Swimming 2024 Years 3 & 4

Before the pandemic we would normally send Year 3 pupils swimming during the summer term.

In 2022 when swimming resumed, we sent the children who would have gone as Year 3s in 2020 (they were Year 5 in 2022). In 2023 we fortunate to get two slots and sent both Years 4 & 5. Whilst we are making sure that no year group leaves us without having had swimming lessons, our ultimate aim is to return to swimming being a Year 3 activity.

This year we are fortunate in that our numbers mean that we are able to send both the current Year 3 & 4 in one time slot.

The children will go swimming at Newbridge Leisure Centre every day for the first 3 weeks after this half term.

Mr Davies will be accompanying the children with children in Year 3 from Dosbarth Melyn and children in Year 4 from Dosbarth Glas joining his class.

Swimming is a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum so all children are expected to attend unless there is a medical reason preventing them from taking part. It is not optional.

A child with warts or verrucas should go swimming as normal. Swimming is a vital skill, which can save your life. Warts can be covered with waterproof plasters. A verruca can also be covered with a waterproof plaster. Some people prefer to wear a special sock which you can buy from pharmacies. However, this makes it very obvious that you have a verruca, may be embarrassing, and has not been proved to make a difference. British swimming organisations do not advise wearing the waterproof sock. The plaster should be enough. It is also a good idea to wear flip-flops when using communal showers, as this may reduce the chance of catching or passing on virus particles from verrucas.

The school pays for the cost of lessons, however we ask for a contribution towards the transport costs. This year the cost per child is £31 (significantly less than last year as smaller numbers mean that we are able to combine the year groups into one session and so there is only one trip to the pool). Following consultation with the parent forum, we suggest a minimum contribution of £25. Whilst the contribution is not compulsory, it is very much needed and appreciated. We can accept cash or a cheque made payable to Pontllanfraith Primary School.

Children will need to bring swimming kit every day (if possible, you may find it easier to have 2 kits on rotation as it can be difficult to get kit dried overnight). Please note: no bikinis, tankinis or baggy swim shorts. If children are body conscious, a rash vest is acceptable. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery worn. It is recommended that all children have goggles.

Children who are asthmatic will need to take their inhaler – all inhalers should be labelled and asthma cards should be up to date in the school office.

Unfortunately, the slot we have been allocated this year is over lunchtime. Therefore the children will need to have a late lunch break and will not be able to have a hot meal. The canteen will be able to provide the sandwich / baguette / wrap option as part of universal free school meals but they would not be able to provide hot accompaniments such as chips. Children would be able to have fruit / yoghurt. Alternatively you may choose to send your child with their own packed lunch.

Given they will be having a late lunch, for these three weeks only we will permit, in addition to fruit, a more substantial snack such as a packet of crisps or a small wrapped cake bar at breaktime.