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Last Assembly Olympics

Students react during the last Pep Assembly of the year at the end of a game, led by Justin Temple and Kaden Rolfness. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Senior JoAnn Laning and team prepare for the table surfing competition. Laning and her teammates won the competition. Photo by Sandra Coyer

Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Junior Yell Leader Grant Huson reacts to the junior song during a class competition. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Seniors prepare to take on sophomores and juniors during the song competition in the Olympics Pep Assembly. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

In a moment reminiscent of Let's Make A Deal, assembly MCs Temple and Rolfness call out random items and if students had the item they were to run down to the floor of the gym to collect their prize. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Junior Colin Boileau and senior Brandon Harris raced to show their item during the "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" game during the assembly. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Senior Brandon Harris walks to get his prize from Leadership teacher Jamie Mooring during the "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" game during the assembly. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Junior Margo Hermann calmly walks to the gym floor to get her prize during "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" because she was wearing Crocs. Photo by Sandra Coyer.

Leadership teacher Jamie Mooring gets ready to present a winner their award during "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme". Photo by Sandra Coyer.
