Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have had a number of shared learning events taking place in school and it has been wonderful to see so many parents/carers at these sessions. It is a fantastic opportunity to see what your child/children have been learning. Please also look at the school website as this also gives information about the topics and learning for each class each half term.
A reminder that next Wednesday it is our annual Sports Day event. EYFS and KS1 starts at 9:30 - with refreshments from 9am in the hall, and KS1 at 1:30 with refreshments from 1pm. Please can you ensure that you follow our safeguarding procedures regarding no filming or photos.
Transition day Tuesday
Yesterday Miss Glyde shared her staffing structure and new classes with you all in preparation for the new school year. On Tuesday it is Transition day when children will spend the day in their new class with their new teacher and teaching team. This is to ensure that the children have met the team and spent time in their new class before the summer break.
We are very pleased that Miss Cooper is staying with us in Nursery until Mrs Firth returns from her maternity leave next year.
Well done to our rounders team who won the Inter school event last week. All the children played brilliantly and it was a close game! The children really have loved these events throughout the year and have shown impeccable behaviour but also excellent sportsman ship. Good luck to our 5/6 cricket team too today!
Well done to Year 5 for being top of our attendance leader board this week, almost reached national average too!
EYFS: 90%
Year 1: 91.1%
Year 2: 89.3%
Year 3: 90%
Year 4: 89.7%
Year 5: 96.7%
Year 6: 93.1%
School average this week: 91.5%
Key dates for this rest of this half term:
9th July transition to new classes
10th July Sports Day EYFS/KS1 am KS2 pm
10th July Nursery new starters stay and play session
12th July 2:30 EYFS Graduation event
18th July Summer fair 2-4
19th July break up for Summer