
November Newsletter

Dear parents and carers,

What an amazing month we have had so far! This week, we celebrated Diwali...

...took part in Anti-Bullying week 2023...

...and raised money for Children in Need!

All in one week, while still doing all our learning in other subjects too. Phew! We will announce the total raised from today in next month's newsletter.

Today hasn't been the only fundraising happening in school either! Eagles house planned an amazing spooky disco to raise money for their house charity, which they have decided will be the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust as they wanted to help local animals with their donation. We will keep you posted on how much that raised in total once the children have counted the money and worked out their profit. We also raised £150 for C&W Mind on "Hats off for mental health day", £46.25 at our Macmillan cake sale and we have some very heavy donation pots waiting to be collected and counted by the Royal British Legion from our poppy sales last week. A huge thank you to you all for supporting these different events in school and to the staff and children that were involved in the planning/organising/delivering of these events to our whole AFJS community.

For Harvest this year, we learnt about Harvest festivals around the world, found out about how the Rugby Foodbank helps local residents in need, sang our favourite Harvest songs and welcomed the local Vicar, Revd Steve Gold, into school to lead an assembly. A huge thank you to everyone that supported our Harvest appeal too and helped up to collect a huge 132.1kg of donations for the Foodbank. Another great community effort for AFJS that really helped teach the children about being kind, responsible citizens of the world.

In the last couple of weeks of November, pupils will be completing assessments in class to allow teachers to see how much progress they have made so far this term and also to identify any areas for the year group to focus on as teachers look at their planning for the Spring term. These will be done as informally as possible to support pupils in not feeling anxious about them. If your child shares that they are worried, please reassure them that they are just to help teachers in their planning for next term and they just need to do their best.

And last but not least, if you haven't done so already, please give us a follow on Facebook/Instagram to help you keep up with everything going on in school. If you are not on social media, you can also see our feeds on the homepage of our website.

Have a great weekend, from Mrs Webb :)

Learning around school

Year 3

In maths, year 3 have been working on using all 4 operations, which are the underpinning skills for most maths that they will tackle as they move through the school. They have developed their written calculation methods for addition and subtraction and have used arrays to investigate the relationship between multiplication and division. They have been developing their stamina and resilience for writing in English, being reflective with their editing skills to ensure they have used capital letters and full stops accurately as well as writing some super firework poems with ambitious vocabulary choices. Year 3's science topic of rocks and soils this term has linked in perfectly with their history learning about the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age and they have enjoyed learning about how fossils are formed.

Year 3 have really been enjoying their forest school sessions this term too, learning to work as a team, be more resilient and to solve problems while also developing their Healthy Bodies and Minds.

Year 4

In year 4 maths lessons, the children have been refining their written methods for addition and subtraction and have been ambitious when trying their skills out with bigger numbers and calculations that require multiple exchanges. They have also learnt how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Year 4 enjoyed reading the book Storm in English lessons, then wrote poems using ambitious vocabulary choices before moving on to writing their own stories and developing their reflective editing skills. In the studio with Miss Trainer, the children have been developing their art skills in their sketchbooks, practising careful observation drawings and learning to paint with different thicknesses of brushes for different effects and purposes. They have created some beautiful illuminated letters putting all their new skills to the test.

Year 5

In their English lessons recently, Year 5 have been reading The Highwayman and using it to inspire some great writing. I was very excited to be invited down to hear the children reading out some of their work and was very impressed with the ambitious vocabulary and attention to the impact their writing was having on the reader. In maths, after working on their written methods to begin with, the children then learnt about factors and multiples, which they are now putting to good use in their fractions learning too. This has needed plenty of resilience to keep going when things are tricky, but has resulted in lots of proud faces when they finally 'got it' and felt successful.

Just before half term, Y5 were lucky enough to go on a trip to the Macready Theatre at Rugby School to meet the author Ross Montgomery. They really enjoyed hearing about his books and having a go at creating some exciting stories of their own too. It inspired lots of them to read more and also sparked some super imaginative writing.

Year 6

Year 6 have continued their work linked to the story of Beowulf over the past few weeks and have been writing their own battle scenes between Beowulf and Grendel, focusing on ambitious vocabulary to hook in the reader and careful reflection and editing to ensure their punctuation and spelling is the best it can be. In maths, they have built on their year 5 learning about factors and multiples to be able to identify common factors and multiples as well as prime and square numbers. The science topic for year 6 last half term was 'Light' and children enjoyed learning about how light travels and also how the eye works to enable us to see. They have now moved on to learning about adaptation and inheritance, which links in perfectly with their Geography learning about Hawaii.

The brass lessons that pupils have been having with specialist staff from Rugby School this term have been a brilliant addition to the AFJS music curriculum. Not only have the chidlren enjoyed themselves and learnt a new skill, but the staff from Rugby School have enjoyed themselves too and always comment on the wonderful enthusaism and behaviour that our pupils show in these lessons.

AFJS sporting achievements

A huge congratulations to the school football team who played in their first tournament of this academic year last week and won all 3 of their matches! There were some great returning performances from last year's players but also some new faces that made a great impression from the new Y5s who are now eligible to play. Well done all of you for some great skills and also excellent sportsmanship and behaviour.

Yesterday, a group of Year 6 pupils represented AFJS at the rowing competition at Harris school. Despite not having long to train, they did really well and represented the school brilliantly as always. :)

Mrs Hartwell has also been busy running cross country trials this half term to put together a school team to compete in the local competition coming up soon. The children have shown excellent dedication to these sessions in their lunch breaks and there are some great runners who we know will be excellent AFJS ambassadors and do us proud.

Finally, a group of pupils from y5 and 6 attended the Gifted and Talented sports session at Harris school a couple of weeks ago to try out a wide range of different sporting activties and had a great day. Mrs Briggs and Miss Wood accompanied the children are were very pleased with their behaviour and efforts across the whole day.


We will be holding Christmas Fair and Raffle Draw straight after school on Friday 15th December. To make this event a success, we are holding a non-uniform day on Friday 15th December when we are asking for the following donations -

  • Adult Tombola - bottles, chocolates, toiletries, any new items
  • Children’s Tombola – any new items, toys, chocolate, sweets
  • Cake Stall – homemade or shop bought – don’t forget that we are a NUT FREE school
  • Teddy Stall – washed, pre-loved teddies and soft toys
  • Christmas jumpers – washed and in good condition
  • Raffle – any prizes welcomed - please let us know if you work for a company that can donate a prize

Look out for your raffle tickets from the PTA coming out soon too along with a letter about ways you can help out!

Diary Dates

UPCOMING EVENTS - more information will be shared closer to the time but keep these dates in your diary

  • wb 27th November - Open Afternoons for each year group - see further information below
  • Tues 28th November - Be Internet Legends day - online safety assembly for pupils and link has also been shared for parents to take part
  • Fri 1st Dec - Whole School Pantomime
  • wb 4th Dec - Book Fair in school in collaboration with local bookshop Hunts
  • Thurs 14th Dec Y3/4 Christmas play - one from 2pm-3pm and one from 6pm-7pm
  • Fri 15th Dec - non-uniform day for Christmas fair donations
  • Fri 15th Dec - PTA Christmas Fair from 3:30pm
  • Tues 19th Dec - Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day
  • Weds 20th - Y5&6 Carols evening from 6pm
  • wb 25th Dec and 1st Jan - CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS

Class assembly dates

There are only 2 class assemblies left for this term. Tuesday 21st November is Mr Evans' class and Tuesday 5th December is Mrs Beech's class. Starting at 2:50pm.

Next term, class assemblies will be on a Tuesday again, but they will start at 9:05am. I will send out a schedule as soon as we have it ready.

Open afternoon dates

Our open afternoons are a great opportunity for parents to come in and complete some activities with their children linked to their learning this term. You can also have a look through all of their books and chat to year group staff.

Messages from the office

Don't forget to log in to your Stir account to order a Christmas dinner if your child would like one. Christmas dinner day is Tuesday 19th December and children can also come to school in their Christmas jumpers on that day.

  • Please update the office on any new phone numbers or addresses that need adding to your child's contact list. It is really important that we have the correct details in case of an emergency. You can email them your change of details at any time throughout the year if needed.

Here are details of some local activities we have had shared with us recently that may be of interest to you.

Following the success of the Y3 and Y6 Tag Rugby tournament, our local sports partnership collated this list of local Rugby clubs for us to share with parents. The contact details are the most recent ones that were stored on record:

Please remember that we cannot vouch for any of these providers, we are just sharing information that might be of use or interest to our families that has been sent to us.