Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

February 2024

Dear all at home,

I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and high spirits as we embark on the new spring term here at Llansannor & Llanharry CiW Primary School. It brings me great pleasure to share with you the fabulous start we have had to this term.

Our dedicated team of staff and enthusiastic students have truly hit the ground running with our new learning topics. I am sure our pupils have enjoyed developing their new skills.

I would like to remind all parents and guardians to book your parent consultation appointments. These appointments provide a valuable opportunity for us to discuss your child's progress, achievements, and any areas for improvement. We believe in the importance of open communication between home and school, and these consultations enable us to work together in ensuring the best possible outcomes for your child\'s education.

I would like to express my gratitude for your continued support and involvement in your child\'s education. It is through this partnership that we are able to create a nurturing and enriching learning environment for our students. I am greatly looking forward to sharing the wonderful learning experiences and achievements of our students with you throughout this term.

Don't forget to follow our adventures on twitter @LlansannorPS

Love and Prayers,

Mrs Davies

Camau Cerdd Project

We are thrilled to announce the resounding success of our recent school recital, showcasing the incredible musical talent of our students!

Together with members of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, our young musicians poured their hearts into their performances, leaving the audience spellbound. All of this has been acheived in 8 short weeks!

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Camau Cerdd Project for the lessons and instruments especailly our wonderful teacher, Laura.

Diolch yn fawr!

Progression Step 1

In a very short half term, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the successful settling in of our new nursery pupils. It has been a joy to see the little ones adapting so well to their new environment and forming new friendships. The nursery staff have done a fantastic job in creating a warm and nurturing atmosphere, ensuring that our youngest learners feel safe and happy.

We have had a wonderful start to our latest topic, Spotlight on Wales, where our pupils are learning about the book 'We are going on a bear hunt.'. We will be creating our own version of the book - stay tuned to find out more!

This term, we had the pleasure of taking our Nursery and Reception children on a trip to the theatre to see the much-loved production of "We're Going on a Bear Hunt." The children were captivated by the live performance, and it was a joy to see their faces light up with excitement. These experiences are so valuable in broadening their horizons and igniting a love for the arts.

As we approach the half term break, I would like to remind you to take this time to relax and enjoy some quality family time. It is important for our children to have a break from their school routines and recharge their batteries. Whether you have planned a fun day out or a cozy movie night at home, make the most of this opportunity to bond and create lasting memories.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all the parents and carers who continue to support our school community. Your involvement and dedication make a significant difference in the education and well-being of our children. Together, we can create an environment where every child can thrive and reach their full potential.

Wishing you all a wonderful half term break filled with laughter, joy, and precious moments. Take care and see you all soon!

The Progression Step 1 Team

Progression Step 2

This half term we have learnt all about Roald Dahl and farms. Our topic is called Lights, Camera, Action! Spotlight on Wales. We enjoyed watching Fantastic Mr Fox as our launch. We have been creating wanted posters with lots of adjectives like cunning, sneaky and suspicious about Mr Fox. We have been working independently in our new green books. Lola’s favourite explore task has been sketching Fantastic Mr Fox and Ivy’s was making creations out of loom bands to practice fine motor skills. With Miss Rees we have been learning about debugging and coding on the laptops. This week we have been looking at playscripts and we have found out about performing. We have enjoyed being narrators and performing and oinking like a pig. We like performing because it is fun and good learning. Year 1 have really enjoyed exploring What the Ladybird Heard and wrote brilliant recounts of the story. We have had a good time in PS2.

Progression Step 3

This term PS3 have been focussing on our topic 'Lights, camera, action... Spotlight on Wales!' During this topic we have been looking at camera angles, script writing, giving directions for actors and stage management. Soon we are going to write our own scripts in readiness to create our own film to present our own Seven Wonders of Wales / Saith Rhyfeddod o Gymru. In our mixed groups we are excited to produce and direct a short film advertising Wales in all its beauty and wonder. I wonder if BAFTA Cymru will be interested. We are using persuasive language to encourage visitors to Wales.

We have celebrated Dydd Mwsic Cymru and discussed positive mental health and how to keep safe on line. The fire service came to remind us about fire safety in the home. We are ready for half term but look forward to creating films.. watch out Stephen Spielberg, step aside for Llansannor newcomers.

Our school as a Church

We continue to develop our spirituality by listening to Bible Stories and exporing our faith.

Rev Angela continues to visit us weekly as we explore our termly value. We find out how we can all follow God's word by staying true to christian values

Our pupils also enjoy our assemblies with Alun where we find out more about the stories from the Old testament.

We are very grateful for the time we are given by these wonderful people.

Friends of Llansannor

Thank you to our small team of volunteers who made our fundraising events a tremendous success! From the tea towel sales, to the coffee shop at the christmas concerts your generosity and enthusiasm truly made a difference. The funds raised will go towards enhancing our school facilities and providing enriching experiences for our pupils. We couldn't have done it without you!

Looking ahead, we have an exciting event on the horizon – our Easter Egg Raffle! We are kindly requesting donations of Easter eggs from parents and guardians. If you are able to contribute, please bring your donations into school over the next few weeks. The raffle will be a fun-filled event for our pupils, and every donation will make a child's Easter extra special.

Additionally, we are planning a Hop-a-Thon with bouncy castles for our pupils. This event will not only bring joy and laughter but also serve as a fantastic opportunity to raise funds for our school. In the coming weeks, we will provide further details on how to make sponsorships and support our Hop-a-Thon. So, get ready to bounce and make a positive impact!


I would like to commend all parents and guardians who consistently ensure that their children attend school punctually and regularly. Your commitment to your child's education is commendable, and it sets a positive example for our entire school community.

Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic progress, social development, and overall well-being. When children attend school regularly, they have the opportunity to engage in meaningful learning experiences, build strong friendships, and develop essential life skills. Moreover, consistent attendance enables teachers to plan and deliver quality lessons that cater to the needs of all students.

At Llansannor & Llanharry CiW Primary School, we have set an ambitious target of 96% attendance for this academic year. Achieving this target requires a collaborative effort from parents, school staff, and students.

To support us in reaching this goal, I kindly request that you:

Prioritise regular attendance: Ensure that your child attends school every day, unless they are unwell or have a valid reason for absence. We understand that occasional sickness or unforeseen circumstances may arise, but it is crucial to limit absences as much as possible.

Communicate absences promptly: If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or any other reason, please inform the school promptly by calling our school 01443 223545 and press 1. This will help us keep accurate records and ensure the safety of all students.

Plan medical appointments outside of school hours: Whenever possible, please arrange medical appointments, including routine check-ups, outside of school hours. This minimises disruption to your child's learning and allows them to make the most of their time at school.

Encourage a positive attitude towards school: Talk to your child about the importance of attending school regularly and the benefits it brings. By fostering a positive attitude towards education, you can instill a lifelong love for learning in your child.

Should you require any further information or support regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated attendance team. We are here to help and support you in ensuring your child\'s regular school attendance.

Thank you for your continued collaboration and commitment to your child's education. Together, we can make a significant difference in their educational journey.

St David's Day!

Friday 1st March we will be celebrating St David's Day and our Welsh Heritage. Come to school in Red, Green, White, Welsh costumes or Welsh Jerseys.

Dates for your diary

Don't forget you can use your new school app where all the dates for the next term are displayed. The above termly planner, alongside a printer friendly version, is avaible on our website