Ingoldsby Academy march 2024 2ND EDITION

This is such a busy month that we need a second newsletter!

Key Stage 1 Art Day

Easter School

Again we offer two days of Easter tuition to Year 6. This year we are holding those days on the 9th and 10th April 9.30 am - 2.30 am. We provide snacks, lunch and rewards!

Netball Success

Well done to the netball team who did it again and won the Northern Cup!

We scored 36 goals and conceded 1 across the whole tournament. We will be attending the final in May.


Libby Lane from the trust visited to support preparation for the opera, Hansel and Gretel and also to watch teaching in KS1 and Early Years. Libby reported some of the best singing in the trust and praised the teaching and learning going on in t he classrooms. Well done to all pupils and staff who really showed off their skills and talents.

Author Visit

Buzzards had a virtual visit from the Author Glen Blackwell who wrote The Blitz Bus which links to our WW2 topic. We have copies of Blitz Bus in school and some other related texts to inspire reading for pleasure and knowledge.


Please, please book wraparound in advance. If you know you will be late collecting, please call school to be booked in on the day. Please note that pupils must be supervised so we cannot just leave in a corridor.

Additionally, if we cancel a club on the day, we allow access to wraparound unpaid, however, where notice is given, wraparound must be paid for.

Spotlight on Safeguarding: Malicious Communication

Dan talks about some of the legal problems arising from online communications and what parents and carers can do to help reduce the risk

PARENT WORKSHOP “How to keep your autistic child safe from online radicalisation”.

This is a free online workshop, designed specifically for parents, carers, and those who provide direct support for neurodiverse children, particularly males.

The workshop contents will include:

  • Understanding the specific vulnerabilities of young males with ASD or other neurological conditions which makes them particularly susceptible to radicalisation.
  • Identify when a young person in your care, or who you support, is at risk of online radicalisation.
  • Provide the skills and knowledge to intervene directly in an appropriate way to safeguard the young person.
  • Know how to seek further support in mitigating that risk.
  • Workshop dates are yet to be planned but are likely to be during April / May, held online, for approximately 2 hours. We welcome any feedback on what times of day would be most suitable for these to take place.

To express an interest in being allocated a place on one of the workshops please email with your contact details and a brief description of how the course may be suitable for you.

School Dinners

We are working with Caterlink to improve the vegetable and salad options. Watch this space...


  • 22/03/2024 - Buzzards class - WW2 Dress up day
  • 26/03/2024 - Hansel and Gretel performance Corby Cube Year 3,4 and 5
  • 26/03/2024 - Falcons Stone age Dress up day
  • 28/03/2024 - Non- Uniform day - PTFA Easter Fayre 2pm all welcome
  • 09/04/2024 - 10/04/2024- Easter School Y6
  • 15/04/2024 - Back to school