Forden School 21st december 2023

Christmas Parties

The children had a fabulous time at their Christmas party. We had a special visitor arrive this afternoon.

Termly School Report

All parents should have received their child's termly report on Monday.

Please acknowledge receipt of this report through the link below. Thank you


Congratulations to Evelyn T, Rhian, Sean, Serah, Rhys, Eloise and Aadhila for completing a level on Lexia. Da iawn.

Parent Pay and School Meals

Please ensure all payments are up to date on Parent Pay.

All children in Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 currently receive a free school meal as part of the roll out of the Universal Primary Free School Meals (UPFSM) scheme. As of January 2024, pupils in Year 4 will also receive a free school meal.

If you are on a low income, please continue to claim for free school meals via the link below as you may also be entitled to other support such as the School Essentials grant.

For more information on universal primary free school meals, please follow the link below.

Flu immunisation

Message from the school immunisation team:

If your child has not received their Flu Vaccination and you would like them to receive it, please contact the School Immunisation Team on 07754452899 / 01686 617463 to book a Flu Vaccination appointment. We will be holding a clinic day on 8th January 2024 in Ynys Y Plant, Newtown.

Primary School Admissions

Powys Local Authority has one primary school intake in each school year, which is at the beginning of the Autumn Term after a child has attained their 4th birthday.

The Primary School Admission Round for Powys learners born between 01/09/19 - 31/08/20 closes on Friday, 5 January 2024

Governor Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our governing body for Community Governors. These can be any member of the community and do not need to have a connection to the school. If you know of someone in Forden who has the skills or experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school, and would like this opportunity to help direct the strategic direction of the school, please contact Mrs Fowler.


Dates for your diary

Friday 22nd December - Monday 8th January Christmas Holiday

Next term: 9th -13th Jan 2024

  • Monday Non-pupil day
  • Tuesday Return to school
  • Wednesday 3:15-3:30 Open School - come in and see your child's work
  • Wednesday 3:15-3:30 Uniform swap in library

Thursday 18th January Indoor Decathlon @ Flash - Ysgawen

Monday 12th - Friday 16th February Half term holiday