, which also offers online ordering. Their website link is below.

Hamstel Infant School Archives - Crawlers Uniforms & EmbroideryCrawlers School Uniforms & business uniforms in Southend. - Crawlers Uniforms & Embroidery (southendschoolwear.com)

If you are looking for pre-loved uniform the Friends of Hamstel Schools PTA hold regular sales on the first Wednesday of each month or you can leave your details with the school office to be passed on to a member of the PTA.

School Nurse - Drop-in Sessions

Our School Nurse is next in school on the dates below, she is available to speak with parents or carers. You can either book a slot by contacting the school office or pop in, although the times will be subject to her availability.


We have received some information about some great events happening in Southend over the next few weeks. Please click on the link for more details.

There are also lots of different Easter Events on offer, so visit the VisitSouthend website for more details.

Outdoor Learning

  • Monday 15th - Newt
  • Tuesday 16th - Duck
  • Wednesday 17th - Dragonfly
  • Thursday 18th - Heron
  • Friday 19th - Rainbow & Starlight


  • Tuesday - Heron & Squirrel Classes
  • Wednesday - Newt & Hedgehog Classes
  • Thursday - Dragonfly & Otter Classes
  • Friday - Duck & Fox Classes

PE Days


  • Friday


  • Thursday
  • Friday


  • Monday - Woodpecker
  • Tuesday - Peacock
  • Wednesday - Kingfisher
  • Thursday - Owl

Year 1

  • Monday - Duck
  • Tuesday - Dragonfly
  • Wednesday - Heron
  • Thursday - Newt

Year 2

  • Monday - Hedgehog Class
  • Tuesday - Otter Class
  • Wednesday - Fox Class
  • Thursday - Squirrel Class


Weekly Attendance Award

Reception Year: Owl Class - 93%

Overall Reception Year attendance for the week 91.1%

Year 1: Newt Class - 97.8%

Overall Year 1 attendance for the week 91.9%

Year 2: Hedgehog Class - 95.7%

Overall Year 2 attendance for the week 94.5%

Whole School: 92.5%

If your child is going to be absent from school please contact the school office by 9am and leave a message on our answerphone or via ParentPay giving your child's name, class and specific reason for their absence.

Any planned absence for example medical appointments should be advised to the school office with a copy of the confirmation letter or text being provided. For other absence i.e weddings, holidays etc then a Leave of Absence Request form should be completed in advance. Copies of this can be obtained from the school office.


Premier Education Club Information

Book onto clubs using this link www.premier-education.com

For before school clubs run by Premier Education drop-off is in our Infant School Hall. Enter through the Poynings Avenue gate and walk across the playground. The register will be taken by the club coach and once the club is finished children will be taken to their classrooms. Please arrive promptly.

For clubs after school run by Premier Education collection is from the Infant School Hall. Enter through the Poynings Avenue gate and walk across the playground. Children will have been escorted to the club by school staff for the start.

Collection time for all Premier Education after school clubs is 4.15pm. Premier Education staff will telephone parents/carers of any uncollected children after 5 minutes. Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be escorted to Hamstel Infant School & Nursery After School Club and a fee of £7.00 will be charged.

If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone the school emergency telephone number on 07526 079300 to speak with a staff member of our After School Club.

Bricks4Kidz Club Information

Book onto club using this link www.bricks4kidz.co.uk/essex

Bricks4Kidz Club is held in our Welcome classroom. Collection for this club is from the Reception Learning Garden (No mow) outside Woodpecker Class.

Collection time for the club is 4.15pm. Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be escorted to Hamstel Infant School & Nursery After School Club and a fee of £7.00 will be charged.

If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone the school emergency telephone number on 07526 079300 to speak with a staff member of our After School Club.

Singing Club

The last Singing Club session will be held on Monday 18th March.