Florida LAKEWATCH 2024 Annual Report
In our first newsletter of 2025, we’re excited to share the inaugural Florida LAKEWATCH Annual Report! This 2024 report showcases our volunteers and waterbodies by the numbers, along with key statistics on lab analyses, data sharing, extension efforts, financials, and collaborators. Hard copies will be available at our annual regional meetings—don’t miss the chance to grab one!
Invasive Species, The Ecological Enemy All Around Us!
Learn More on What you Can Do At The SWFL Invasive Freshwater Fish Roundup!
By Michael Sipos, Florida Sea Grant agent, UF/IFAS Extension Collier County
See that brown lizard running past your window now? What about that red-berried bush hanging over your waterway? What do those have in common? Both the brown anole and Brazilian pepper are invasive species, meaning they are nonnative, introduced by humans and have the potential to cause harm to the environment, humans, or the economy.
Without meeting all three of these criteria, a species may simply be considered "nonnative" and pose little to no threat if properly managed. Nonnative species become a bigger issue when introduced to our environment and begin reproducing — often meaning they are here to stay, along with the negative impacts they create. Furthermore, these plants, animals, and pathogens that are now living outside their geographic range gain the distinction "invasive" when they negatively impact one or more of the following: the environment, humans, or the economy.
Obviously, there is a gradient in how impactful an invasive species is. For example, brown anoles and Burmese pythons vary greatly in the amount of damage they cause but share the same designation of "invasive." The term "invasive" is often associated with attention-grabbing critters like green iguanas, but invasive plants — many of which we pass by daily — often go unrecognized despite their ability to alter entire ecosystems.
In Florida alone, we spend approximately $45 million annually on invasive plant management, with these species adversely impacting over 1.5 million acres of land. Much of our state’s tourism depends on pristine natural areas for visitors to enjoy, and invasive species can threaten jobs relying on those areas and recreational opportunities for residents. Moreover, invasive species are estimated to cost the United States’ economy up to $120 billion annually and are a major driver of extinction for many species on the endangered list.
So, what can we do? Education and prevention are the most effective tools for invasive species management, followed by early detection and rapid response. You can help by reporting sightings of invasive species to land managers using apps like the I’ve Got One App. Familiarize yourself with which species you are legally allowed to own or plant, research the full life-care requirements of animals before obtaining them, and do not introduce or spread nonnative organisms into the environment. It’s illegal.
Many animals are released into the wild due to the "tank buster effect," meaning their owners acquired them as small pets but later found them outgrowing their enclosure or becoming aggressive toward tankmates. This often leads the pet owner to the realization of, "I have to get rid of this thing." To prevent this, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) created the Exotic Pet Amnesty Program, which helps rehome unwanted nonnative pets. This program is beneficial for both the animals and the environment while also saving tax dollars that would otherwise go toward managing released species.
You can also help by removing invasive species in your area. While this may not eliminate them statewide, it can make a positive impact locally and raise awareness. The Southwest Florida Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (SWFL CISMA) hosts an Invasive Freshwater Fish Roundup each year — a fun event where participants can win prizes, support research, and make a difference in their community.
During the 2024 roundup, 119 anglers removed 4,850 invasive fish from 12 different species, totaling over 2,370 pounds. This low-cost/no-cost tournament provides valuable data for land managers and supports exciting research projects such as fish composting and mercury testing.
This year, the SWFL CISMA Invasive Freshwater Fish Roundup starts on April 25, and ends with an in-person weigh-in on April 27. The event is a blast, packed with education and activities. To learn more and register, visit bit.ly/2025ROUNDUP
Michael Sipos is the Florida Sea Grant Agent for UF/IFAS Extension Collier County. Contact him at sipos624@ufl.edu. For more fish-related content and updates on upcoming educational programs, check out linktr.ee/CollierSeaGrant for links to the Collier County Sea Grant Facebook page, YouTube channel, Instagram, UF/IFAS blog, and more!
Our survey is still open!
Your commitment to our program is impressive and we want to learn more! We have sent out a survey about your experiences with the LAKEWATCH program and your perspectives on our work. Your results will help us better understand our volunteer’s needs and recruit the next generation of LAKEWATCHers! They will also help us inform other citizen science programs that may struggle to recruit or maintain their volunteers as well.
Everyone on our mail list has received a unique link to complete their survey. If you can't find your link, please email Dr. Liz Moreau to request one, duermite@ufl.edu. We will also have paper copies available at our annual meetings throughout the year, if you prefer.
The SoUL of St. Pete's Lakes:
Community, Conservation, and Commitment
Written by SoUL President and LAKEWATCH Volunteer, Jim Bays
At SoUL (Stewards of Our Urban Lakes), volunteers, led by aquatic ecologist Jim Bays (see the Volunteer Highlight below to learn more about Jim!) and a small board of six local residents, are the backbone of efforts to restore and preserve St. Petersburg’s lakes. Since incorporating as a nonprofit in 2021, we have expanded cleanup and restoration efforts from Crescent Lake, where work began in 2007, to eight lakes citywide. Cleanups occur monthly at Crescent and Mirror Lakes, bimonthly at Jungle Lake, and quarterly at Round, Eagle Crest, and Meadowlawn Lakes. In 2024, over 2,500 volunteers participated. Strong partnerships with the City of St. Petersburg (City) and Keep Pinellas Beautiful (KPB) provide essential support, ensuring meaningful environmental impact.
Organizing and Advertising Cleanups
We host dozens of cleanups annually, tailored to each lake’s needs. Event promotions through Eventbrite, managed by KPB, attract diverse participants. KPB also provides equipment, including gloves, safety vests, and canoes. The City’s involvement, including debris hauling and vegetation management, enhances operations. Volunteers at Crescent Lake are assigned specific watershed sections for efficiency. Annual "report cards" summarize results, demonstrating impact to stakeholders.
Volunteer Activities and Roles
At each cleanup, volunteers choose activities based on their interests and abilities, including:
- Debris Removal: Collecting trash from lakes using canoes, kayaks, or long-handled pool nets.
- Neighborhood Cleanups: Removing litter from streets and alleys to prevent it from washing into stormwater systems.
- WaterGoat Maintenance: Clearing debris from floating barriers.
- Nuisance Plant Removal: Managing invasive vegetation like water lettuce, alligatorweed, and cattails.
- Native Plant Restoration: Preparing shorelines for planting through weeding, tilling, and mulching.
- Water Sample Collection: Assisting with LAKEWATCH water quality monitoring efforts.
Safety and Training Protocols
Volunteer safety is a priority. Each cleanup begins with a briefing covering:
- Wearing safety vests, gloves, hats, and sunscreen.
- Staying hydrated and taking regular breaks.
- Using wading boots for marshy areas.
- Washing hands after activities.
All volunteers sign a liability waiver, which also collects contact information for follow-ups. These measures ensure a safe, enjoyable, and well-organized experience.
The Mutual Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteers play a vital role in improving lake aesthetics, safety, and habitat health. However, the benefits are mutual. Participants often report enhanced physical fitness, mental well-being, and a sense of fulfillment. They find the work fun and meaningful while gaining a deeper awareness of urban and natural ecosystems. This shared commitment fosters a lasting impact on individual behavior and environmental stewardship.
Measuring and Reporting Impacts
To assess effectiveness, we track:
- Number of volunteers, including youth and adults.
- Pounds of debris and invasive plants removed.
- Native plants installed and acreage improved.
- Water quality trends using LAKEWATCH and other data sources.
Results are shared through annual reports, lake report cards, and neighborhood meetings.
SoUL’s volunteer-driven efforts are vital to preserving St. Petersburg’s urban lakes. By offering structured opportunities, prioritizing safety, and demonstrating impact, we sustain volunteer engagement. With continued city support, we are fostering healthier ecosystems and stronger community connections.
Jim Bays
Crescent Lake, Pinellas County
Written by Florida LAKEWATCH Extension Manager, Liz Moreau
Jim Bays has spent a lifetime dedicated to understanding and protecting water systems, so it’s no surprise that he’s become a driving force behind lake restoration efforts in St. Petersburg. With a background in environmental sciences, wetlands, and lake management, Jim’s journey has taken him from Ohio to Arizona, Gainesville, and eventually to downtown St. Pete—right next to Crescent Lake.
Jim’s relationship with Crescent Lake began in 2005 when he moved to the area and became involved with Friends of Crescent Lake. At the time, the lake was facing seasonal algae blooms and occasional fish kills, and he saw an opportunity to make a difference. Working alongside neighbors and community partners, Jim helped secure a grant from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program to kickstart cleanup efforts and initiate LAKEWATCH sampling. From there, his work expanded to other lakes, including Jungle Lake, with a focus on habitat restoration and long-term data collection.
Through his leadership with SoUL (Stewards of Our Urban Lakes), Jim emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making.
“The folks in our group definitely feel a sense of mission. The environment in Florida and globally is taking big hits. We try to provide accessible opportunities to make a difference.”
Jim actively uses LAKEWATCH data for lake report cards, tracking water quality trends over 17 years, and educating the public. He also highlights the role of nutrient criteria development, stressing the need to present this complex topic in a way that resonates with the community.
Beyond the numbers, Jim finds joy in the physical, hands-on work of restoration. “I like making things tangibly, visibly better,” he says. His passion extends to mentoring as well, working with interns from local universities and helping students navigate careers in environmental science.
Jim’s dedication to lake conservation was recognized in a big way when he received the Dr. Daniel E. Canfield, Jr. Volunteerism Award from the Florida Lake Management Society. This award honors individuals who go above and beyond in their efforts to protect and restore Florida’s lakes, a testament to Jim’s leadership and tireless commitment to environmental stewardship.
As an all-volunteer organization, SoUL operates through grants and donations, with Jim and his team working tirelessly to improve St. Pete’s lakes. With strong partnerships, a dedicated community, and a shared commitment to stewardship, Jim’s work is leaving a lasting impact—one cleanup, one dataset, and one lake at a time.
Blue Tilapia
Scientific name: Oreochromis aureus
Written by Regional Coordinator, Dan Willis
The body of adult fish are usually blue gray in color and white on the belly. The caudal and dorsal fins edges can be red to pink. Young tilapias are grey with a black spot on the rear of the dorsal fin.
Tilapia were brought into Florida in 1961 for experimental use looking at the fish’s ability to consume aquatic vegetation. They quickly spread across Florida and all eradication attempts failed. Tilapia are found in lakes, rivers, ponds, and some estuary environments in Florida and are considered invasive, competing with native fish for habitat and food. They have been documented at The University of Florida’s Lake Alice in Gainesville since 1969, which is considered its most northern range in Florida. Tilapia are found in other parts of the United States mainly around areas that have a thermal refuge since they are not cold tolerant. Studies have shown that they occur in temperature ranging from 45-86°F and can tolerate temperature up to 105.8°F.
The males make large crater style beds using their mouths and fins (see below photo by Michael MK Khor on Flickr. Some rights reserved). The male will attract the female back to the nest where she lays the eggs (couple dozen to 100 eggs) and right after fertilizations occurs the female takes the eggs into her mouth. The female then can leave to mate with other males and the males continue to guard the bed while mating with other females. A single female can hold up to 2,000 eggs in her mouth. The female will then move to deeper water where the eggs will hatch in the female’s mouth. The newly hatched babies can leave the mouth to feed but can return if they are threatened and in danger. They will leave her mouth after about 3 weeks. This is a type of parental care called mouth-brooding.
Tilapia are a desirable fish to eat and have a mild flavor. They are commercially harvested, but most are grown in aquaculture facilities and sold to the public through grocery stores or fish markets. There is little angling quality for the Blue Tilapia but anglers can catch them using hot dogs, bread, and live worms. Bow fishermen will also target tilapia. There is no bag limit on tilapia and if you want to enter a Blue Tilapia in the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Big Catch Program the fish needs to be 18 inches in length or weight greater than 5 pounds. The state record is 9.57 pounds.
There are other tilapia species found in Florida such as the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Spotted tilapia (Pelmatolapia mariae), and Blackchin tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) and there is frequent hybridization as well.
- Diet: They primarily feed on the detritus on the lake bottom. But they also can feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton.
- Distribution: Native to North Africa and the Middle East.
- More information: FWC, Tilapia in Stormwater Ponds
Scientific Name: Pandion haliaetus
Written by Florida LAKEWATCH Jr. Regional Coordinator, Natalie Anderson
With their impressive fishing skills and striking appearance, ospreys are a captivating sight in the skies over Florida’s lakes and coastlines. These large raptors have a distinctive white head with a dark eye stripe, a white underbelly, and dark brown upperparts. Their long wings and hooked beak make them well-adapted for catching fish, their primary diet.
These birds are often seen soaring over lakes, rivers, and coastal waters, searching for their next meal. Unlike many aquatic birds, Ospreys are highly specialized fish-eaters, diving feet-first into the water to catch their prey with their sharp talons.
Ospreys are also known for their large, conspicuous nests, which they build on tall structures such as trees, utility poles, and nesting platforms. These nests are often reused and added to year after year, becoming quite large over time.
If you haven't yet enjoyed an osprey nest, we recommend viewing the UF IFAS Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Department’s Live Osprey Web Cam. Currently, there is a nest located on top of a pole at the Southwest Rec Center ballfields at the University of Florida. Stella, the resident osprey, has found a mate who spoils her with fish. Courtship was underway, and the first egg was laid on March 7, 2025. Unfortunately, she buried the egg with nesting material the next day and abandoned incubation when it became hidden. Luckily, she laid a second egg on March 10, 2025!
- Fun fact: Ospreys have a unique reversible outer toe, enabling them to grip with two toes in front and two behind.
- Diet: Primarily fish, but occasionally small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
- Threats: Habitat loss, pollution, and human disturbance.
- More Information: FWC, Audubon, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Who you gonna call?
Make sure you are getting in touch with the right person for you! Regional Coordinators are the support for new and existing volunteers and are usually the first point of contact for the public to ask questions about Florida’s waterbodies. They train and coordinate with volunteers to collect water, help compile the data and disseminate the information back to the volunteers and the general public. There are currently two coordinators Dan Willis and Jason "MO" Bennett and they each serve a specific region of the state. The area and contact information for each Regional Coordinator can be found below. We look forward to assisting you!
Broken Bottles
The LAKEWATCH Lab has been receiving nutrient bottles that are in rough shape. These are the smaller bottles that you fill and freeze each time you sample. We reuse these bottles for as long as possible to save money for the program and keep as many lakes in the program as we can. Please follow the tips below to help us keep using these nutrient bottles:
- Please do not write on the bottles. Make sure to write on the labels only.
- Don't overfill them. The water expands as it freezes and will crack the bottles.
- Be careful when handling frozen bottles as they can crack easily.
Please complete your data sheet!
You work hard for your data so don't forget the little things. Data sheets without sampling and filtering times and dates must be entered with "qualifiers", which means they won't be as useful to DEP and researchers. In fact, they may not be able to be entered into DEP's Watershed Information Network at all.
The LAKEWATCH newsletter is edited by Dr. Liz Moreau. You can reach out with questions, comments, or feedback at duermite@ufl.edu