Thank you 2023-24 Gold Sponsors!
Thank you 2023-24 Silver Sponsors
About Mary Poppins JR
Welcome to the Meriden Youth Theatre at the YMCA’s 16th Main Stage Spring Production! Please note that video and audio recording is prohibited. Please keep your phones away during the show, as bright screens are distracting to others.
Musical Numbers
- Prologue
- Cherry Tree Lane
- The Perfect Nanny
- Practically Perfect
- A Spoonful of Sugar
- Precision and Order
- Feed the Birds
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Playing the Game/Chim Chim Cheree
- 15 Minute Intermission
- Brimstone and Treacle
- Step in Time
- Anything Can Happen
- Goodbye Then, Mary
- Finale
Join MYT for summer camp: MTC '24
Meet the cast!
Raelynn Ferguson
Mary Poppins (Saturday 11)
Raelynn is a 5th grader at Parker Farms. This is her 7th show with MYT (Fiddler on the Roof, North Pole’s Got Talent, Guys & Dolls, Winnie the Pooh, Finding Nemo, Sister Act). Raelynn also sings, dances, serves on student council, and was anchor for the schools news broadcast. Raelynn would like to thank her fellow cast for a great show and friendship. She thanks the MYT directors for trusting her with a big role and for their constant commitment to the program. She also thanks her voice coach, Amity Wahl, for always helping her. Lastly, she thanks her friends and family for being her cheerleaders.
Amelie Haddad
Winifred Banks (Saturday 11)
This will be Amelie’s third production with MYT, and she is having so much fun singing, acting, and learning her dances. She performed in WINNIE THE POOH and played Smokey in ONCE ON A HOUSETOP. Amelie loves singing, roller blading, playing outside, and doing arts and crafts. She is a 4th grader at Slate School in North Haven.
Olivia Clarke
Michael Banks (Sat 2)
Olivia Clarke is filled with excitement as she embarks on her new journey with the MYT, assuming the role of Micheal. Since the age of six, she has actively immersed herself in numerous theatrical performances, bringing to life a diverse range of characters such as Matilda in MATILDA Jr, Star to Be, July in ANNIE, and Portia in CINDERELLA. Not only has she graced the stage as an actor, but she has also showcased her musical talents by playing the ukulele. She extends her heartfelt gratitude to family and friends for their constant support and expresses a special appreciation to the MYT crew.
Ray Sanders
Mary Poppins (Sat 2)
Whether it’s performing, stage crew, or working with the Rising Stars kids, Ray loves being part of MYT! Favorite MYT roles include Madame (CINDERELLA), Squidward (SPONGEBOB THE MUSICAL), Cruella (DESCENDANTS), Ryan (HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 JR), Andrea (ONCE ON THIS ISLAND JR), and Mulan (MULAN JR). Meriden Schools: Ariel (THE LITTLE MERMAID JR), Babkak (ALADDIN JR), Dorothy (WIZZARD OF OZ JR), and Scott (DEAR EDWINA JR). Ray studies theatre at Education Center for the Arts in New Haven.
Katherine Sanders
Robertson Ay (Sat 2)
Katherine loves all things “theatre” and is most happy when performing or working stage crew. Her favorite MYT roles so far are Marlin in FINDING NEMO JR and Lavender in MATILDA, but she also had a great time as Mary Stephen (SISTER ACT JR), Herbert (JUNIE B JONES JR), Sponge (JAMES AND THE GIAN PEACH JR.), Young Anna (FROZEN JR.), and Annie (ANNIE JR). Last month she had the time of her life swimming around as Dory (FINDING NEMO JR) at Edison Middle School.
Lily Sanders
Mrs Corry (Sun 2)
Lily was born to be on stage. Whether playing Mary Lazarus (SISTER ACT JR) or Edgar (ARISTOCATS KIDS) she just loves playing roles with sass and attitude. She also loved being Benny (GUYS AND DOLLS JR), Jack Frost (NORTH POLE’S GOT TALENT), Christopher Robin (WINNE THE POOH), Yente (FIDDLER ON THE ROOF JR), Young Elsa (FROZEN JR), and Star to Be (ANNIE JR). Next month Lily will be chasing orphans as Miss Hannigan in ANNIE KIDS at Israel Putnam Elementary in Meriden.
Jessica Rybak
Katie Nanna (Fri 7)
Jessica has performed in many MYT productions including but not limited to The Descendants, SpongeBob, Elf, and Guys and Dolls. She loves the MYT tribe and its inclusivity and kindness. She has performed in many other musicals with YPPCA and Paperhouse Productions including but not limited to Beauty and the Beast, Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, and Shrek.
Kylie Rybak
Miss Andrew (Fri 7)
Kylie loves music and especially musicals! She loves the staff and her friends at MYT and her time spent with them. She has performed in many productions with MYT including but not limited to Frozen, Fiddler on the Roof, Wizard of Oz, Matilda, Cinderella, and Guys and Dolls. She has previously performed in many musicals with YPPCA and Paperhouse Productions including but not limited to Shrek, Mulan, Mary Poppins, and the Wizard of Oz.
Kara Starkey
Mary Poppins (Sun 6)
Kara is a Freshman at North Haven High School and The Educational Center for the Arts in New Haven, studying Theater. This will be her 10th production with MYT! Some of her favorite roles include Maleficent in DESCENDANTS, Sergei in MATILDA and most recently Dragon in SHREK JR (Blue Fire Stage Company) She is so excited for her role as Mary! In addition to MYT, Kara is an active member of The Whitney Players Theater Company in Hamden, and has danced for 11 years, presently with En Lair Studio of Dance in North Haven. She thanks MYT for another positive and amazing experience.
Catherine (Katie) Jones
Miss Andrew (Sat 11)
Katie is a 5th grader at Pond Hill school. She is thrilled to be a part of MARY POPPIN'S JR. This is Katie's 2nd show with MYT. She recently played Sr. Mary Patrick in SISTER ACT JR. Katie has enjoyed making new friends and learning new skills at MYT. Katie's other roles include; Charlie Bates in OLIVER, Nigel in FINDING NEMO JR. and Manal in ALADDIN JR. Katie is on her schools student council and debate team, and she enjoys competitive cheer and being with friends. She would like to say good luck to everyone in the show. She would also like to thank the MYT staff for all of their hard work.
Eveline Jones
Bird Woman's Daughter (Sat 11)
Evie is in 3rd grader at Pond Hill School. MARY POPPIN'S JR. is Evie's 2nd preformance with MYT. She was a shepheard/narrator in ONCE ON A HOUSETOP, and has had a wonderful time participating in MYT. Her other roles include Pearl from FINDING NEMO JR. and a bigger in ALADDIN JR. Evie enjoys singing and dancing on the stage. In her spare time Evie plays soccer and is a girl scout. She also takes care of her 13 guinea pigs. Evie would like to say good luck to everyone in MARY POPPIN'S JR. and give a huge thank - you to the MYT staff for all of their hard work in making this show great!
Evan DesSureault
Michael Banks (Sat 7)
Evan is a 7th grader at McGee Middle School in Berlin who is in his 2nd year with MYT. His past roles include Augustus Gloop in WILLY WONKA JR, Professor Ray in FINDING NEMO JR and Sweaty Eddie in SISTER ACT JR. He is grateful for the friendships he’s created amongst the MYT family and is looking forward to another successful production!
Malia Bontempi
Jane Banks (Fri 7)
This is Malia's second production at MYT. The role of Sister Mary Roberts in Sister Act, Jr was her favorite so far! Malia loves to write, paint, draw, create, dance, and sing. She is looking forward to many more years of performing and creating!
Olivia Caciopoli
Mrs Brill (Sun 2)
This is Olivia’s first production at MYT. Other favorite roles were Simba in LION KING JR (Dodd Middle School) and Gill in FINDING NEMO JR (Doolittle Elementary). Olivia has been dancing since she was two and enjoys playing the violin. She is so excited to be performing for the first time on stage with her life long friends Cali and Austin. She thanks the entire cast, crew and staff for such an amazing experience!
Olivia - We are so excited that you get to be a part of such an amazing group! We can’t wait to see you shine on stage. We love you and are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Sevro and Darrow
Maddy O'Connell
Bird Woman (Sat 11)
Maddy began her theatrical career by hitting the ground running and playing Annie in ANNIE, JR. at DAG Middle School in February 2023. Most recently, she played Oaken in FROZEN, JR. This will be Maddy's third production with MYT (Kai in FINDING NEMO, JR. and Sister Mary Theresa in SISTER ACT, JR.) Maddy enjoys being on stage, but equally enjoys watching her friends and fellow thespians perform. She's so grateful for the opportunity to be part of this talented group, but especially appreciative to Cali Ruhe and her mom, Maureen (forever Miss Jenn) for the endless support.
Olivia Kingsland
Winifred Banks (Sun 2)
Liv is a freshman at Platt High School. MARY POPPINS will be her 8th show with MYT. Some of the previous roles she’s played include Harry the Horse in GUYS AND DOLLS JR, Mrs.Puff in SPONGEBOB, Medda-Larkin in NEWSIES JR (Lincoln Middle School), and Lennox in MACBETH (Platt Theatre). Liv is very excited to play Winifred Banks and is happy to be a part of this amazing show. She’s looking forward to more!
Maddie Kingsland
Northbrook (Sun 2)
This is Maddie's 4th show with MYT. She is loving it so far and cannot wait for more exciting shows! Maddie has had so much fun making new friends, learning new things, meeting new people every show, and making new connections every spring and winter. Her favorite part about MARY POPPINS JR. is that she learned to tap solely for this show. Maddie loves this production and hopes everyone enjoys watching it as much as she enjoys performing it.
Quinn Carson
Miss Andrew (Sun 2)
Quinn Carson is a twelve-year-old girl who loves to play the piano, clarinet, and harmonica, as well as sing and act. Some of Quinn's favorite roles include Nicki in THE MITTEN, Dorothy in WIZARD OF OZ JR, Bruce, the chocolate cake eating rebel in MATILDA JR, and presently, Mary Poppins in MARY POPPINS JR, all at St. Luke Catholic School. Quinn was excited to join The Arts of Angeloria's recent MIRACLE ON 34th STREET cast, and her MYT opportunities as Miss Andrew and a member of the Park Goers ensemble in MARY POPPINS JR continue to motivate her to pursue acting as a potential career.
Jamie Baribault
Winifred Banks (Sun 6)
Jamie is a junior at Southington High School and is a huge theater fan. She has been in many shows including, THE LIGHTNING THIEF THE PERCY JACKSON MUSICAL (Warner Theatre Summer Arts Program), THE LITTLE MERMAID AND LEGALLY BLONDE (Southington High School Drama Club), FROZEN JR (Southington Youth Summer Theater), THE LION KING JR. (Flanders School Drama Club), and many others. She is very excited to be participating in her sixth MYT production, MARY POPPINS JR., with her friends and can't wait for you to see the show that everyone has worked so hard on.
Aislinn McLaughlin
Michael Banks (Sat 11)
This is Aislinn's fifth production at MYT (Little Ash in ONCE ON A HOUSETOP). Aislinn is a first grader at Thomas Hooker Elementary School and loves her class and learning. She also enjoys dance, softball, skiing and especially performing on stage! She thanks the staff at MYT for teaching her all she knows about performing, and her parents, sister, and extended family for their love and support.
Lucy Danielson
Jane Banks (Sun 2)
This is Lucy’s third theater production, but her first performance with MYT. Lucy is 10 years old and is in 4th grade. She plays lacrosse and cheers for the town of Cheshire. Her former theater roles include playing Pepper in Annie JR and a Scottie Terrier in 101 Dalmatians. Lucy would like to thank all of the staff, cast and crew at MYT for making her experience so memorable and fun! She looks forwarded to participating in many more MYT shows in the future!
Austin Ruhe
Michael Banks (Sat 11)
Austin is making his MYT Main Stage debut as Michael Banks after appearing as Sebastian in last summer’s Rising Stars Workshop Performance. When not on stage Austin is often seen dominating the basketball court and playing Wallingford Little League. Having been a fan of MYT for the past 5 years, Austin is excited to be joining his big sister Cali and his buddy Livy on stage! Austin would like to thank Lucy for being the *second* best sister, all of his new theatre friends, and the staff- especially his Mom for making this “the absolute best.”
Cali Ruhe
Mary Poppins (Sun 2)
This will be Cali’s 13th production at MYT! She has most recently been seen as Sister Mary Lazarus in SISTER ACT, and Dory in FINDING NEMO JR. Other favorite roles include Anna in FROZEN, and Auntie Spiker in JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, just to name a few. Cali is most excited to be sharing the stage with her lifelong besties Livy and Maddy and her little brother Austin (Michael Banks.) Thank you to all of my MYT peeps and the staff- especially my mom- for making this show Practically Perfect in Every Way!
Amelia Galema
Bert (Sat 11)
This will be Amelia’s ninth production at MYT. Some of her favorite performances include FROZEN (Bulda), NORTH POLE’S GOT TALENT (Mistletoe), and ARISTOCATS (Amelia). Amelia wants to become a therapist when she grows up. Amelia’s involved basketball, softball, math league, bass guitar, and of course theater! Amelia loves being a part of MYT.
Jaxon Cassidy
George Banks (Sun 2)
This will be Jaxon's 13th production at MYT! Some favorite past MYT roles have included Hans in FROZEN, Tevye in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, Bruce in MATILDA, and Doug in DESCENDANTS. He also volunteers in MYT’s CIT program during the summer at Mountain Mist Day Camp. Jax splits his time as a freshman at both Maloney High School and the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Half-day Program studying Musical Theater. Jax would like to thank the cast, crew, and staff for all their hard work and dedication in making this another great MYT show!
Elyse Whitten
Jane Banks (Sun 6)
This will Be Elyse's 4th Show with MYT! Her first role was in Fall of 2022 as the Snow Queen in NORTH POLE'S GOT TALENT. For her next show she was in the Hot Box girl ensemble for GUYS & DOLLS. In her fall 2023 performance she was cast as Sister Mary Irene in SISTER ACT JR. And for the Spring 2024 show MARY POPPIN'S JR. Elyse has been cast as Jane Banks for Sundays 6pm performance. Elyse is 10 year's old and absolutely loves musical theatre and performing on stage! Her biggest ambition is to one day go to the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale University!
Priscilla Baldwin
Mary Poppins (Sat 7)
Priscilla has been in/worked on more than 50 MYT productions. She’s played roles such as Marie (RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN'S CINDERELLA) and Sarah (GUYS AND DOLLS). She is a senior at Maloney and has been in many Props & Paints productions as well. Her roles include Madame Thenardier (LES MIS) and Angie Dickinson (PROM). She teaches dance at United Rhythms Dance Studio. Priscilla thanks the MYTeam for inspiring her to be the person she is and for all the hard work they’ve put into each show, especially this one. She is excited to play Mary Poppins for her final spring show and hopes you love it!
Julia Skrzyniarz
Mrs Brill (Fri 7)
Julia is excited to play the part of Mrs. Brill! She is a senior at Maloney High School. Her most recent roles include Mrs. Greene in THE PROM (Maloney High School), Charlotte in CINDERELLA (MYT), and Cassidy in RUMORS (Maloney High School). Julia has been a member of MYT for many years and is grateful to the staff, cast, and crew for their hard work and dedication to the program.
Nolan Lederman
George Banks (Fri 7)
Nolan began his MYT journey at age 6, playing Tiny Tim in JINGLE JURY. Throughout his time with MYT he has played a variety of parts like Captain Hook in PETER PAN JR, Hansel in A FAIRYTALE CHRISTMAS, Michael in ELF JR, Pumba in THE LION KING JR, Pooh's Tummy in Winnie the Pooh KIDS, Louis in THE KING AND I, Perchik in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF JR and many others. He is excited to play George Banks! Nolan would like to thank all of the MYT staff for providing a friendly, welcoming community where kids can grow and become their best selves.
Adella Zagrobelny
Bird Woman (Sun 2)
Adella is a 6th grader at Kennedy Middle School. This is her second performance with MYT (Disco Diva in SISTER ACT JR). Adella has also been a part of SEUSSICAL JR in 5th grade at her elementary school. Besides theater, Adella loves gymnastics, hanging out with her friends, spending time with family and shopping. Adella hopes you enjoy the show and she thanks everyone for their support and encouragement!
Isabella DiFronzo
Miss Smythe (Fri 7)
This is Isabella's first performance with MYT. Previously she was a storyteller in JFK's Middle School production of MATILDA in 2023. She also worked set construction for JFK's performance SCHOOL OF ROCK in 2022. She is now a freshman at Southington High School, loves performing arts, and is a lacrosse player. She is so happy to be part of the MYT family and is having a blast!
Sofia DiFronzo
Bird Woman's Daughter (Fri 7)
This is Sofia's 2nd production with MYT. She was Mary Monica in SISTER ACT in Fall 2023. She has also danced at Apogee Dance Academy for 3 years. She loves the performing arts and is thrilled to be part of the MYT family.
Connor Henri
Honeybee & Tap Sweep
This will be Connor’s first performance with MYT. Connor is currently in first grade, and has been working so hard practicing for the performance. He’s grateful for all of the wonderful teachers and staff at MYT!
Connor, we could not be more excited for you! You are a star, both on and off the stage. We love you and are so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Brian & Owen
Lily dela Chevrotiere
Jane Banks (Sat 2)
This will be Lily’s 12th show with MYT. Elsa in FROZEN, Hodel in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, Sarah Brown in GUYS AND DOLLS, and Thomas O’Malley in ARISTOCATS. This production is extra special to Lily because Mary Poppins was her first musical at 4yo. She had wanted the role of Jane but was too young. If 4yo Lily could see herself now, she would feel victorious! She would like to thank her family and friends for always supporting her and coming to her shows. She sends a special thank you to her voice teacher, Amity, and her acting coach, Sajag, for their guidance and expertise.
Cast Lists
Spring Show History
- 2024: Mary Poppins JR
- 2023: Guys and Dolls JR
- 2022: Fiddler on the Roof JR
- 2020: The Music Man JR
- 2019: Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat
- 2018: The Lion King JR
- 2017: Annie JR
- 2016: The King & I
- 2015: Godspell JR
- 2014: Guys and Dolls JR
- 2013: G2K Oklahoma!
- 2012: Beauty and the Beast JR
- 2011: Willy Wonka JR
- 2010: The Music Man JR
- 2009: Fiddler on the Roof JR
- 2008: Annie JR
MYT Staff
- Nich Palumbo (director and choreography)
- Joe Oblon (technical and music direction)
- Lindsay Porter (choreography and direction)
- Carolyn Daniels (costume design and direction)
- Cessa Fontanez (assistant director)
- Maureen Ruhe (music direction)
- Jalina Secchiaroli (direction and props)
Additional Credits
- Kitchen and Nursery sets, Merry-go-round Horses from Paperhouse Productions (Durham CT)
- Bank Teller Windows created and built by Amiee Sobkowiak
- Plinth built by Hanover Stage and painted by Kiera Flynn
- Rooftops and parlor constructed and decorated by Joe Oblon, Nich Palumbo, Carolyn Daniels, Lindsay Porter, and Jalina Secchiaroli
- Select costumes rented from the Warner Theater. Costumes designed and managed by Carolyn Daniels.
- Technical run crew: Paiton Destefano, Nicholas Cruz, Maureen Ruhe, and Joe Oblon
- Deck run crew: Cessa Fontanez, Lindsay Porter, Jalina Secchiaroli, and Robyn Demarco
- Projections designed by Rick Frendt Theatrical Projectiosn LLC. Projection mapping and lighting designed by Joe Oblon
- Park Painting by Priscilla Baldwin
Special Thanks To
- Robyn Demarco for helping us with accents and stage crew
- Sam Centurelli (MYT Alumni) for helping with our Honeybees backstage
- Families who donated concession items
- Parents for volunteering to run the lobby
- Kiera Flynn for teaching dance technique and painting
- Cathy DiFronzo and Cherylann Jones for our Star Gram Boards
- Kendra Henderson, Luke Henderson, Brian Cyr, Mike Groves, Erin Lyons-Barton, Freddie Santiago, and Meriden Public Schools for welcoming us to Edison Middle School and supporting the Arts in Meriden
- The entire custodial staff at Edison Middle School
- The Meriden YMCA
A note from the Technical Director
Back in 2017, Carolyn and I went to see Mary Poppins at St. Paul's High School. It was Nich's senior year and he was playing Robertson Ay. As expected, the show had all the Broadway magic required to bring Mary Poppins to life. But once the show ended, we turned to each other and said "we are never doing this show."
In 2017, our program was not ready for a big lift like Mary Poppins. We didn't have the facilities or space to build the required scenery - the parlor, kitchen, nursery, park, bank, cathedral steps, letter shop, and rooftop.
But 7 years later - we are ready! But we couldn't have done it alone! MYT has a great partnership with the Meriden Public Schools, providing costumes and props to most of the district's shows this year. We are thankful to Luke, Kendra, Freddie, Erin, Brian, and the entire team at Edison for allowing us to build the set on the stage over the last few weeks.
We are also thankful for the partnership with our friends at PaperHosue Productions in Durham for letting us borrow the magical kitchen set, nursery set pieces, and the Merry Go Round horses (thanks Heather, Karen, and Julia)! And finally to Amiee Sobkowiak for volunteering to build all our Bank teller windows.
As Carolyn always says "teamwork makes the dreamwork" and "sharing is caring." We appreciate the great partnerships we have - and how together we are growing musical theater in Meriden and surrounding areas - whether that be here at MYT, school productions, or other local community theaters. MYT is honored to be a part of it all!
Enjoy the magic,
Joe Oblon
Director's Note
The key to what makes the MYT Spring shows so special is the “togetherness” of it all. It is our opportunity to incorporate our students all ages from our Kindergartners to our High schoolers in one large cast that works together to learn from each other and create strong friendships. Our “togetherness” this year looked a little different with a full cast of 163 students and so we adjusted to create 6 casts within 2 separate groups. Although this decision was difficult as it was different than our past years, I believe that our casts each were able to develop really strong bonds with each other. Mary Poppins is a show all about family, it is all about the ups and downs that you experience together. The best part about these past few months has been getting to watch all of these families form on and off stage. Whether it was specific in the cast list who your family was (like a Jane, Michael, Winifred, and George) or a naturally developed family bond between cast members of similar roles and groupings, every student found a place where they belonged and could create long lasting memories with. I am immensely proud of every cast member and their hard work to put on a Practically Perfect show about what it means to be in a family, but I am even prouder of seeing the MYT family come together to help one another backstage throughout the rehearsal process and shows in what would be very difficult to do alone. Lastly, I would like to dedicate this show to my own family, particularly my mom. I remember talking to her about was how excited I was to work with such a large group, but also saying I didn’t know how I was going to manage especially with everything that was happening at the time, it seemed almost impossible. My mom repeated to me the words she always said whenever I need encouragement, a twist on Mary Poppins’ own “Anything can let happen if you let it”. She would tell me “Anything can happen if you put your mind to it”, and so I put everything I could into this show for her and I know she’d be so proud of the result. Thank you to the MYTeam and all of our cast members for making this show so special and by supporting me through it all.
Nich Palumbo