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Title graphic by Beatriz Strobel, South Plains Catholic magazine graphic designer. Graphic includes architect's rendering of a proposed multi-purpose parish building.

Diocese of Lubbock announces Saint Clare Church in west Lubbock

LUBBOCK – Most Rev. Robert M. Coerver, Bishop of Lubbock, announced on November 18, the parish communities of Saint Theresa Church in Lubbock and Saint Francis Church in Wolfforth, will unify and become one parish community on February 14, 2024.

“The new parish will be officially formed on February 14, 2024, Ash Wednesday, at which time it will make use of an interim site for Masses and parish life,” Bishop Coerver said, “that building is located on the northwest corner of 66th Street and Iola, one block south of Spur 327.”

Saint Theresa Church in west Lubbock and Saint Francis Church in Wolfforth have shared a pastor for several years. New construction has arisen in the neighborhoods of both parishes.

“The time has come to make use of that land by merging the Carlisle and Wolfforth parishes into a single parish on that property basically in Frenship – notice the name,” Bishop Coerver told the parishioners at Masses November 18-19.

The new parish community’s name is Saint Clare Catholic Church, dedicated to St. Clare of Assisi – a woman religious like St. Theresa, and the original female follower of St. Francis—to acknowledge the current names of each parish.

“A new church, on our permanent property, will allow us to grow exponentially to meet the needs of a growing population in west Lubbock for many years to come,” Monsignor David Cruz, pastor of the unifying parishes, said to the parishioners at Masses November 18-19. “It will ensure that the many sacrifices you have made to build and sustain St. Theresa’s (and St. Francis’s) have not been in vain.”

Preparations for Phase I: Unification of St. Theresa and St. Francis Parishes of the parish unification plan have begun. An interim parish site, located at 6104 66th Street Lubbock for Masses and all parish related activities has been chosen and modifications begun.

“All the prayers, joys, tears and love you have given are the seed that will give new life to something beautiful. There is sadness in saying goodbye to something we love. The journey will not be easy,” Monsignor Cruz said. “There will be many challenges that lie ahead, and there will be many sacrifices along the way. But I want you to know that I will be with you. We will do this together, and with God’s help, we will persevere, and we will overcome the many obstacles that stand in the way.”

Working with both parishes, the next steps to be announced in early 2024 include decisions of items to be repurposed and moved from existing churches, exact date of moves, new parish Mass times, and opportunities to support the new parish community.

Look for more information in the Winter 2024 issue of the South Plains Catholic magazine, in mailboxes in January 2024. The magazine is also available digitally-- delivered via email. Sign up to receive the quarterly email via Flocknote.