porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 4th october 2024

Diary Dates


  • Tuesday 8th - Portico Sports Afternoon
  • Wednesday 9th - Reception Reading Workshop
  • Friday 11th - Individual School Photos
  • Monday 21st - Thursday 24th - Book Fair
  • Friday 25th - INSET Day
  • Monday 28th - Friday 1st November - Half Term


  • Monday 4th - Return to school
  • Friday 22nd - Year 5 & 6 Cinema trip
  • Wednesday 27th - Reception Reading Workshop


  • Friday 20th - INSET Day
  • Monday 23rd - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Break


  • Wednesday 15th - Year 6 Height & Weight check
  • Wednesday 22nd - Reception Reading Workshop


  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st - Half Term
  • Monday 24th - INSET Day


  • Monday 7th - Thursday 17th - Easter Break
  • Friday 18th - Good Friday
  • Monday 21st - Bank Holiday Monday


  • Monday 5th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Monday 12th - Thursday 15th - KS2 SATS Week
  • Wednesday 21st - Reception Height & Weight, vision & hearing checks
  • Monday 26th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th - Half Term


  • Monday 2nd - INSET Day
  • Monday 9th - Friday 13th - Phonics Screening Check
  • Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th - Year 6 Residential


Wednesday 23rd - Last day of term


This week has been another busy week at nursery. We have welcomed some more new friends and are continuing to build friendships. We have enjoyed lots of new activities, water play, painting and playdough. We are all trying very hard to follow the rules and routines of the group and are becoming super at tiding up the classroom when we hear the bell.

REMINDER:Please remember to bring a coat for your child daily as the weather is getting colder.


This week we have been learning the story of the three little pigs. We have used puppets to re-tell the story and listened to a fun rap too. We have been learning how to ‘act’ out stories in our story acting sessions. We had to use our imagination to represent objects and characters. In maths, we have been learning about the numbers 1-5. How to count, order and form the numbers as well as different ways to compose the numbers such as 1+3=4. We have been sorting items into groups using the resources in the maths area. Each day this week we have had lots of fun singing familiar and new nursery rhymes.

REMINDER: Next week we have our reading workshop on Wednesday 9th October Please come along to the session that suits you either 9am or 3.30pm. Your child will join you for this workshop!

Year 1

The children have continued to work very hard in their English lessons. We are now learning how to write sentences correctly using our writing rules. In their geography lessons year 1 have been learning about the 7 continents. We’ve introduced ‘Banjo’; A cat who travels around the world, looking for adventure. In maths we have started to look at number sentences and how addition is commutative (3 + 2 is the same as 2 + 3).

REMINDER: Well done to those who have used Seesaw. The work we are seeing is fabulous!

Reading books must be in school every day.

Year 2

This week in Year 2 we have been learning about the text ‘Whatever Next’. They have explored the text in depth and adapted the character, what the characters takes on their travels and how the character travels to the moon. In maths we are comparing amounts and numbers and in history we are making a comparison between what Southend- on-Sea looks like now to the Victorian era.

REMINDER: Please remember to make a note of how your child reads at home in their reading records.

Well done to Seahorse class for winning an attendance award this week. You have won some IPad time to celebrate this achievement!

Year 3

This week in Year 3 we have been writing mystery stories of our own in English and started learning about the skeleton in Science. In maths we are tackling addition and subtraction of ones, tens and hundreds and in history we have continued to study the Neolithic village of Skara Brae and the Stone Age monument of Stonehenge.

REMINDER: PE Tuesday and Friday – please ensure your child have appropriate kit including footwear.

Please send your child’s reading record and book in every day and have them continue to read and practise times tables.

Year 4

This week year 4 have swapped PE topics, with Porpoise class learning golf skills and Orca learning tag rugby. In English we have begun to write our own paragraphs based on The Romans or animals. We have tried to include fronted adverbials and a selection of pronouns.

REMINDER: Remember trainers or plimsols for PE kits. PE Monday and Wednesday. Reading records should be in every day.

Year 5

This week, Year 5 have been writing their own flashback stories. They have included fronted adverbials, direct speech and interesting vocabulary. It has been lovely to read their imaginative stories!

In Science, they took part in an online workshop about space. The children learnt how astronauts eat, sleep and live when they are travelling through space.

REMINDER: Remember to bring coats to school please.

Year 6

We had to wait for good weather for our geography field trip but it was worth it! We visited the empty plot of land by the Kursaal and the children thought of some excellent ideas including: a museum for visitors that would pay for a youth centre for local residents to enjoy; a swimming pool and indoor football pitch and a petting zoo for people that cannot afford a pet at home.

In PSHE, we have been learning about the value of turning off devices and having a quiet hour before going to sleep. Children were surprised to learn all the benefits to their physical and mental health of having 10-11 hours sleep a night.

In English, we have been writing parts of stories based on Sherlock Holmes stories. In maths, we are using our times tables knowledge to answer multiplication and division questions.

Thank you for sending in cardboard boxes. We have started creating our self-portrait sculptures inspired by Picasso.

REMINDER: Well done Stingray class for winning the TT Rockstars award this week. 10 minutes a day practising times tables facts will make maths so much easier.

This is the link for the calming activities we talked about in PSHE Calm zone | Childline



This week the whole school celebrated the European Day of Languages competition on the theme of Peace. Classes had to find out the meaning of a foreign word posted in their classrooms. The poster on the theme of peace is due in by Friday October 11th.


Music Clubs

  • Tuesday - Music Making - 3.30pm - 4.15pm
  • Friday - KS2 Choir - 3.30pm - 4.15pm

Instrumental Tuition

  • Tuesday Guitar - Mr Brown
  • Wednesday Guitar – Mr Elliott
  • Wednesday Keyboard – Mr Hockey

European Day of Languages

September 26th was the European Day of Languages. This year we are running the poster competition on the theme of Peace. Entries to Mr Morris by October 11th please.

We also ran a word competition quiz on the Thursday, with many students identifying the word for Peace in a variety of different European languages. Well done to all who took part.

Healthy Schools

How to find a dentist

You can find a list of dental surgeries locally and see if any are taking on new NHS patients. Whether it's near your home or work, phone them to see if there are any NHS appointments available.

Dental surgeries will not always have the capacity to take on new NHS patients. You may have to join a waiting list, look for a different dentist who is taking on new NHS patients, or be seen privately.

Once you find a dental surgery, you may have to fill in a registration form at your first visit, which is just to add you to their patient database. But that does not mean you have guaranteed access to an NHS dental appointment in the future.

Did you know? Advice on how to find an NHS dentist from the NHS advises that dentist practices do not have a catchment area and patients do not need to “register” with a dentist in the same way as with a GP (though practices may have their own registers to store personal details and waiting lists).

Online Safety

Online gaming enjoys an apparently ever-increasing level of popularity, and many players are eager to connect with one another as they enjoy a friendly competition or go for the win side by side. Whether it’s to strategise and coordinate, or simply have a chat as you indulge in your hobby, the fact remains that plenty of games now offer means for their players to talk to one another, be that in a text or voice format.

Unfortunately, this functionality – which is used to connect with strangers just as often as it is with friends – poses several risks to younger players, and it’s vital for parents and educators to understand these safety concerns. This guide offers expert advice on the issues that may arise when using in-game chat, and lets you know how to safeguard the children in your care as they make use of this technology.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

We always welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.30am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.

Thank you


Congratulations Attendance Awards

Congratulations to Oyster, Seahorse Lobster and Sea Turtle classes for achieving a certificate this week.

Being ready every day and getting in on time is the challenge you set yourself to achieve greatness!

his week, we celebrated 337 children who achieved 100% attendance, slight rise on last week. Well done to all those attendance hero's, children who were Here, Every day, Ready and On time.

Aim to attend school 100% Of every week.

Attendance monitoring

Advice and support for families who are experiencing difficulties around attendance is always available on request, please call the attendance line or email the attendance email and Mrs Wyer our attendance administrator will follow up any questions or queries.

Each week the attendance team contacts families about attendance

  • National threshold review letters
  • Level 1 absence review letter
  • Attendance support meeting invite
  • Punctuality review letter

Weekly attendance support meetings resume with Mrs D Morris in October, so if you are invited to an attendance meeting on a Thursday morning and you unable to make it, please do get in contact to rearrange for a day and time that suits you. We understand everyone leads a busy life, Mrs Morris often has availability at the start of the day just after you drop off in the morning or just before you collect your child at the end of the day, to have that short catch up about attendance for your child.

Contact Us

If you would like to talk to someone for support or advice on attendance or punctuality at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team: Mrs. S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator, or Mrs. D. Morris, Assistant Principal and Senior Leader for Attendance. You can pop into the school office to speak face to face, if we are available. Alternatively, you can call the school or drop us an email at attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk We are here and always happy to help!

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child.

Weekly Attendance Report

Dinner Menu

Week 3

Monday - Chicken & Sweetcorn Meatballs with Tomato Sauce & Penne - Vegan Roasted Ratatouille with Penne - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Carrots & Broccoli - Orange Shortbread Biscuit

Tuesday - Fajita Spiced Turkey & Vegetables with Steamed Rice - Vegan Burrito - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Sweetcorn & Peas - Carrot Cake

Wednesday - Herby Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - 3 Vegetable Mac n' Cheese - Baked Jacket Potato with Baked Beans - Seasonal Greens & Broccoli - Chocolate & Beetroot Brownie

Thursday - Macaroni & Cheese Bolognaise Bake - Vegan Chickepea & Spinach Korma Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Cauliflower & Carrots - Vanilla Ice Cream

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & Ketchup - Vegan Bubble & Squeak with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Peas & Baked Beans - Apple & Parsnip Cake


Cost of Living Advice

Click here to access cost of living advice from Southend City Council. It contains information on housing support, energy cost advice and benefits and support for those with children.