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Bluejay Bulletin ST. CECILIA SCHOOL

Our Mission:

Centered in Christ and rooted in historical Catholic tradition, St. Cecilia strives to form missionary disciples and foster academic excellence in a culture of family.

June 30, 2024


  • August 5th - Meet & Greet
  • August 5th - New Family Orientation
  • August 7th - First Day of School
  • August 9th - Ambassador/New Family Social

FROM THE Principal’s Desk

Dear Bluejay Family,

I pray this mid-summer message finds you all enjoying some rest and relaxation. It is so important to take this time away from school to recharge our batteries so that we can return to school refreshed and ready to tackle the new year.

For those of you who are new to St. Cecilia, this will be your first introduction to our Bluejay Bulletin. This weekly newsletter arrives at 4:00 PM on Sunday evenings. It begins with a snapshot of approaching important dates and links to school calendars, followed by sections of important information from administration, school-wide announcements, and athletics information. The bulletin is shared at the start of every week that we are in school to help keep you informed of all things SCS.

We have been hard at work this summer updating all of our handbooks and planning for our return to school. Please take time to review all the information in this edition of the Bluejay Bulletin, so that you will be ready for the new school year in August. It will be here before you know it!

Grace and Peace,

Erin B. Henry


“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28


New Faculty and Staff


It is the policy of the Diocese of Lafayette that all elementary students must participate in the School Nutrition Program. Students may not bring bag lunches to school. The School Nutrition Program, in addition to providing nutritious meals to each student, also functions as a laboratory for providing nutrition education to students. Children learn lifetime food habits during these early formative years.

As per Diocesan Policy, if your child has specific dietary needs, the “USDA Meal Modification Form” should be completed and signed by a physician. The form can be found below.

Parents are responsible for filing applications for federally subsidized free or reduced price meals for each child annually, according to instructions and deadlines on the form itself found below.

Ambassador Families

We are looking for veteran families who would like to be a part of our Ambassador Program for families new to St. Cecilia. It is a great way to welcome them and offer guidance for everything you wish you knew as a new Bluejay. It is not a major commitment, but it is very important. We will give contact information at the meet and greet on Monday, 8/5 for any first day of school questions. We will introduce our families at our Ambassador Family Social on 8/9. More details to come.

New Advisory Council Member

With the addition of Tommy Dean to our Faculty and Staff, his wife Jodi has stepped down from our Advisory Council. According to council bylaws, the Pastor must appoint a replacement to serve out the year. After careful discernment, Fr. Michael ultimately determined that the best way to represent the families of St. Cecilia was to choose the next candidate in the election results. Please welcome Mr. Cole LeCoq. We know he will be a great addition to our council!


Please note the changes in our uniform policy:

Beginning May 2024 uniform vendors will apply the new branded logos, crest, and patch to all uniforms purchased. We will have a 3 year "phase out" period to eliminate the current uniforms. During this time, the older patch/crest/logo may be worn. Effective August 2027 ALL uniforms MUST have the new branded approved crest/logos.

Purchase uniforms at any of these two approved stores:

Perfect Fitz

  • 100 Burgess Drive, Broussard
  • (Behind the OLD McDonald’s in Broussard)
  • (337)232-3472; (337)837-6461; open Mon.-Fri.

School Time

  • 1875A West Pinhook Road
  • (337)988-9740

2024-2025 School Supply Lists

Order your SCS spirit shirt now to have it in time for the upcoming school year. These shirts, along with House shirts, are allowed on most Fridays. You will need to create an account if you have never shopped through this link before.

Finance Office

Summer Office Hours for the Finance Department are:

Monday - Thursday 8am-12pm, 1pm-3pm

Please contact Marsha Granger,, or call (337)837-1864 ext. 222 to schedule an appointment.


Bluejay Family,

Our summer AR testing sessions have been well underway and we are so proud of our bluejays for working towards their summer AR requirements.

We have had nearly 300 students attend our sessions so far.

Please make sure to visit our website HERE to get all of the information you need for summer reading skills and requirements for students entering grades 1-8!

Prevent the summer slide! Engage and encourage your child to participate in math and reading activities:

  • Lafayette Parish Library Summer Activities
  • Did you know you can check out up to 50 books at a time at the Lafayette Publich Libraries? Allowing your child to pick out books to make their temporary home library gives them some ownership!
  • Freckle for Math! Use our platform to have your child to math practices
  • Make an incentive chart for your child. If your child participates in reading and math activities 20 minutes 3 times week, treat them to a $3 trip to the dollar store, an ice cream, or some time tech time on

We are excited to share this year’s theme with all of you! As we continue to grow as missionary disciples, we continue to grow in our trust in the Lord. When we trust in His Sacred Heart we are able to live joyfully.

This message of trust is beautifully expressed through the diary of St. Faustina. Sister Faustina was a young, uneducated nun in Poland during the 1930s. She came from a poor family that struggled during the years of World War I. She had only three years of simple education, so hers were the humblest tasks in the convent, usually in the kitchen or garden. However, she received extraordinary revelations from our Lord Jesus. Jesus asked Sr. Faustina to record these experiences, which she compiled into notebooks. These notebooks are known today as the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, and the words contained within are God's loving message of Divine Mercy.

Though the Divine Mercy message is not new to the teachings of the Church, Sr. Faustina's diary sparked a great movement, and a strong and significant focus on the mercy of Christ.

We will add the traditional Divine Mercy image, the very image that Jesus commissioned Faustina to paint, to all of our prayer spaces and in other ways throughout the year. We also have a beautiful custom piece from local artist Emily Pitre that will be used throughout the year. Please begin praying for our faculty, staff, administration, students, and families, that our trust in the Lord may increase and our self-reliance may decrease.



We are very excited to announce new PTC Officers for the upcoming school year: Judy Tilly, President, and Julie Sampognaro, Secretary. Mrs. Wanda LeBlanc will remain as the Vice President. They are ready to start the new school year with fresh ideas and ways to support our teachers and school staff.

Rockin with the Bluejays

Rockin with the Bluejays was so much fun that Part 2 will be this Fall. Mark your calendars for September 14th. Tickets will go on sale 7/15! Be on the lookout for more information.

Welcome to halftime of the summer vacation! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and some quality family time. Our sports teams did not take much time off as volleyball has been practicing for two weeks. Football has begun its preseason conditioning program. Cross country will begin practicing in a few weeks. Coach Terri Bouman has been running volleyball camps in the gym this summer, and our Bluejays are all over the place in camps trying to get better for next year.

We have exciting news for our athletes this year. All of the old football shoulder pads have been replaced with newer ones. Additionally, the volleyball girls will be wearing new uniforms this fall. We are looking forward to replacing the baseball and softball uniforms as well later this year. We also had coaches and parent meetings for football and volleyball already this summer so that everyone is aware of expectations to ensure safety and success. We look forward to building on our previous years’ successes as we look to next school year’s seasons.

Please see the camp opportunities at Teurlings and STM below.

Summer Camps Available at STM:

Summer Camps available at Teurlings:

In an effort to improve our athletic programs at St. Cecilia, it was felt that a comprehensive athletic handbook was needed. This handbook affects players, coaches, parents, and fans. Parent/guardian completion of this form and adherence to the rules and regulations outlined in the handbook are requirements for participation in athletic programs at St. Cecilia School. The link below will take you to the handbook. It is also on the school website for reference as well. Thank you all for your continued support of SCS Athletics.

For those that have already completed the acknowledgement form, and want to refresh themselves on the rules and regulations, please follow the link below.


We are so proud of our champions at St. Cecilia. Our 7/8th grade football, 5th grade white volleyball, 7th grade volleyball, 5th grade girls basketball, 5/6th grade softball, SCS tennis, and 5/6th grade girls track are the best of the best! The store to celebrate is now open!

Thank you for your support of SCS Athletics! To keep up with the schedule for our Bluejays, please follow the link below. Admission into League games are $6 for adults and $1 for kids. SCS staff and students are admitted free into SCS host and home games only. Veterans, active duty military, police, and first responders are also admitted free as a means to show gratitude to those that protect us.

Have a blessed day,

Scott Boudreaux

Athletic Director
