Newry News Friday, 20 December 2024


week 1

  • Friday, 31st January - School Development Day NO STUDENTS

week 2

  • Monday, 3rd February -School Development Day NO STUDENTS
  • Tuesday, 4th February -School Development Day NO STUDENTS
  • Wednesday, 5th February -School Development Day NO STUDENTS
  • Thursday, 6th February - ALL STUDENTS COMMENCE TERM 1

week 3

  • Tuesday, 11th February - VoSS Swimming Carnival @ Mullumbimby Pool Years 3-6

school starts

All students start school on Thursday, 6 FEbruary 2025.

school bytes - excursions and payments 2025

permission notes and payments will be processed through the School Bytes app, therefore there will be no more paper permission notes. Payment will need to be made at the time of signing the digital permission note. The school calendar with important diary dates will also be available for parents to look at on the Parent Portal. Please download the school bytes so you do not miss out on any important information.

voluntary contributions and book packs for 2025

All exercise books will continue to be provided by the school for students. Please see attched a list of stationery items your child will need.

bus passes

If you require a bus pass for your child, click here to apply. Students who currently have a bus passes for Newrybar Public School, need to apply for a new one when they commence Year 3. This is to do with the radius you live from the school, and funding within the Department of Transport.

school Drive Subsidy

If you live where there is limited or no public transport for you child to get to school, you may be eligible for the School Drive Subsidy. For more information or to apply, click here.

whooping cough

Whooping Cough is at it's highest level in 15 years. Please click here for more information including a facts sheet.

goodbye year 6

Wishing our Year 6 students the very best for the next part of their learning journey - high school! We hope you enjoy high school, and don't forget to drop us a line from time to time and let us know how you are going.

k/1 christmas activities

K/1 enjoyed Christmas activities such as blind-folded snow shovelling and many arts and crafts.

2/3 maths

Students enjoyed combining Christmas cheer and mathematical problem solving using candy canes.

presentation night

Thank You to all families who enjoyed presentatio night with us this year.

rainbow roos holiday program

Rainbow Roos will be hosting a free soccer clinic at Newrybar Public School on Friday, 10 January 2025. For more information aand bookings click here.