Alun Wellbeing Sources of information for alun colleagues

Christmas is not always an easy time. If you're not feeling your best, don't hesitate to reach out to a colleague or friend who can support you. Vivup have a 365 day support service (see link below) and you can also get in touch with Education Support who understand the pressures for colleagues working in education.

Whatever mental health, physical, financial or personal issue you are facing, access expert help and support for life’s ups and downs, 24/7, 365 days a year. Below, you’ll find a wide range of care and support specialists waiting to hear from you.
Education Support are the only UK charity dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and education staff in schools, colleges and universities.

Alun School Colleague Wellbeing Policy

Grwp Siarad colleagues can help you if you feel an informal support conversation would help