Alexia Tiches canal community story

I grew up in Hagerstown and first went to the C&O Canal in the second grade on a school field trip. I remember being enamored by a lockhouse and the idea that people “created a river”. Growing up, I would run on the towpath with my soccer team and meet at the canal for picnics with friends. For the most part, I took it for granted, until I went to college and realized that not everyone had such an opportunity to be so close to nature. After I got my position as the Volunteer Coordinator for the C&O Canal Trust, I’ve been able to take better advantage of the canal.

I’ve recently learned how to fish, so I’ve been sitting for a few hours trying to catch sunfish and carp. Even though I’m not very good, only getting sunfish who bite anything, I enjoy being still, watching turtles and herons. I’ve also been training to run a marathon, and I’ve been enjoying the continuous shady towpath.

My most significant memory at the C&O Canal is training with my soccer team. We would be told that we were getting ice cream, but instead we would go to canal to run. I hated it, but then when I would get to the towpath, all my irritation would dissipate. I was with the trees and birds, and everything would be okay.

I’ve been exploring the Park a lot more with my current position and I love experiencing new areas of the Park. Growing up, I spent more time in the western side of the Park, but I’ve now been exploring the eastern part of the Park like Great Falls, Weverton, and Fletchers Cove.

One of my favorite aspects of my position is interacting with the community, both visitors of the C&O Canal and volunteers. I love hearing about their stories and why they love the Park. Everyone has a different perspective and diverse knowledge that they carry with them. Some know more about birds, others about horticulture, and there are those that know so much about history. I’m always learning something!


Created with images by Alexia Tiches.