Welcome to Birkwood An #IncredibleCommunity

The Birkwood Values

We wish you a very warm welcome to the Birkwood Primary School Newsletter.

28th June 2024

A Message from the Headteacher

Some excellent activities have taken place this week in school. It seems there is always plenty to report! And that’s the way we like it.

Crucially it has been our RSE week where the children have learned all about safe and healthy relationships. I thank Mrs. Wilkie and Miss Keen for their leadership in this area and all of our staff for some excellent input into keeping our children knowledgeable around staying safe.

Also, this week our Year Six children enjoyed an adventurous day at Hesley Wood. Some brilliant activities and the baking hot weather seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all. The children had a great time.

We staged our class photograph day this week I hope you enjoy the opportunity to see and purchase a memento from the current academic year. We have a date booked for next year’s snaps – 25th April 2025.

We again welcomed families who are new to Reception for September. This was in a stay and play afternoon on Tuesday. Thank you to our staff for arranging this and ensuring we try to provide as smooth a transition period as possible for latest families.

Our Year 4 brass players entertained a very large audience at the Barnsley Metrodome this week. They were excellent and did themselves and the school proud. I must congratulate them on their musicianship. The finale that involved around 300 children was also something to remember. Really well done, we all loved it.

We were visited by Doncaster Belles Football Club this week. If possible, please take advantage of the free tickets that they have kindly made available for the charity game against Leeds. This will be a terrific event at the Eco Power Stadium in Doncaster. I wrote to you with details of this event but please do not hesitate to speak to school or Mr. Walton if you would like any further clarification or another copy of the letter.

Well done to our artists who represented the school at the local arts awards evening. Sadly, due to a Governing Body meeting I was unable to attend although I have received excellent feedback from Mrs. Rennison and Miss Keen. The arts award is an excellent programme where children receive a nationally accredited qualification even at such a young age. The power of the arts should not be underestimated.

Thank you to families who have ensured the children were protected from the sun this week. I saw lots of stylish headwear around school and could tell that the children had sun cream applied to them at home. The slightly cooler weather may suit some of our children although they seemed to have great fun in the soaring heat.

As ever, an interesting week ahead next week. Transition morning in school as well as the ever-popular disco and even a Yorkshire in Bloom judging taking place at Birkwood.

Outside of school, it is the week of the general election. Who knows what may be in store for everybody? I am issuing a gentle reminder that school is not a polling station and on Thursday we shall be open as normal.

Have a terrific weekend and for those of you inclined, I hope you enjoy the football. More crucially, enjoy some family time as always.

This weeks news
Y6 Visit to Hesley Woods
Artsmark Awards
Y4 Pankhurst Brass Performance
Term 3 Events - June 2024 to July 2024
Celebration Assembly Winners
  • Headteachers Superstar EYFS/KS1 - LK Y2 Parks
  • Headteachers Superstar KS2 - MS Y5/6 Wollstonecraft
  • Class Times Table Rockstars - Y5 Attenborough
  • Music Maestro - Y4 Pankhurst

House Winners

  • This week's winners - Earth
  • Current Half Term Leaders - Earth
  • Overall Leaders - Earth
  • School Attendance Target for the Year - 96.50%
  • School attendance this year so far - 94.7%
  • School attendance this week - 93.8%
  • EYFS2 Anning - 96.0%
  • EYFS2 Sharman - 92.0%
  • Year 1 Einstein -95.0%
  • Year 1 Nightingale -93.3%
  • Year 2 Parks - 93.5%
  • Year 2 Seacole - 93.2%
  • Year 3 Earhart - 93.8%
  • Year 3/4 Holmes - 92.6%
  • Year 4 Pankhurst - 95.3%
  • Year 5 Attenborough - 94.3%
  • Year 5/6 Wollstonecraft - 96.1%
  • Year 6 Kings - 94.4%

Well done to Class Wollstonecraft who are this week's winners with an excellent 96.1% attendance. Congratulations.

Last week 46 days were lost to holidays in term time.

Our suite of X (formerly Twitter) Handles is here for you. Below is a link for 'all things Birkwood.'

PE & Sport

Appropriate trainers must be worn. No crop tops – Sports t-shirts please and shorts. A tracksuit may be worn – please make a judgment on temperature.

Afterschool clubs - Summer Term 2

This Year's Term Dates

Next Year's Term Dates Below

Dates set out below for clarity

Friday 18 July 2025 - School Closes for Summer

For current Year 5 children, their tests will be Monday 12th to Thursday 15th May 2025.

For current Year 4 children, their tests will be Monday 11th to Thursday 14th May 2026.

School Dinner Menu
Our School Vision
Our School Values
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