
Capturing the Wild Side Top Destinations for Wildlife Photography Enthusiasts

Wildlife photography combines the natural world's thrill with photography's creative satisfaction. For those passionate about capturing wildlife through their lenses, wildlife photography provides an opportunity to observe animals in their natural habitat, while it challenges the photographer to hone their skills in unique environments.

Each of the destinations below offers wildlife photographers unique travel opportunities. While the technical aspects of photography always pertain, equally important are patience, respect for wildlife, and adaptability to various conditions. Whether you're drawn to the savannas of Tanzania, the rainforests of Costa Rica, or the wild terrains of Alaska, each location demands a unique skill set and approach.


Spanning the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina, Patagonia is ideal for photographers drawn to dramatic landscapes and diverse wildlife. Here, patient photographers can capture stunning images of animals such as puma, Andean condors, and guanacos.

Best Time to Visit: The optimal time for wildlife photography in Patagonia is during the southern hemisphere's summer, from November to early March, when the weather is warm and the days are long.

Necessary Skills: Photographers in Patagonia face rapidly changing weather and lighting conditions, requiring a solid understanding of camera settings. Proficiency in capturing wildlife in motion is crucial, given the distances involved and the animals’ unpredictable nature.

Guanaco crossing the river in Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile

Puma in its winter habitat, Torres del Paine, Chile

Southern Right Whale in Patagonia

Magellan Penguin, Patagonia, Argentina

Southern sea lions in shallow water at a colony, Patagonia


Tanzania boasts a location where the traveler can witness the Great Migration of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles and the big five: lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants, and Cape buffalo, providing endless opportunities for spectacular wildlife photography.

Best Time to Visit: To capture the Great Migration, visit between late June and September. For general wildlife viewing, the dry season from late June to October is ideal.

Necessary Skills: Wildlife photography in Tanzania demands quick reaction times to capture animals' spontaneous behaviors. Mastery of telephoto lenses is also essential due to the vast landscapes and regulations that dictate vehicle distances from wildlife.

Female cheetah with cabs. Serengeti National Park

Wildebeests running through the savannah. Great Migration. Tanzania

Herd of African elephants on a safari trip

Group of young lions lying on rocks

Common Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)

Group of zebras in the African savanna at sunset. Serengeti National Park. Tanzania

Leopard on a tree in the Serengeti, Tanzania


Australia provides excellent opportunities for wildlife photography, from the kangaroo and koala to the elusive platypus and bird species like the rainbow lorikeet. Key photography spots include Kangaroo Island, Daintree Rainforest, and the Great Barrier Reef for underwater species.

Best Time to Visit: Wildlife is abundant all year, but visiting during Australia's spring (September to November) offers comfortable weather and the chance to see many animals with their young.

Necessary Skills: Australia's wildlife is diverse and so are the various terrains and climate zones. Photographers will have to be versatile, adapting to different environments and animal behaviors.

The elusive Australian duck billed platypus

Mother koala with baby

Australian kangaroo

Wild Dingo canine

Quokka, a small macropod size of a domestic cat, Western Australia

Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a land teeming with the paradoxes of its geographical location, bridging North and South America and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The resulting climate makes it ideal for year-round travel. The forces of nature are at their spectacular best here, churning out rainforest and volcanoes, great beaches, and vistas. The animals and plants of the region are of two great continents. The diversity of flora and fauna, geography, and terrain all come together here in a mere 50,895 square kilometers. From the resplendent quetzal and scarlet macaw to the sloths and monkeys that populate its rainforests, there's no shortage of photographic subjects. National parks like Tortuguero and Corcovado offer exceptional opportunities for encountering these species.

Best Time to Visit: The dry season from December to April is ideal for wildlife photography, with fewer rain showers and lush, vibrant landscapes.

Necessary Skills: Photographers in Costa Rica need to be skilled in various lighting conditions, especially in the rainforests, where light can be scarce or dappled. Quick focusing and framing are necessary due to the animals' fast movements in the canopy.

Red eyed tree frog

Margay sitting on a branch

Howler Monkey

Flying Resplendent Quetzal

Adult scarlet macaws



Wild and remote, Alaska is perfect for those looking to photograph wildlife in some of the most pristine environments on Earth. From brown bears fishing for salmon to moose roaming the wilderness, and not forgetting the skies teeming with bald eagles, Alaska provides abundant opportunities for wildlife photography.

Best Time to Visit: Summer (June to August) provides milder weather and optimal wildlife viewing opportunities, including the famous salmon run.

Necessary Skills: Wildlife photographers in Alaska need to be ready for its challenging conditions, including cold weather, remote locations, and potentially close encounters with large animals. Mastery of quick shooting techniques, safety awareness, and patience are paramount.


Sea otter

Pack of Wolves


Humpbacked Whales

Grizzly Bear with Cubs

Polar Bear

Harbor Seal pup

Pack your gear, prep your camera, and set off on a wildlife photography adventure.