Welcome to this week's newsletter
Monday was a very reflective day at Manor. Although it was for a sombre reason, having our whole school community join together in a collective act of remembrance was a heart-warming moment. The organisation from Miss Collier and Mr Cousins (and his Year 11 students) made the event proceed smoothly. The readings from Mr Isaacs and our Head Students Isabella, Lucy and Charlie were thought provoking for all involved. Finally, the Last Post and Reveille, played by Mrs Jarvis and Miss Bishop, was a moving way to finish the ceremony. Our cadets, dressed in full uniform, moving with precision and uniformity was an inspiring sight to see, as was the respectful and considerate approach by all of our students and staff. This collective act of remembrance, shared with our whole community, made me proud to be the Principal of Manor School.
I have once again been into many lessons this week and seen some fabulous student work being produced. Our students should be delighted with the work that they are producing. We continue in our journey of incremental improvements every single day. When I see students who were struggling in June and July are now thriving in lessons, it is an uplifting moment.
I also enjoyed visiting Mr Currell at Raunds Park Infants on Thursday, speaking about how we can support our partner schools with preparing for secondary and using our subject specialist knowledge at Manor to support teaching in KS1 and KS2. I also got to see the choir getting ready for their lunchtime rehearsal. It was lovely to have such a warm welcome and to see the enthusiasm from the students. I look forward to them joining us at Manor in years to come.
We have welcomed some new members of staff over the last few weeks. In Modern Foreign Languages we welcome Miss Agata Jaworska, who will be teaching Spanish primarily, although she can also speak a range of languages, including Portuguese. Mr Joe Perkins joins the humanities team, where he will be teaching geography and culture & ethics. Having had a rich experience in industry working for large companies, his subject knowledge and life experience will really benefit our students, both in humanities and with thinking about the world. Mr Jas Madahar has joined the maths department and as an interim senior leader, supporting with student interventions and curriculum support. Mr Madahar is an experienced teacher who has led maths across a whole multi-academy trust, and senior leader who has support many schools on their improvement journey. He will be teaching Year 9 and Year 10 maths, as well. Finally, Mr Lee Robinson will be joining us as Senior SENDCo, adding capacity to our SEND team. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of effective SEND systems and processes, which we will be using to make changes here at Manor. Both Mr Madahar and Mr Robinson will be with us until the end of the academic year. We warmly welcome all of the aforementioned staff to Manor as part of our community.
Next week I am looking forward to our Sixth Form Open Evening. There will be a short presentation before attendees can speak to subject teachers about the different courses on offer in post-16, as well as seeing the sixth form centre. If you would like to attend, please book a place via the school website - the link will pop up when you visit the homepage.
Have a very good weekend.
Adam Crawte, Interim Principal
Flu vaccinations
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now available either at the upcoming school session or in a clinic setting.
Your school session is due to take place on Wednesday 27 November, and the link will close at 9am on Friday 22 November.
For in-school option: Please submit your child’s e-consent before the deadline. To confirm you have successfully submitted your e-consent an acknowledgment page will be displayed. You will only receive email confirmation with a unique reference code if you have added your email address prior to submitting the form.
For clinic setting option: There is no need to complete the e-consent. Simply call the School Aged Immunisation Service on 0800 170 70 55 Option 5 to book your child’s appointment in one of their countywide clinics.
If you do not wish your child to receive a flu vaccination, please disregard this information as this vaccination will not be offered to any child or young person without parental/guardian consent.
Should you miss the deadline to submit your e-consent, a clinic will be the only option available. No verbal consents will be taken on the phoneline.
Whiteboard pens
You might be aware that students use mini-whiteboards in lessons. We use these to support editing and drafting, and to ensure teachers can check understanding of key knowledge throughout the lesson. Starting from next academic year, we will ask students to bring their own whiteboard (drywipe) pens. Until this time, we will continue to supply these for students, but it would help if they could bring their own pens, if this is possible. Some students have already started to bring in their own drywipe pens and have reported that it speeds up the start of lessons and helps with their independent revision.
For more information on how we use mini whiteboards, please see this presentation.
Year 8 Consultation Evening
Please note that the Year 8 Consultation Evening previously advertised as being held on Thursday 28 November is now taking place on Thursday 13 February. We will share details of how to book appointments closer to the date.
Student sporting success
A huge well done goes to Libby W in Year 10 who at the weekend attended trials for the FA Women’s England Talent Pathway ‘Future Lionesses’ Talent ID Event in the Midlands region. We await news to hear how she got on but by all accounts Libby held her own and worked hard to demonstrate her talent for the game. We will be keeping everything crossed for her, but for now just want to say how proud we are of Libby.
We are also delighted to share the news that Year 13 student Holden W has recently returned from the World Karate & Kickboxing Commission World Championships with two silver medals. Congratulations!
Careers talk
Greatwell Homes is a local housing association where their vision, mission and promise drive everything that they do. They offer apprenticeships at Greatwell Homes which they would like to give an overview of, and would also like to talk to students about their own personal career journeys that began as apprentices and the life skills that being an apprentice has given them. As a local employer, they would also like to talk about the career opportunities that they can provide to local people.
This talk is open to students in Years 11-13. Any students interested in attending need to email Miss Smedley on lsmedley@manor.school.
Extra-curricular timetable
Please note that there will be no badminton club taking place after school on Thursday 21 November.
Community opportunities
Raunds Christmas Market
Created with images by • NewFabrika - Whiteboard marker isolated on white background • vegefox.com - communication speak bubble • Naypong Studio - Sports Equipment on wooden background