Calendar of events
- Monday 27th November & Monday 11th December - Monday Morning PBL Assembly
- Tuesday 28th November - Learn N Grow Playgroup
- Tuesday 28th November & 5th December- Breakfast Club
- Tuesday 28th November - High School Orientation Day
- Wednesday 29th November - AECG Meeting
- Thursday 30th November - Youyoong AECG Deadly Awards Ceremony
- Friday 1st December - Presentation Day
- Monday 4th December - Year 6 Farewell
- Monday 4th December - Stage 3 Day Out - Lambton Pool
- Monday 11th December - ES1 & S1 Christmas Party
- Tuesday 12th December - Year 6 Day Out
- Wednesday 13th December - DPS Mini Fete
- Friday 15th December - Year 6 Assembly & Ringing the Bell
- Friday 15th December - Last Day for students of Term 4
- Thursday 1st February - First Day of School for 2024
Principals MESSAGE
Well, the countdown is on for the holidays…. With the days slowly disappearing we are very busy planning and preparing the final activities and events of the year.
As you are aware we have our Presentation Day coming up this Friday. Presentation Day will be held in our hall and will be starting at 12.00pm. All students are expected to wear full school uniform. We hope to see parents/carers and community members attending.
The Year 6 Farewell is fast approaching. Year 6 Farewell tickets are on sale at our school office. Tickets are $25.00 each, Year 6 students do not have to pay. We are looking forward to celebrating with our Year 6 students on Monday 4th December.
A reminder that students are not permitted to bring mobile phones or smart watches to school unless arranged by class teachers to be used as a learning device. If students bring phones or smart watches to school, they are to be signed in at the front office for the day and collected at the end of the school day. Mobile phones and smart watches will be confiscated if students are not following these expectations.
What a magical performance from all students at our Musical last week! All classes/stages worked hard to put together their performances and perfect them. Thank you to all parents/carers and community members who came to support our students at either the Matinee or the night performance.
Dungog Public School will be participating in the Share Our Space Program again over the Christmas holidays. Our ‘Horse Paddock’ will be open by 8.00am and closed between 5.00pm and 6.00pm, 7 days a week, from Wednesday 20th December 2023 to Sunday 28th January 2024.
Our last Whole School assembly for 2023 will be held on Thursday 7th December, starting at 2.15pm.
Stage 3 had a FANTASTIC time on their Excursion to the CCC Camp at the Central Coast. They all enjoyed the different challenges and teamwork. Thank you to Miss Muddle, Ms Gordon, Mr Reid, Mrs Cowper and Mrs Walters for organising and supporting our students on the excursion.
KM had a WONDERFUL time at the Pevan and Sarah Concert. They sang, danced and enjoyed every minute of their day!
Congratulations to the students that participated in the Hunter PSSA Primary Rugby 7's Gala Day. Both our Boys and Girls teams played extremely well and displayed great teamwork and sportsmanship.
Have a super week of learning and enjoy the remainder of the term.
Ms Kylie Pennell - Principal
Principals Award
km with miss mowbray
Welcome to Week 8, not long to go now! What a fabulous time we all had at the Musical last week. It was amazing to see so many smiling happy faces on the stage. KM hope you enjoyed our performance! This week we continue our fantastic informative writing about kangaroos and will begin to focus on emus later in the week. We are also celebrating the achievements of students at DPS with our Presentation Day this Friday. We hope to see you there. Our K-2 Christmas Party is coming up quickly, so please return all permission notes as soon as possible. Have a great week!
1O with Mrs Olsen
What an exciting week we had with our Musical last week! I'm so proud of everyone who tried so hard and performed beautifully in front of a large audience. Thank you to those students who are remembering to show our school expectations each day. Have a fabulous week.
1G with Miss Gilmour
I can't believe the year is nearly over! Well done to everyone for doing a terrific job in our Musical last week. Everyone looked amazing on stage and should be super proud of themselves. We have lots of activities planned for the rest of the year so make sure your child is coming to school everyday. Our note for our Christmas party has gone home, make sure your child returns it as soon as possible to ensure they can participate in all activities. Have a great week everyone.
release from face to face with Miss Gregory
Wow, can't believe the year has gone so fast and there is only a few weeks left! All of our Musical practice paid off last week when we put on a fabulous show. All of the students should be very proud. In the classrooms, 1G have been learning about local places and how it relates to us. KM love learning about all the different technologies within our world. Dhurrumiri have been exploring Earth and Space and can't wait to make our rain gauge.
Kindergarten Field Trip to Pevan & Sarah
dhurrumiri room with miss duncan
Welcome to Week 8 everyone! What an extraordinary Musical week we had last week. We had the most wonderful time dancing the day and night away to FOOTLOOSE!! Our students worked so hard to learn the dance and performed amazingly on the stage. All students should be very proud of themselves. In other news, we have been working extra hard on developing our reading skills this term with a focus on closed passages. In Mathematics, we have been learning all about positional language and how it can help us locate items on a map or grid. I hope you all have a wonderful week!
barrangga room with miss wallace
Welcome to Week 8! What a fabulous week we have had singing and dancing. The Musical has been such a fun project and Students from Barrangga and Dhurrumiri have enjoyed keeping their feet loose while dancing to the 80's hit FOOTLOOSE! In Mathematics we have revisited length and put our measuring skills to the test, measuring lots of places and objects around school. Looking forward to another fantastic week as we go into week 8.
2C with Mrs Curry & Mrs Morgan
A big thank you to everyone who came to watch our school Musical last Wednesday. It was fabulous to see the final production come together with all our students up on stage after many weeks of rehearsing. We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did! Presentation Day is next Friday 1st December at 12 noon. We hope you can join us!
2V with Mrs middlebrook
What a fantastic journey we've had in Stage 2, especially with our shining stars in the school Musical, where they wowed the audience with their performance of Matilda! A big round of applause for their hard work in singing and dancing—it truly paid off. In the classroom, 2V has been diligently working towards completing all their Key Learning Area units for this term. A special highlight was our engaging dive into Science, where we created a digital clock using a lemon, wires, and copper and zinc plates. We're sure your child will have some fascinating details to share about this experiment! With the weather warming up, we kindly remind all students to bring a water bottle and their school hat every day. In addition, our Fridays have been filled with pool fun, honing our swimming skills. As we head into Week 8, let's continue this momentum—it's hard to believe we're on the downhill run of the term! Have a fabulous week!
2/3S with Ms Carter
With only a few weeks left of term what a great way to celebrate the year with the Musical. It was fantastic to see student's confidence grow as they danced and sang their way into the spotlight. Our budding scientists delved into the world of static electricity. They discovered the wonders of positively and negatively charged objects through hands-on activities. The class dove into a zesty timekeeping adventure turning lemons into clocks. This activity taught them about conductivity and the incredible power hidden within natural resources.
3J with Miss Muddle
A huge thank you to everyone who helped out or came to watch the Musical last week, the students had an amazing time! Stage 3 have a busy few weeks coming up so keep an eye on the calendar. In Mathematics, we have started reading and interpreting data from different sources and in English we have been reading the novel 'Storm Boy'.
3P with Ms Palmowski
Wow! What an amazing performance last week at the Musical. It was great to see so many smiling faces and the dedication students put into rehearsals and the performance on the night was truly commendable. There are still so many events coming up and the Year 6 students are busy practicing their dance for the Year 6 Farewell. In Mathematics, we are learning about data and graphs. In English we are focusing on making inferences using clues from the text and our background knowledge. Have a great week!
3L with Mrs long
I hope everyone enjoyed the Musical last week. Our students have put a lot of time into rehearsals, I think I have been singing Dancing Queen in my head for weeks. As the term is drawing to a close, the calendar is loading up. There are lots of dates to remember and to write in our diary's, from Year 6 Day Outs to Presentation Day even Year 6 Ringing the Bell. So students don't forget to give your parents/carers all the notes that are being sent home. Goodness there is only one more newsletter for this year after this one!!!
Library/STEM with Miss Donnelly
It has been a busy week this week in the library as we've been doing our stocktake. That means every book has come off the shelves and been scanned to check that it hasn't been lost. This has also been the week that our robots have gone off to another school. However, we've borrowed a new and exciting product to replace it that students will get to start to explore next year.
Stage 3 Leadership Camp
Dungog public school ~ mOvie musical
class samples with 1O & Mrs Olsen
chaplain news - BULLYING
Bullying is when someone deliberately and repeatedly hurts another person. Bullying is never OK. It can harm children and teenagers in the short and long term. Signs of bullying include physical injuries, problems at preschool, school or at home and sadness at preschool, school or at home. Talking and listening with children and teenagers can help you find out more about bullying. Talk to your child about bullying. For more info: