
22nd March 2024


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Thursday 28th March – Celebrating Together – 1.15pm

Thursday 28th March - Last day of term 1.15pm

Monday 15th April – Return after Easter break

Wednesday 1st May – Class photos

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Tuesday 7th May – Tea & Talk: Year 1 Phonics Screening 8.50am


Dear parents and carers,

This week we have seen some glimmers of spring with children and staff enjoying having the chance to enjoy the fresh air and brighter weather. This has led to the natural wish for a spring clean with a clear out, clean up and declutter. Just like when we get the bug at home. I have the chance to do it at school too but luckily with a willing team to get stuck in. Miss Arnold had the bug too, and with a team of year six children, they dedicated time to areas for the spring season, sweeping leaves away from winter habitats and preparing grounds for the wildflowers and areas to play and learn. They showed a sense of responsibility and applied their knowledge and skills for outdoor learning and environmental science. They loved it and asked to do it again. Well done all! This meant we could start to shape a new wellbeing space and cannot wait to see this develop. We hope to plant herbs and sensory plants in our new planters from the PTA. If you have any off cuts, we would be happy to nurture them and grow them.

Across the academy, we enjoyed the fresh air with the blinds up, doors open with natural light and air in the classrooms. We are so lucky to be near the sea too as the seagulls and birds bring the song of spring too.

Over the last couple of weekends, Mrs Powell has been active participating in the Big Spring Clean and environmental clean ups. Families joined Mrs Powell and other schools on a collaborative litter pick and then Mrs Powell carried out an amazing 12-hour litter pick on Sunday, showcasing every academy value, passion and pure grit! The next morning, she was up and teaching Dune Class. Well done! I was less active, although I took part in the plastic count at home to contribute to the school project over the past week. I was surprised at the number of different plastics that a family of four and a dog can go through.

We continue to renovate the grounds as part of our spring works and look forward to seeing developments when we return from Easter.

We now enter our final week, and I would like to thank you for your continued commitment to attending school every day. I know springtime is when chicken pox also tends to come out too and a sense for chicken pox or scarlet fever is unavoidable. We have four days next week and on Thursday look forward to the afternoon to celebrate learning together. The academy day finished at 1.15pm, however, doors of the classroom will be open and children's work ready for viewing. Your children will be able to show you their books and chat about their learning. Teachers are available too. We hope to see you there.

I wish you all a happy Easter Break and look forward to the final summer term. Where is this year going?

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls


Year 2 beach trip

This week in Year 2, each class has had the chance to go on a fantastic trip to Leigh Beach. We all walked down to the beach in our classes taking in the scenery and looking at all the surroundings. All the children got incredibly excited when they could see the sea! When we got to Leigh Beach, the children took part in three geographical activities. The children checked the beach area to see if it could be awarded a Blue Flag Award, looked for coastal features along the sea wall using their learning to check if the features were a human or a physical geographical feature. During the final activity they got the chance to walk along Old Leigh, seeing which jobs you can do and which activities you can do for fun. All three classes completed all the activities well, enjoying looking around with their friends. Each class ate their lunch on the beach together and got the chance to find shells, play on the beach and build sandcastles. It was a fantastic trip and everyone had lots of fun. We are super proud of the children’s behaviour and even had comments from the public about it!

Visitor to art

The Art room had a visit this week for year 2 from Stacey Williamson-Michie, our local artist and illustrator. Focusing on recycling the children made an Easter craft which made use of many skills, from drawing, cutting, sticking and painting as well as each one creating an individual bunny portrait.

Thank you, Stacey.

Neurodiversity Celebration week

Across the academy we have celebrated ‘Neurodiversity Celebration Week’ . We have celebrated the strengths and talents of people especially those who think and learn differently. We acknowledged their hard work and determination. It also helped us to understand the challenges people can face and the different ways in which we learn. Children showed our rainbow worlds of kindness and also our value of belonging - acceptance to everyone.

The children looked at the strengths of those who have ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia or Tourette Syndrome with some classmates sharing their experiences openly. They learned that some things may be harder or seen differently.

They were inspired by celebrities stories and quotes - knowing that no matter what anyone can achieve excellence.

Baking in Dolphin Bay

This week, the children in Dolphin Bay were treated to an afternoon of baking. They used their measuring skills, mixing skills and most importantly, their tasting skills! Yummy!

Extra-Curricular Clubs – Summer term

Clubs for this term have now ended, with the exception of gymnastics. The new timetable for the summer term is now available for you to view.

You will be able to book your child’s place on an extra-curricular club via their MCAS account from Monday 15th April at 7pm until Wednesday 17th April at 9am. Please ensure that your account is activated, and you can log on ahead of the booking system going live.

If there are two clubs running on the same day that your child may be interested in, please only book one club. This will allow other children the opportunity to secure a space.

If you are interested in your child attending gymnastics, please email If you are interested in your child attending Spanish club, please visit




Jellyfish – 99%


Shrimp – 98.4%


Swordfish – 97.4%


Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379
