San Jose del Cabo by ella

Me gustan mucho los Cabos porque la tierra es hermosa, el océano es perfecto, la gente es amable y los tacos son deliciosos. -Me (Ella)

December 24, 2023

My family boarded the plane to fly to San Jose del Cabo. We try to go there every year if we can, but it's very expensive so usually it's every other year.

Why do we go, you may ask? We go because my mom's uncle and his family live there AND because it is awesome. They have lived there for almost 20 years. They run a business called Cabo Outfitters. They take tourists out to go sea kayaying, hiking, and my favorite-- they work with an agency down there to help protect sea turtles. It's pretty cool that my family is a bunch of conservationists. Whenever we go down there, we get to release baby sea turtles. They:

  • check the beaches every day
  • make sure any eggs are moved to a fenced area so birds and dogs (!!) don't get them
  • collect them in the afternoon/evening and go release them on a safe beach with fewer seagulls.

Uncle Casey says it helps more and more of them live than ever before. Some still get eaten or don't make it, but it helps. I like helping.

My Dad

This year, my dad decided to do something really... not smart. He is THIRTY TWO YEARS OLD and he tried to go surfing for the first time. Not only that, but he did it on a surfing beach that's made for like, professionals. It's called La Playa Cerritos.

Anyways, picture this: it's Christmas Day and my dad goes out surfing with my mom's cousin's 16 year old boyfriend while. the rest of us look at tidepools (me and my grandpa Kurt) or read on the beach (grandma) or wrestle my little brother (mom).

All of a sudden, my dad emerges from the ocean and his whole face, from his nose to his belly button, is BRIGHT RED. I think my mom almost fainted she was so scared. After Uncle Casey and my mom checked my dad for neck injuries and stuff, we all piled back into our rental car and went to a HOSPITAL.

Fast forward to the next day, we finally hear back from the hospital and we find out that dad broke the cartilage in his nose. But otherwise... he's fine. He's SO lucky he didn't get more hurt.

(the photo to the right is NOT actual footage of my dad, he did not get up on his board because he fell and smashed his face on the ocean floor)

Favorite Foods

My favorite thing that I ate during our trip was tacos. Most specifically, tacos from La Taqueria Paisa, the best taco restaurant in the entire world (my opinion). My favorite type of tacos that I get there are asada (steak) and chicken (pollo). My parents tease me because they say the best one is pastor (bbq pork), but it's just too much sauce flavor for my taste buds.

We also had really delicious fresh juices AND helado, which means ice cream in Spanish. I used to be in the dual language program at school so my parents made me talk in Spanish a LOT during this trip. I remembered more than I thought I knew, though, which was kind of a fun surprise. My favorite ice cream flavor on this trip was peanut butter. My sister loved bubble gum. My little brother loved literally anything that had lots of color. He doesn't say no to ice cream. Neither do I, actually.

I wish I could have stayed in Cabo forever. It was a really amazing trip and I can't wait to go back soon to see our family again. But instead, I had to go back to real life and to school. But one thing that is good about coming home was that I got to see my two dogs and my fish tank... and my friends at school, too :) Okay, bye!