Gold vs. Silver By: ava muharem

With a few exceptions, avid jewelry wearers are married to either gold or silver pieces. The preference for either look can be based on many things, from the clothes the individual wears, to what material their first sentimental piece of jewelry was. Nonetheless, Woodland has endless examples of gold vs. silver girlies who are using their jewelry preference to enhance every outfit. There are so many contributing factors to help people decide which metal path they will take, and two of our very own students will help to identify them.

Sophie Scarlato (Woodland senior)

"I mostly wear gold since I got my gold earrings from Marshals that I wear everyday. When it comes to rings, I wear silver because I think it looks better on my hands. I also found that I base my jewelry off of my outfits most of the time. I don't change my earrings that often but I will change my necklace depending on the colors in my outfit. The one rule I have is that the jewelry on my head and shoulders has to match but my wrists and hands are different. If anyone is struggling to decide whether they want to start wearing gold or silver I would say just base your decision off your personality. It also helps to know that gold looks good on warmer skin tones while cooler skin tones are often complemented by silver. Choose whatever will match your style and make you happy."

Abby Hannus (Woodland senior)

"I have been a silver girlie since I got my ears pierced three years ago. I have worn silver ever since because gold jewelry makes my skin break out. In doing so, I find that I dress to match silver jewelry because I think it looks better when you dress down. If I want to go for a "clean girl" look or I'm wearing a dress then I wear gold instead because I think it looks elegant. I also think that gold looks better with a tan and silver looks better when my skin looks more pale, so the seasons definitely play a role in my decision. Most of the time when I'm going for a mellowed out look, silver is the way to go."

Jewelry is such a fun way to accessorize an outfit by dressing it up or down. Choosing to wear gold or silver is as big of a statement as the individual decides. Whether someone decides to mix metals, or strictly stay with one, it can share so much about a person's style and personality.