- Often times family are referred to services or seek assistance during crisis moments.
- Crisis can occur during predictable developmental transitions during the lives of families.
- The intervention begins with an assessment of the provoking event, reaction and responses to the event and other variables that impact the situation.
- Crisis is a temporary period of time during which typical coping mechanisms cease and there is intense disregulation, disequilibrium, and disorganization.
- How well the family adapts following a crisis often is determined not only by the nature of the stressor event itself but by the presence or absence of the stressors, the available of tangeable and intangiable resources and how the entire situation is perceived.
Collaborating with Families
Using a collaborative approach means focusing on the family members and individuals to show th you are there with them on the journey toward stabilization and the development of effective coping strategies. Collaborating with a family means including a combination of directive and nondirective approaches together.
- Directive means we lead the person/family in a specific direction. The person/family may not be capable of planning beyond a current situation.
- Nondirective allows the person to come up with all the directions and decisions. Although this is empowering for the client and allows them to have power over their lives, the CYC can facilitate the process. For example: "what might be the most helpful to you now?”
Case Conceptualization
- Basis for developing a good treatment plan
- Used to formulate a clients presenting problems/issues
- A report based on information that is gathered, organized and assessed a client to help explain their behavior
- Includes a multitude of information including: emotional, stated, non-verbal, & behavioral information
- This information is collected and used in collaboration with a client to help develop goals for positive change
- Treatment Intervention Planning
- A treatment plan is a formal document that has a primary purpose of focusing the treatment of clients, setting realistic expectations of counseling, developing a tool for measuring progress in treatment, and establishing a measure of quality control.
Intervention Treatment Plans
Typically consists of:
- Reason for referal
- Presenting problem
- Client Strengths
- A prioritized list of needs
- A working diagnisos
- Possible barriers to treatment
- Goals and objectives with timelines
- Treatment strategies
- Treatment interventions
- Referrals
- Criteria for ending treatment
- Responsible staff
- Treatment plan review date
CYC's work collaboratively with the family on their intervention treatment plans to...
- Prepare families to handle future crisis (with coping strategies)
- Assist them in gaining insight to the how crisis is affecting their life
- Colloboratively create specific treatment goals and objectives
- Monitoring and assessing
- Providing insight into the situation
- Providing stabilization strategies and crisis intervention strategies
- Provide resources and preventative measures
- Help the family alleviate the symptoms
- Prepare the family to handle the future on their own
Family Meetings/Sessions
To work with the family to discover their strengths and needs and help them aquire resources and develop different coping stratgies to manage stress and support optimal family functioning & development.
A reminder:
- The goal of traditional counselling is to increase functioning while crisis counselling (on the go counselling) descrease suffering and increase stabilization so client can participate effectively in longer term counselling (tradiational counselling).
- Crisis counselling happens in the spur of the moment and is not a scheduled event.
In you LaB Groups, complete the following on the Cain Family:
- Conceptualize the case using the provided form on Brightpace
- Develop a treatment plan beginning with a long term plan for the children using the following choices:
• Children remain with foster parents and are adopted
• Children are placed in the care of their Aunt & Uncle
• Children remain in foster care until they can return to Callie
• Children are placed in the care of their Aunt & Uncle until they can return to Callie
Created with images by StartupStockPhotos - "startup start-up notebooks" • geralt - "people viewer exhibition" • geralt - "people network social media" • soej24 - "reed stepping stone stone bridge" • Darkmoon_Art - "diary table flower" • kalhh - "family vacations together" • Pexels - "chairs conference room contemporary" • geralt - "people network social media"